7th inning program
It's obvious that they're hinting at a packed Conquest map that will rival the Jeff Samardzija "Shark" map we got last year.
I mean, we just got the Trout Collection dropped... this is their way of making that more attainable. You people come up with some crazy stuff though... lmao
Something in the water=PED’s
3 future stars, lol this board would have a huge internet meltdown. It would be the 2nd time i wouldn't bother to keep my pick. I picked Felix and then sold him.
Gerarado Parra Postseason MVP card
@Son_of_the_Blood said in 7th inning program:
Something in the water=PED’s
You bet. Bonds McGuire and Sosa here we come...
Mobile Alabama is on the water and has several star players from the area. Willie Mays, willie Mcovey, satchel Paige, hank aaron....lol. I’m guessing guys from the same city state or country. Id go with Dominican or maybe DC area.
@EncinoMan_TV said in 7th inning program:
I’ve collected every single boss ... can we stop with the Future Stars already?
Yep me too. 3 of these as bosses and it will be time to move on to my backlog. Looking at you Ghost of Tsushima.
I think they do that to throw people off... I think it means nothing. Also when is signature series Frank Thomas coming he was my favorite card last year
It'll be legends with the first name Jesus. These guys walked on water! Lol
You guys are setting yourselves up for disappointment with this shark map.
@maskedgrappler said in 7th inning program:
You guys are setting yourselves up for disappointment with this shark map.
I seriously could not agree with you more. Most overrated piece of content in MLB the show history by a wide margin
Love some of these theories like "Somethings in the Water..... WATER???? Bryce Harper drinks Water.... WERE GETTING 99 Bryce Harper!!!"
@nflman2033 said in 7th inning program:
3 future stars, lol this board would have a huge internet meltdown. It would be the 2nd time i wouldn't bother to keep my pick. I picked Felix and then sold him.
Lol...yeah...that inning was rough.
@Gbobnick said in 7th inning program:
@Son_of_the_Blood said in 7th inning program:
Something in the water=PED’s
You bet. Bonds McGuire and Sosa here we come...
This would be AWESOME
You want Future Stars??? I got your 7th Inning Future Stars
FS Eric Van Leemer 97 Overall
FS Bo Gentry 94 (125 Power from LH Pitchers on Fast Balls - 0 Contact 0 Power on Curve Balls)
FS Billy "Downtown" Anderson 98 -