at this point in the year, what's your RS record?
I suck so bad lately. I don’t care what my record is, I’m only as good as my last game.
And being that I’ve lost my last three ranked games on HoF, my last three Event games on AS, and can only win when I play my Franchise mode on Legend, I’m about ready quit this game as far as online goes.
Slumps are frustrating af, and with the Trout MVP as the Holy Grail card, it won’t be hard to quit DD.
I hope all is well with you, buddy.
@biscodisco said in at this point in the year, what's your RS record?:
I haven’t played much dealing with the joys of chemotherapy but I have been trying to get back at it lately. I’m 40-28 overall I believe.
I feel ya buddy. I had chemo last Thuraday but still played some games even in the chemo fog/haze. W joy it too much. Well wishes to you!
@NCStateHokie said in at this point in the year, what's your RS record?:
@biscodisco said in at this point in the year, what's your RS record?:
I haven’t played much dealing with the joys of chemotherapy but I have been trying to get back at it lately. I’m 40-28 overall I believe.
I feel ya buddy. I had chemo last Thuraday but still played some games even in the chemo fog/haze. W joy it too much. Well wishes to you!
And same to you. Keep fighting!
83-53. Very run if the mill
About 415-315, give or take. I’m way behind my usual pace due to various real life things though.
152-119. I'd say with at least 30 rage quits lol
@biscodisco said in at this point in the year, what's your RS record?:
Thanks guys for the support, seriously. This is actually my second fight vs cancer in the last 8 years but I’ll come out on top again. As frustrating as The Show can be at times it really does help get me through. But let’s not talk about my health, let’s discuss how I hit a HR with Mike Scott to win last night and get my ranking over 600 for the first time this year haha.
Sending prayers for a complete recovery. Nobody deserves the nasty C. Keep fighting we all support you
@ComebackLogic said in at this point in the year, what's your RS record?:
About 415-315, give or take. I’m way behind my usual pace due to various real life things though.
And the fact that the game is completely off this year. I think I played you last year in an event game and you smoked me.
234-270. I suck, but I just love to play. I either score 4 runs in the first inning and people dashboard or I get walked off, the nature of the Show 20.
25-4 play offline mostly.....
55-27. As someone with not a ton of time for the game (and never making WS before), I'm pretty happy overall with my record. I try to squeeze in a couple games per week at least.
47-22. I've never made WS and i always tell myself that whenever a new RS starts this will be the time i try to grind there but every time i get between 650-700 i just seem to lose interest and end up playing more offline like showdown or conquest games. I guess I just like the way offline plays more than I do online.
75-44. Okay I guess.
76-40. I need to spend less time on the forums and more playing RS. The trouble is I can’t smoke cigars while playing.
@TheHungryHole said in at this point in the year, what's your RS record?:
i always enjoy doing these threads - i know many of you guys are wizards in this game - i am curious to see what you guys have been cookin in RS
this year for me i am very busy with work so less gaming but im 39-12 on the year so far
i dont play enough to get smoked by you guys in 800+ otherwise im sure my record would be lower
45-17, but apparently in events I only match against guys 150-33 with goat bat skins....smh
Somewhere around 160-100
12-20 here. I would play more RS for sure, but two factors come in play for me...
- I feel stressed whenever I start new game, because when I lose, my record is gonna be worse
- Some kind of shame, cause everyone can see I'm not good in this game
Maybe if there would be some option to hide your record, players like me would play more RS, which could be good for everyone. What do you guys think about that option?
90-50 I believe. Nothing crazy
I’m 9-0 I haven’t really touched ranked season until the last few days. Gonna try playing more