MLBTS 20 Historic Rosters
Whoops! My bad. Didnt look at your alltime list I was so excited about new roster, 1990 A's great choice. 2007 Rockies my choice. Can't wait.
@PeuswahBoy said in MLBTS 20 Historic Rosters:
@biebig2010 said in MLBTS 20 Historic Rosters:
I finished the HISTORIC ROSTER 1900-1929 and uploaded it to the vault.
Note: I ended up creating the 1912 Giants instead of the 1905 Giants.
I'm going to create one more roster for this version of MLBTS. It will be the HISTORIC ROSTER 1900-2019 and will include the top team / most famous team for each franchise between 1900-2019. The following teams will be included:
BAL 1970
BOS 2004
NYY 1927
TB 2008
TOR 1992CWS 1919
CLE 1954
DET 1984
KC 1985
MIN 1991HOU 2017
LAA 2002
OAK 1990
SEA 2001
TEX 2010ATL 1995
MIA 1997
NYM 1986
PHI 2008
WASH/MON 1994CHC 1906
CIN 1975
MIL 1982
PIT 1909
STL 1967ARI 2001
COL 2007
LAD 1955
SD 1998
SF 1954Dude these rosters are amazing to a baseball nerd like myself. I haven't messed around with any custom rosters yet myself, so this might be a dumb question.
The Darryl Strawberry on the 86 Mets...does he look like Darryl?
Yes, I think it looks fairly close to Darryl. When you see him batting or fielding from a distance it looks like him and when you see his face close up it looks fairly decent.
@macdonald433 said in MLBTS 20 Historic Rosters:
Whoops! My bad. Didnt look at your alltime list I was so excited about new roster, 1990 A's great choice. 2007 Rockies my choice. Can't wait.
There was some really, really, really tough choices to make.
The Yankees for example. I was torn between the 1927 Yanks and the 1998 Yanks. It was tough to leave behind the 1939 Yanks and the 1961 Yanks as well.
Boston was another tough choice. I really like the 1946 team and the 1975 team but I went with the 2004 team because they broke the curse of the Bambino.
San Francisco, St Louis, Pittsburgh, Wash/Mon, and Oakland also presented some really tough choices.
86 mets vs 69 mets another tough one. I'm really thrilled with all the choices and can't wait to start my playoffs. Thanx.
I uploaded HISTORIC ROSTER 1900-2010 last night. The roster contains the top team / most famous team for each franchise from 1900-2010. Teams include:
BAL - 1970
BOS - 2004
NYY - 1927
TB - 2008
TOR - 1992
CWS - 1919
CLE - 1954
DET - 1984
KC - 1975
MIN - 1991
HOU - 1986
LAA - 2002
OAK - 1989
SEA - 2001
TEX - 2010
ATL - 1995
MIA - 1997
NYM - 1986
PHI - 2008
WASH/MON - 1994
CHC - 1906
CIN - 1975
MIL - 1982
PIT - 1971
STL - 1967
ARI - 2001
COL - 2007
LAD - 1955
SD - 1998
SF - 1954 -
Thanx biebig. I messed up and lost all my downloads when I thought my ps4 was broken. Fiddled with everything and eventually lost it all. Son came over and fixed. Was just the controller was bad. New controller and all fixed, except I had wiped all the memory. Re-loaded mlb 20 and instantly downloaded all your great rosters and the fantastic new historic roster (holy cow!). One problem. I can't download your alltime greats roster. Tried over and over and it keeps saying file unavailable. All others downladed fine. Anyway you can help? Much appreciated. Your new roster is incredible! Thank you again for everything.
I can look at it sometime this evening. You're the first to mention any problems with it and it's been downloaded a ton since it was originally posted.
I’ll have to check out that 94 Expos team some day, so unfair...
No problem. I AM ENJOYING the new roster!
@macdonald433 said in MLBTS 20 Historic Rosters:
Thanx biebig. I messed up and lost all my downloads when I thought my ps4 was broken. Fiddled with everything and eventually lost it all. Son came over and fixed. Was just the controller was bad. New controller and all fixed, except I had wiped all the memory. Re-loaded mlb 20 and instantly downloaded all your great rosters and the fantastic new historic roster (holy cow!). One problem. I can't download your alltime greats roster. Tried over and over and it keeps saying file unavailable. All others downladed fine. Anyway you can help? Much appreciated. Your new roster is incredible! Thank you again for everything.
I tried downloading my ALL TIME GREATS roster from the Vault and it worked fine. I also see the number of downloads increasing whenever I look so someone is downloading it.
I think you may have some individual technical difficulties that others aren't having.
are you doing mlb the show 21 I would appreciate this work in mlb 21 as the vault don't have much as of right now
I am creating an ALL TIME GREATS roster for MLBTS 21; however, there is no ability to transfer franchise, rosters, or players from 20 to 21 so I have to create all the players again from scratch in 21. Creating thousands of players from scratch is going to take months to do so it will be quite a while before I am done.