Do you like CAPs?
I don’t hate them as much as I used to since you can’t have a 99 speed catcher anymore, but still don’t like them. I’m fine with people basing them off of a real life player(Victor Martinez for example), but I would rather have it where you actually have to create a batting stance from scratch instead of just putting Mondesi’s swing on a catcher with 100/100/100/100 and diamond fielding and 70 speed.
Personally I dont use it anymore but I don't have a problem with it. I think of it as my own personal Future Stars card. I have the same number of MLB at bats as some of them! (This isnt a bash on FS cards, I love them)
Jon Snow saved us all, now he's enjoying his retirement playing catcher on my DD squad. Good fella, kinda short.
@JaymesTime said in Do you like CAPs?:
How is it realistic to have Trout and Mantle in the same outfield? DD is not a realistic game mode.
“If you want a CAP go play RTTS”
If you want realistic go play franchise.
That's exactly what DD was made for. What if you could play with any of the best players of all time on the same team?
@The_Canuckler said in Do you like CAPs?:
My cap is Mickey scales, I’m the only guy in the world that thinks he can hit.
You used to be able to create 9 caps on your team I believe it was... so there’s that.
Sometimes I wonder what’s less realistic, having Mickey scales as a 2B or having an outfield of Mike Trout, Mickey Mantle and Larry Walker
Billy Heywood thinks he can hit.
@Trevor-Story said in Do you like CAPs?:
My left handed Adam Cimber throwing CAP named Joe Exotic is disgusting.
I had a feeling it was you when I read this.
I have done several this year, but the EASIEST CAP to do is Pitcher. In fact, it literally only took me about two days to finish the entire program start to finish, and it takes less equipment to make them great. Not to mention that you get a SP and RP in the program. The Balanced Closer is the route I went, because it has better control, and I juiced up the K/9 with a good glove, then buy the Axel Grease Ritual as well. Should end up with a 40 stamina., Give him Adam Cimber's delivery (he's a submariner) and you will have a NASTY arm out of the pen. My Dan Quisenberry CAP is awesome.....
I love having a CAP in DD. I used to hate them but with the way they are designed now, they are fine. Not only does it take work to get your CAP up to diamond level and require you to get lucky/buy equipment to make him better...but they are position specific now.
The biggest issue with CAPs in the older versions of the Show was having the 99 overall, max contact/power/speed catcher who could then take the mound as a RP and throw 99 mph fastballs with a funky delivery and a knuckleball. That is what makes CAPs awful.
Nope, no CAP for me. I always make one and never end up using it. I liked it better when you could feed cards into it to power it up.
Eddie Vedder is still "Alive" and well thanks to the CAP option.
@formallyforearms said in Do you like CAPs?:
@JaymesTime said in Do you like CAPs?:
How is it realistic to have Trout and Mantle in the same outfield? DD is not a realistic game mode.
“If you want a CAP go play RTTS”
If you want realistic go play franchise.
That's exactly what DD was made for. What if you could play with any of the best players of all time on the same team?
Yes and I love DD but it’s not realistic either. So the argument that CAPs aren’t realistic is kinda ridiculous.
I enjoy having a CAP. It’s not for everyone tho. If you don’t like it don’t make one.
If you run balanced SS CAP with all the best equipment- it’s the best player in the game. Plus you can have fun with your creation:
#45 Donald Trump is tearing it up for me at SS. Not to mention he gets a lot of free bases online from the liberal kids. -
Nope, never been a fan of the CAP. I play DD to use baseball legends and dope current players, not created players. If i wanted to use a created player, I would play RTTS.
My issue with the CAP is the silliness of the characters that you will see. Rather than using a realistic looking person you get these immature people who still laugh at [censored] jokes making some 4’5 fat player with a handle bar mustache that has 99 speed playing SS and has 110 power. I mean come on that’s just ridiculous.
cant stand caps.
Cons- cheesey and unrealistic
Pros- free player at a position that may be lacking, you can also make your favorite MLB player who is not in the game.I haven't used mine for a month but the Pros outweight the cons. Sorry