I really hope prestige cards aren't part of the collection. Personally, I just enjoy playing the game with the cards I want to use. I really don't want to have to play with certain cards to simply compile stats to complete some collection. If this is going to be the case I most likely won't be going for this card, whoever it may be.
I've had this happen a few times to me and its never really bothered me because I haven't really been trying to prestige cards.
But it happened today in an event game where i had a lineup full of bronze cards trying to get 2 rbi for daily missions. I hit what would've been a 2 run walk off homer with the man, the myth, the legend Willie Calhoun and it doesnt count lol
Just happened to me. Dude name was something about Twitch streaming. I hope his viewers were watching.
They should just let the computer finish the inning when a person quits and then when it's over the game is forfeited and you get the win. Only downfall to that is you would have to play their super team and pray you can still get out of the inning if the situation calls for it
Don’t know how they can fix it this late without messing up the game, I.e. the magic patch that had nothing to do with catcher throws that led to the catcher throw issues that are still in the game.
Also, this is probably an unpopular opinion on here, but if it’s the last inning and you get a bunch of jam jobs and weak hits then proceed to hit a bomb to win it with a prestigable player, you really don’t deserve those stats in the first place, just enjoy the win and deal with the fact that you really shouldn’t of got them anyway, so it’s no real loss.
Not gona lie... when people do this it annoys the sh*t out of me. Having the options of playing for a comeback or just quitting, I'll never get why folks do this.
It hasn't happened much lately, did happen to me last night, thank god it wasn't Eric Davis.
Its gonna be rough if they have prestige cards as part of the collection for a couple reasons.
- Dashboarding is already annoying and will become even more so as some people will do it more often because they know you want the collection and people are petty.
- If you thought boosting and people begging for stats before was bad, Just wait
@Kovz88 said in Dashboarding:
Its gonna be rough if they have prestige cards as part of the collection for a couple reasons.
- Dashboarding is already annoying and will become even more so as some people will do it more often because they know you want the collection and people are petty.
- If you thought boosting and people begging for stats before was bad, Just wait
Yeah, it all reminds me of 17. 17 was so horrible for that, but the online game play was good.
@ItsaCanesthing said in Dashboarding:
@bhall09 said in Dashboarding:
If prestige cards are required for the major collection reward (as it appeared in that video), these complaints are going to be even greater, as they should. Seems very misguided by SDS if they make prestige cards part of the major collection.
This is why I am very certain that Prestige cards will not be required but only a part of the set to complete the "chase".
I think we will need to collect a certain amount of Legends and Flashbacks to complete the set.
My only question will it be a multi card/tiered program?You and me both brother! They would never restrict offline players from being able to spend money on stubs to complete the collection.
Someone here is compiling a list of people who dashboard and will be sharing said list with the proper authorities. Stay tuned...
If you replay a hr then you had it coming.
I hate when you hit an absolute bomb to tie the game with someone you need rbi and Xbh with a d you get dashboarded.. like I’m not that good I don’t get these chances often
@allday9128 said in Dashboarding:
I've had this happen a few times to me and its never really bothered me because I haven't really been trying to prestige cards.
But it happened today in an event game where i had a lineup full of bronze cards trying to get 2 rbi for daily missions. I hit what would've been a 2 run walk off homer with the man, the myth, the legend Willie Calhoun and it doesnt count lol
So frustrating, that's a well earned homer taking bronze guys into the event! My most heart breaking dashboard was for the July POTM missions when you needed CF homers. Those were not super easy to get based on the player pool in CF.
@adam_sheffield said in Dashboarding:
They should just let the computer finish the inning when a person quits and then when it's over the game is forfeited and you get the win. Only downfall to that is you would have to play their super team and pray you can still get out of the inning if the situation calls for it
Make it so that the game defaults to beginner and they can't play another online game UNTIL you finish demolishing his team with complete impunity.......People would be WAY LESS willing to deny you that 1 HR stat when they know you can now get 20 HR stats
I will admit I have dashboarded but not to a prestige Player it usually to do the BS of this game, I do not mind giving up the HR, For me to Dashboard it takes more than just a HR, IE if my players make multiple errors in a game then the HR come because of the Random ptich in the zone yeah going to dashboard by then I am just mad at the game, and then I do not start another online game time to take a break. I have done less of it, it is not about the other player it is about this [censored] game and when I am not getting results when I hit yeah frustrating. I am not great at this game but sometimes it just gets to me. I have given up plenty of HR in this game and people deserve to have the prestige HR.
@MFundercover said in Dashboarding:
Just happened to me. Dude name was something about Twitch streaming. I hope his viewers were watching.
Most of those are people who have like 4 followers... and most are probably their friends who are bored. I doubt anyone was watching lol. But that does suck
@NotchHim said in Dashboarding:
If you refuse to throw your opponent strikes, especially if you have a lead because you're getting yours, you're an a-hole. costing people prestige stats. It's really not hard and just common decency.
I don't really fault people for how they pitch. I hate myself for not being able to take more. But I do personally tend to pitch to contact more / rely on hitting the corners.
@dbarmonstar said in Dashboarding:
Never should dashboard when it is a prestige player