This years shark map>last years shark map.
It was way better this year, at least as far as pack luck for me goes.
Dibble and Bench in headliners, Banks in an Elite Ducks round, and 2 Rare Derby rounds netting me Cano and Big Meat Pete. Plus another 20k in quicksells.
Finished Trout, and made some stubs. Hopefully everyone else got some luck too.
CDNMoneyMaker93wrote on Aug 15, 2020, 10:01 AM last edited by CDNMoneyMaker93 Aug 15, 2020, 10:01 AM
Pack luck wasnt as good as yours but did ok made 100k
Jack Flaherty x2
Kentel Marte
Mookie BettsRare round from DoTP
Pulled Bettsx2, Kirby Yates, Kershaw, K Marte, and DJ LeMahieu. All base rounds from HRD and DOTP packs some stubs I guess.
the_dragon1912wrote on Aug 15, 2020, 11:04 AM last edited by the_dragon1912_PSN Aug 15, 2020, 11:07 AM
Every Map we have had this year after the 1st inning>last years shark map. I really don’t know how many times I have to say it
Basically pulled nothing but prospect luzardo from all the packs I’ve got. Still that gives me enough stub for selling everything and Stan, finally finished the Trout collection since the market crash. Thanks SDS
I got elite Chappy plus 2 HRD cards i needed.
Still never get the headliner, despite 7 or 8 packs, though.
Then some others helped with the Trout collection. -
rare round on home run derby that got me... big... meant... PETE. but that is nothing the next best care was a carlos correa
I got Cano in a HRD pack. Grienke in the DotP pack, Kelenic in a prospects pack. Not too bad. That Cano is absolutely insane.
Yea I got base for all packs except one of the prospect packs, sold for 20k. But that was really fun and [censored] load of packs. I wasn’t around last year so this was awesome. Just wish better luck lol
I haven't pulled a headliner in at least my last 50 tries. Got the base round in everything also.
Just finished the shark map. Great rewards. I pulled base everything except I did get Cal Ripken HRD. However, I didn't beat Oakland by the third try, so went back and did that and got Cody Bellinger for the game reward!!! Merry Christmas everyone
I didn’t get squat, except for live series Trevor Story. But I guess getting Trout from the prestige XP path and getting Degrom from a standard pack 2 weeks ago then pulling Arenado 3 days ago evens it out
samguenther1987wrote on Aug 15, 2020, 4:01 PM last edited by samguenther1987_PSN Aug 15, 2020, 4:10 PM
I don't know where my luck came from yesterday but i got the
Rare round for the prospect set 1 pack
Rare round for HRD set 1 (Cespides sold him)
Rare round for HRD set 2 (Ripken kept him)
Later in the evening out of a TA pack got Arenado)With all my luck i managed to add Ripken, SS Chapman and Awards Trout and still have 250k which is where i started the day.
My pack luck was trash. Not to complain on Free or 5K in stubs but this was a little overrated.
At least I got some entertainment between PGA or Apex. Gameplay is still horrendous online. Hopefully, this gets addressed in the next release. Offline content does keep this game above water for the time being.
I get frustrated, All the Ducks packs I've opened I've never pulled more than base, never pulled a headliner, only diamonds I've pulled have been pretty low. The only "luck" I've had is when I bought a few of the bundles with the pack sale, but I pretty much just hit the %, just got better cards which helped me knock out Mantle.
In order for some people to run like god you need a lot of people to get pretty unlucky. I would figure though with all the hours I've played and packs I've opened I'd pull some better cards. I keep hoping to pull a Chapman but always end up selling duplicate base rounds, and with all of the Ducks packs you can earn I really don't feel like paying for him.
Base everything and silver and golds. Must be nice.
These posts late in the year make me lose interest in the game. Not sure how this stuff can be so lopsided. I know people that have 4-5 million stubs and have pulled Trout multiple times and 90+ diamonds weekly.
I’ve barely pulled anything all year. I’m over it.
I got 1 diamond, Tatis, in a Ballin' pack. Did get rare round on one of the prospects packs, and HRD packs. Sold them because I had them already. I had no stubs when I started the map, ended up with 132k, was able to buy SS Chapman for 119k when his price dipped.
Long live the Shark Map!
Loved the map. Headliners also suck for me. I got an elite HDR Stanton and a LS Verlander so both of those guys got me close to 200k. Bought a whole bunch of cards for TA exchanges. And no beachball pack meant Hornsby went up in price. No complaints here.
Base round and golds for me
@allmustfall16 said in This years shark map>last years shark map.:
Base everything and silver and golds. Must be nice.
These posts late in the year make me lose interest in the game. Not sure how this stuff can be so lopsided. I know people that have 4-5 million stubs and have pulled Trout multiple times and 90+ diamonds weekly.
I’ve barely pulled anything all year. I’m over it.
I pulled Trout 6 times in 5 weeks, twice in 12 hours. All in April. Prior to this year, I hadn't pulled as much as a hamstring. One of these years you'll get the luck.