Serious problem with hornsby
@SchnauzerFace said in Serious problem with hornsby:
@PapaBaboo721 said in Serious problem with hornsby:
What do I do?
Kill the Batman.
um, that's a bad idea. just saying.
One mistake that I see people make year in year out is play guys in their line up who they suck with. Ratings and overalls are just numbers. I would play an 85 over a 99 if I'm just that much better with the 85, it's a confidence thing as well. If he's not working for you, remove him from your line up and use someone who you do well with instead.
@chewy502 said in Serious problem with hornsby:
Good to see it isn’t just me. I am looking long and hard at selling him today and a few others in struggling with that others seems to love.
Red Didi is the goat at 2B , plays twice as good as ol roger
Last year was my worst hitter for the longest time and he ended up top 3. But always felt vanilla.
He’s got a seriously long swing. If you wait it out and sit fastball, make sure you swing early and you’ll catch up to it. Don’t get anxious with him because his stats are good. Wait it out until there’s a good pitch.
@lucas8181 said in Serious problem with hornsby:
Attributes don't mean much, it all comes down to your timing window, and the cards swing speed. If you are used to guys with a similar timing window, then you throw in someone with a completely different timing window, of course you won't hit well with them.
If you're a guy that does well with Panda/Cutch/Brock/Blackmon swings, Hornsby will be too slow, and you'll end up being just late, making weak contact.
If you ARE that guy, sell him and get Robert. You'll mash with his swing.
I’m in the same boat with Rollins. I want to like him but I suck with him
If you suck with him then sell him. Don’t just play someone because he’s highly rated. Know who my best hitter is? Matt Wieters....I’ve hit more homers with him since I got him than Mantle, Sheffield or Chipper. Couldn’t tell you why, I just do. That’s how you gotta build your team - With players YOU are good with.
I am in the same boat. Can’t hit with him. Want to love him, the card looks awesome and I am a Cards fan but I am about to give up. I will be earning Sandberg before too long.
Mines is Reggie,by far my easiest out,he's not even on my bench anymore
I have 99 Jackie, 99 Biggio, 99 Wagner and 99 Sandberg. I guarantee when 99 Joe Morgan comes out only Wagner will make my team out of all of them
Hornsby is best 2B in the game and it's not even close. He was worth 10.1 WAR in 1925, he is definitely coded to be awesome. If you are struggling with him, you are probably pressing too much. Try being more patient. I'm guessing you're going after a lot of fringe pitches trying to homer with the guy on every swing.
I sold him too. Didn’t hit a single bomb in 20 AB’s on AS. One of the worst performing cards I’ve used. I’ll stick with my CAP
I’m struggling with him as well. I give my players at least 100 online AB before I get frustrated. Sometimes it takes a while to get used to the timing of the swing. Musial for was hitting .150 after 50 AB now .354. So point is give it sometime