Gotta love salty players
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
Once again folks. RNG exists and people are misunderstanding it's meaning.
It's not the RNG, it's the ranges of RNG and sliders.
RNG is a random number generator that is used in ANY computer program where outcome is determined by input values and attributes that affect outcome are calculated.
DDA (Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment) is what people should be calling the "little billy code". I doubt it's in game, but it sure feels like it because SDS has HORRIBLE ranges with certain RNG aspects of their programming.
OP is a fool and deserves ridicule for this topic.
Wow can you be any more condescending with this post. Well here is a little shot of reality bud: Random Number Generators are not random. They may seem to be random however it is scientifically impossible for code to be able to genuinely generate random numbers. How do I know this you ask? I have an advanced degree in computer science. These so called RNG’s are actually called pseudo rng’s because the code has to be written with a definitive outcome. This requires input to receive an output. If the rng was truly random than input would not be required to generate a random output. Hence the conundrum. A loop must be added to generate this outcome which is why it’s no longer random. And to terminate the loop there has to be a stop statement which will then reset the loop to original status otherwise you would have an infinite loop which eventually would cause a memory error and thus a fatal error would result. That loop stop statement would have a set amount of times to run said loop before termination. After termination you return to the steady state and everything repeats. Hence the term pseudo.
In my development of Strat-o-matic online, you have 3 dice, each with 6 sides. Those dice get rolled. It's a RNG.
When MLB the show does this similar dice roll, it takes into account all of the variables including pitch type, situation (clutch) user input timing and location etc.
When SDS doesn't program their ranges properly, or weights the order of the outcome variables inappropriately, it's still a RNG.
It's an RNG because every attribute has a numerical value. Contact, pitch speed, timing etc. Whenever all factors are taken into account, an output value is derived, and annimation of the result is presented in the game. You should know this better than most.
Thanks for your flex with your computer science degree. I'm happy for you. Hopefully you can apply it to real life to your satisfaction.
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
In my development of Strat-o-matic online, you have 3 dice, each with 6 sides. Those dice get rolled. It's a RNG.
When MLB the show does this similar dice roll, it takes into account all of the variables including pitch type, situation (clutch) user input timing and location etc.
When SDS doesn't program their ranges properly, or weights the order of the outcome variables inappropriately, it's still a RNG.
It's an RNG because every attribute has a numerical value. Contact, pitch speed, timing etc. Whenever all factors are taken into account, an output value is derived, and annimation of the result is presented in the game. You should know this better than most.
Thanks for your flex with your computer science degree. I'm happy for you. Hopefully you can apply it to real life to your satisfaction.
My point is that there is no such thing as RNG. I doesn’t exist because it is an impossible phenomenon. It’s pseudo because of the fact that it requires input to generate an output. If it were truly random there would be no need for input as the output is random. So please quit using the term rng. It’s really an incorrect use of the term.
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
In my development of Strat-o-matic online, you have 3 dice, each with 6 sides. Those dice get rolled. It's a RNG.
When MLB the show does this similar dice roll, it takes into account all of the variables including pitch type, situation (clutch) user input timing and location etc.
When SDS doesn't program their ranges properly, or weights the order of the outcome variables inappropriately, it's still a RNG.
It's an RNG because every attribute has a numerical value. Contact, pitch speed, timing etc. Whenever all factors are taken into account, an output value is derived, and annimation of the result is presented in the game. You should know this better than most.
Thanks for your flex with your computer science degree. I'm happy for you. Hopefully you can apply it to real life to your satisfaction.
My point is that there is no such thing as RNG. I doesn’t exist because it is an impossible phenomenon. It’s pseudo because of the fact that it requires input to generate an output. If it were truly random there would be no need for input as the output is random. So please quit using the term rng. It’s really an incorrect use of the term.
If RNG isn’t a real thing then how can the term be misused? There is no misuse without use.
@turtleopolis said in Gotta love salty players:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
In my development of Strat-o-matic online, you have 3 dice, each with 6 sides. Those dice get rolled. It's a RNG.
When MLB the show does this similar dice roll, it takes into account all of the variables including pitch type, situation (clutch) user input timing and location etc.
When SDS doesn't program their ranges properly, or weights the order of the outcome variables inappropriately, it's still a RNG.
It's an RNG because every attribute has a numerical value. Contact, pitch speed, timing etc. Whenever all factors are taken into account, an output value is derived, and annimation of the result is presented in the game. You should know this better than most.
Thanks for your flex with your computer science degree. I'm happy for you. Hopefully you can apply it to real life to your satisfaction.
My point is that there is no such thing as RNG. I doesn’t exist because it is an impossible phenomenon. It’s pseudo because of the fact that it requires input to generate an output. If it were truly random there would be no need for input as the output is random. So please quit using the term rng. It’s really an incorrect use of the term.
If RNG isn’t a real thing then how can the term be misused? There is no misuse without use.
It’s misused because someone with a little bit of knowledge used the term improperly at one time and everyone just ran with it. I’m just trying to point out as a subject matter expert that the term is being used incorrectly and as a crutch for bad play. While I agree that there is a perceived level of apparent randomness or for a better term scripting. What is being blamed as RNG is not actually random. It most certainly is based on the actions of the user I.e. input.
Here's a link to your advanced computer science degree...
Maybe using the word pseudo is accurate, but you missed the point like a high sinker.
I can use RNG as often as I wish because I understand it's application in an online sports game engine, for it's use to determine outcomes based off numerical attributes incorporating user input. User input determines what range of values are being used before the RNG
You are arguing for the sake of either arguing, or trying to seem smart. We're saying the same thing Captain Obvious. People use RNG as a term as to why people get "predetermined results" and they're using it incorrectly.
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
Here's a link to your advanced computer science degree...
Maybe using the word pseudo is accurate, but you missed the point like a high sinker.
I can use RNG as often as I wish because I understand it's application in an online sports game engine, for it's use to determine outcomes based off numerical attributes incorporating user input. User input determines what range of values are being used before the RNG
You are arguing for the sake of either arguing, or trying to seem smart. We're saying the same thing Captain Obvious. People use RNG as a term as to why people get "predetermined results" and they're using it incorrectly.
Did you really send me to a link to Random Number Generator? Oh and it says it’s a true random number generator. And once again it’s asking for input. Which makes it not a random number generator. I’ll give you an example of true randomness. In the game you must press a button to swing at a pitch. If we were in a true random environment A player would not have to do anything for something to happen. In other words the player being pitched to would not have to press any button and in theory the batter might swing or might not swing with no input from user. That is what randomness is. This would also include the pitcher. The pitcher would not need input to throw the ball or not throw the ball. When you start assigning values to variables it inherently is no longer random. I’m not trying to throw around my intellect. I’m merely stating that randomness does not exist in the game or any game for that matter. So no, the homer that was hit against the OP was not RNG. It was a result of a number of very complicated calculation that netted the result of his/her situation. That’s it. And anybody who says it’s random is just wrong period full stop.
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in Gotta love salty players:
Scenario: Playing on my alt acct. Playing the Event with a team full of Bronze and Silver players. (Trying for H2H stats towards the Player and POTM Programs.
Just played a Prestige Level player with a team full of Diamonds. Beat him 2-1 on a 2 run HR with LS Haniger against Newhouser.
After the game; I may him 'GG' nd he replies that 'I'm terrible'. Stats that because he struck me out 15 times, that I suck at the game.
Replied that I was free swinging juat to get innings compketed. But if I sucked; how did I get that winning 2 run HR?
Proceeds to block me.
Living off the tears of my conquests!
Lets be honest you were being a Tool with that "GG"
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
Here's a link to your advanced computer science degree...
Maybe using the word pseudo is accurate, but you missed the point like a high sinker.
I can use RNG as often as I wish because I understand it's application in an online sports game engine, for it's use to determine outcomes based off numerical attributes incorporating user input. User input determines what range of values are being used before the RNG
You are arguing for the sake of either arguing, or trying to seem smart. We're saying the same thing Captain Obvious. People use RNG as a term as to why people get "predetermined results" and they're using it incorrectly.
Did you really send me to a link to Random Number Generator? Oh and it says it’s a true random number generator. And once again it’s asking for input. Which makes it not a random number generator. I’ll give you an example of true randomness. In the game you must press a button to swing at a pitch. If we were in a true random environment A player would not have to do anything for something to happen. In other words the player being pitched to would not have to press any button and in theory the batter might swing or might not swing with no input from user. That is what randomness is. This would also include the pitcher. The pitcher would not need input to throw the ball or not throw the ball. When you start assigning values to variables it inherently is no longer random. I’m not trying to throw around my intellect. I’m merely stating that randomness does not exist in the game or any game for that matter. So no, the homer that was hit against the OP was not RNG. It was a result of a number of very complicated calculation that netted the result of his/her situation. That’s it. And anybody who says it’s random is just wrong period full stop.
Is it not random within the range the input dictates? Like you're saying its not random because input makes the random range lowered.... Sounds random even when you try to say its not...
@Potawatomi_Kid said in Gotta love salty players:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
Here's a link to your advanced computer science degree...
Maybe using the word pseudo is accurate, but you missed the point like a high sinker.
I can use RNG as often as I wish because I understand it's application in an online sports game engine, for it's use to determine outcomes based off numerical attributes incorporating user input. User input determines what range of values are being used before the RNG
You are arguing for the sake of either arguing, or trying to seem smart. We're saying the same thing Captain Obvious. People use RNG as a term as to why people get "predetermined results" and they're using it incorrectly.
Did you really send me to a link to Random Number Generator? Oh and it says it’s a true random number generator. And once again it’s asking for input. Which makes it not a random number generator. I’ll give you an example of true randomness. In the game you must press a button to swing at a pitch. If we were in a true random environment A player would not have to do anything for something to happen. In other words the player being pitched to would not have to press any button and in theory the batter might swing or might not swing with no input from user. That is what randomness is. This would also include the pitcher. The pitcher would not need input to throw the ball or not throw the ball. When you start assigning values to variables it inherently is no longer random. I’m not trying to throw around my intellect. I’m merely stating that randomness does not exist in the game or any game for that matter. So no, the homer that was hit against the OP was not RNG. It was a result of a number of very complicated calculation that netted the result of his/her situation. That’s it. And anybody who says it’s random is just wrong period full stop.
Is it not random within the range the input dictates? Like you're saying its not random because input makes the random range lowered.... Sounds random even when you try to say its not...
He's arguing semantics of the word random. The fact that a human programmed the web site makes it input, thus not random in his eyes.
You can't argue with ignorance. I'm moving on.
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
@Potawatomi_Kid said in Gotta love salty players:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
Here's a link to your advanced computer science degree...
Maybe using the word pseudo is accurate, but you missed the point like a high sinker.
I can use RNG as often as I wish because I understand it's application in an online sports game engine, for it's use to determine outcomes based off numerical attributes incorporating user input. User input determines what range of values are being used before the RNG
You are arguing for the sake of either arguing, or trying to seem smart. We're saying the same thing Captain Obvious. People use RNG as a term as to why people get "predetermined results" and they're using it incorrectly.
Did you really send me to a link to Random Number Generator? Oh and it says it’s a true random number generator. And once again it’s asking for input. Which makes it not a random number generator. I’ll give you an example of true randomness. In the game you must press a button to swing at a pitch. If we were in a true random environment A player would not have to do anything for something to happen. In other words the player being pitched to would not have to press any button and in theory the batter might swing or might not swing with no input from user. That is what randomness is. This would also include the pitcher. The pitcher would not need input to throw the ball or not throw the ball. When you start assigning values to variables it inherently is no longer random. I’m not trying to throw around my intellect. I’m merely stating that randomness does not exist in the game or any game for that matter. So no, the homer that was hit against the OP was not RNG. It was a result of a number of very complicated calculation that netted the result of his/her situation. That’s it. And anybody who says it’s random is just wrong period full stop.
Is it not random within the range the input dictates? Like you're saying its not random because input makes the random range lowered.... Sounds random even when you try to say its not...
He's arguing semantics of the word random. The fact that a human programmed the web site makes it input, thus not random in his eyes.
You can't argue with ignorance. I'm moving on.
Agreed. I was about to say, dudes played less than 50 games online in 2020. He doesnt get it yet.
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
Once again folks. RNG exists and people are misunderstanding it's meaning.
It's not the RNG, it's the ranges of RNG and sliders.
RNG is a random number generator that is used in ANY computer program where outcome is determined by input values and attributes that affect outcome are calculated.
DDA (Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment) is what people should be calling the "little billy code". I doubt it's in game, but it sure feels like it because SDS has HORRIBLE ranges with certain RNG aspects of their programming.
OP is a fool and deserves ridicule for this topic.
Wow can you be any more condescending with this post. Well here is a little shot of reality bud: Random Number Generators are not random. They may seem to be random however it is scientifically impossible for code to be able to genuinely generate random numbers. How do I know this you ask? I have an advanced degree in computer science. These so called RNG’s are actually called pseudo rng’s because the code has to be written with a definitive outcome. This requires input to receive an output. If the rng was truly random than input would not be required to generate a random output. Hence the conundrum. A loop must be added to generate this outcome which is why it’s no longer random. And to terminate the loop there has to be a stop statement which will then reset the loop to original status otherwise you would have an infinite loop which eventually would cause a memory error and thus a fatal error would result. That loop stop statement would have a set amount of times to run said loop before termination. After termination you return to the steady state and everything repeats. Hence the term pseudo.
Not that I necessarily disagree because there are a lot of people that play online that are just D-bags. But this thread just comes off as a humble brag.
KILLERPRESENCE4replied to hoboadam on Jul 21, 2020, 3:38 PM last edited by KILLERPRESENCE4_PSN Jul 21, 2020, 3:45 PM
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
@Potawatomi_Kid said in Gotta love salty players:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
Here's a link to your advanced computer science degree...
Maybe using the word pseudo is accurate, but you missed the point like a high sinker.
I can use RNG as often as I wish because I understand it's application in an online sports game engine, for it's use to determine outcomes based off numerical attributes incorporating user input. User input determines what range of values are being used before the RNG
You are arguing for the sake of either arguing, or trying to seem smart. We're saying the same thing Captain Obvious. People use RNG as a term as to why people get "predetermined results" and they're using it incorrectly.
Did you really send me to a link to Random Number Generator? Oh and it says it’s a true random number generator. And once again it’s asking for input. Which makes it not a random number generator. I’ll give you an example of true randomness. In the game you must press a button to swing at a pitch. If we were in a true random environment A player would not have to do anything for something to happen. In other words the player being pitched to would not have to press any button and in theory the batter might swing or might not swing with no input from user. That is what randomness is. This would also include the pitcher. The pitcher would not need input to throw the ball or not throw the ball. When you start assigning values to variables it inherently is no longer random. I’m not trying to throw around my intellect. I’m merely stating that randomness does not exist in the game or any game for that matter. So no, the homer that was hit against the OP was not RNG. It was a result of a number of very complicated calculation that netted the result of his/her situation. That’s it. And anybody who says it’s random is just wrong period full stop.
Is it not random within the range the input dictates? Like you're saying its not random because input makes the random range lowered.... Sounds random even when you try to say its not...
He's arguing semantics of the word random. The fact that a human programmed the web site makes it input, thus not random in his eyes.
You can't argue with ignorance. I'm moving on.
It’s not ignorance troll it’s the truth. Ignorance would suggest that I don’t have knowledge of the subject. Yes it is semantics but if you’re going to make a valid argument semantics matter. Once again you demonstrate a level of grammar commensurate with a high schooler or younger. Have a good day complaining about the randomness of the world rather than concentrating on getting better at the game. And by the way I’m in no way a “great player” but I also don’t victimize myself as it being someone or something else’s fault. RNG is a crutch and code for bad gamer. That’s it, I’m done good day
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
@Potawatomi_Kid said in Gotta love salty players:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
Here's a link to your advanced computer science degree...
Maybe using the word pseudo is accurate, but you missed the point like a high sinker.
I can use RNG as often as I wish because I understand it's application in an online sports game engine, for it's use to determine outcomes based off numerical attributes incorporating user input. User input determines what range of values are being used before the RNG
You are arguing for the sake of either arguing, or trying to seem smart. We're saying the same thing Captain Obvious. People use RNG as a term as to why people get "predetermined results" and they're using it incorrectly.
Did you really send me to a link to Random Number Generator? Oh and it says it’s a true random number generator. And once again it’s asking for input. Which makes it not a random number generator. I’ll give you an example of true randomness. In the game you must press a button to swing at a pitch. If we were in a true random environment A player would not have to do anything for something to happen. In other words the player being pitched to would not have to press any button and in theory the batter might swing or might not swing with no input from user. That is what randomness is. This would also include the pitcher. The pitcher would not need input to throw the ball or not throw the ball. When you start assigning values to variables it inherently is no longer random. I’m not trying to throw around my intellect. I’m merely stating that randomness does not exist in the game or any game for that matter. So no, the homer that was hit against the OP was not RNG. It was a result of a number of very complicated calculation that netted the result of his/her situation. That’s it. And anybody who says it’s random is just wrong period full stop.
Is it not random within the range the input dictates? Like you're saying its not random because input makes the random range lowered.... Sounds random even when you try to say its not...
He's arguing semantics of the word random. The fact that a human programmed the web site makes it input, thus not random in his eyes.
You can't argue with ignorance. I'm moving on.
I already broke this dude down twice with facts and evidence, he then blocked me because he didn't like being contradicted with facts. Probably should ignore this man altogether, he's always trying to pass on his opinions and experiences as facts.
And here I thought we were going to reminisce about the 2018 Catcher Program...
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
@Potawatomi_Kid said in Gotta love salty players:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
Here's a link to your advanced computer science degree...
Maybe using the word pseudo is accurate, but you missed the point like a high sinker.
I can use RNG as often as I wish because I understand it's application in an online sports game engine, for it's use to determine outcomes based off numerical attributes incorporating user input. User input determines what range of values are being used before the RNG
You are arguing for the sake of either arguing, or trying to seem smart. We're saying the same thing Captain Obvious. People use RNG as a term as to why people get "predetermined results" and they're using it incorrectly.
Did you really send me to a link to Random Number Generator? Oh and it says it’s a true random number generator. And once again it’s asking for input. Which makes it not a random number generator. I’ll give you an example of true randomness. In the game you must press a button to swing at a pitch. If we were in a true random environment A player would not have to do anything for something to happen. In other words the player being pitched to would not have to press any button and in theory the batter might swing or might not swing with no input from user. That is what randomness is. This would also include the pitcher. The pitcher would not need input to throw the ball or not throw the ball. When you start assigning values to variables it inherently is no longer random. I’m not trying to throw around my intellect. I’m merely stating that randomness does not exist in the game or any game for that matter. So no, the homer that was hit against the OP was not RNG. It was a result of a number of very complicated calculation that netted the result of his/her situation. That’s it. And anybody who says it’s random is just wrong period full stop.
Is it not random within the range the input dictates? Like you're saying its not random because input makes the random range lowered.... Sounds random even when you try to say its not...
He's arguing semantics of the word random. The fact that a human programmed the web site makes it input, thus not random in his eyes.
You can't argue with ignorance. I'm moving on.
It’s not ignorance troll it’s the truth. Ignorance would suggest that I don’t have knowledge of the subject. Yes it is semantics but if you’re going to make a valid argument semantics matter. Once again you demonstrate a level of grammar commensurate with a high schooler or younger. Have a good day complaining about the randomness of the world rather than concentrating on getting better at the game. And by the way I’m in no way a “great player” but I also don’t victimize myself as it being someone or something else’s fault. RNG is a crutch and code for bad gamer. That’s it, I’m done good day
Hey dont be done, answer my question please? Seems valid to me.
@Potawatomi_Kid said in Gotta love salty players:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
@Potawatomi_Kid said in Gotta love salty players:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
Here's a link to your advanced computer science degree...
Maybe using the word pseudo is accurate, but you missed the point like a high sinker.
I can use RNG as often as I wish because I understand it's application in an online sports game engine, for it's use to determine outcomes based off numerical attributes incorporating user input. User input determines what range of values are being used before the RNG
You are arguing for the sake of either arguing, or trying to seem smart. We're saying the same thing Captain Obvious. People use RNG as a term as to why people get "predetermined results" and they're using it incorrectly.
Did you really send me to a link to Random Number Generator? Oh and it says it’s a true random number generator. And once again it’s asking for input. Which makes it not a random number generator. I’ll give you an example of true randomness. In the game you must press a button to swing at a pitch. If we were in a true random environment A player would not have to do anything for something to happen. In other words the player being pitched to would not have to press any button and in theory the batter might swing or might not swing with no input from user. That is what randomness is. This would also include the pitcher. The pitcher would not need input to throw the ball or not throw the ball. When you start assigning values to variables it inherently is no longer random. I’m not trying to throw around my intellect. I’m merely stating that randomness does not exist in the game or any game for that matter. So no, the homer that was hit against the OP was not RNG. It was a result of a number of very complicated calculation that netted the result of his/her situation. That’s it. And anybody who says it’s random is just wrong period full stop.
Is it not random within the range the input dictates? Like you're saying its not random because input makes the random range lowered.... Sounds random even when you try to say its not...
He's arguing semantics of the word random. The fact that a human programmed the web site makes it input, thus not random in his eyes.
You can't argue with ignorance. I'm moving on.
It’s not ignorance troll it’s the truth. Ignorance would suggest that I don’t have knowledge of the subject. Yes it is semantics but if you’re going to make a valid argument semantics matter. Once again you demonstrate a level of grammar commensurate with a high schooler or younger. Have a good day complaining about the randomness of the world rather than concentrating on getting better at the game. And by the way I’m in no way a “great player” but I also don’t victimize myself as it being someone or something else’s fault. RNG is a crutch and code for bad gamer. That’s it, I’m done good day
Hey dont be done, answer my question please? Seems valid to me.
To answer your question, no, once you input values for the certain variables it is no longer has a random outcome. For something to happen randomly there can be no input. What people are calling random here is things like swing, fielding and on field interactions. Now there can literally be millions of different outcomes which can seem random but obviously they are not. Because guess what happens if you were to do exactly the same thing as you did on the previous play arbitrarily speaking, and when I say exactly the same thing I mean all values for each variable are the exact same for a given scenario you will get the exact same outcome. That is not random. So when input is introduced randomness is eliminated. All outcomes are a result of the input.
Dude is arguing about the definition of random still.
@Potawatomi_Kid said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
@Potawatomi_Kid said in Gotta love salty players:
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Gotta love salty players:
@hoboadam said in Gotta love salty players:
Here's a link to your advanced computer science degree...
Maybe using the word pseudo is accurate, but you missed the point like a high sinker.
I can use RNG as often as I wish because I understand it's application in an online sports game engine, for it's use to determine outcomes based off numerical attributes incorporating user input. User input determines what range of values are being used before the RNG
You are arguing for the sake of either arguing, or trying to seem smart. We're saying the same thing Captain Obvious. People use RNG as a term as to why people get "predetermined results" and they're using it incorrectly.
Did you really send me to a link to Random Number Generator? Oh and it says it’s a true random number generator. And once again it’s asking for input. Which makes it not a random number generator. I’ll give you an example of true randomness. In the game you must press a button to swing at a pitch. If we were in a true random environment A player would not have to do anything for something to happen. In other words the player being pitched to would not have to press any button and in theory the batter might swing or might not swing with no input from user. That is what randomness is. This would also include the pitcher. The pitcher would not need input to throw the ball or not throw the ball. When you start assigning values to variables it inherently is no longer random. I’m not trying to throw around my intellect. I’m merely stating that randomness does not exist in the game or any game for that matter. So no, the homer that was hit against the OP was not RNG. It was a result of a number of very complicated calculation that netted the result of his/her situation. That’s it. And anybody who says it’s random is just wrong period full stop.
Is it not random within the range the input dictates? Like you're saying its not random because input makes the random range lowered.... Sounds random even when you try to say its not...
He's arguing semantics of the word random. The fact that a human programmed the web site makes it input, thus not random in his eyes.
You can't argue with ignorance. I'm moving on.
Agreed. I was about to say, dudes played less than 50 games online in 2020. He doesnt get it yet.
Yeah I may not have played 50 games of RS yet, but based on my stats, do you all of a sudden think I’m going to start losing at a prolific rate to match your Win/Loss record or all of sudden forget how to hit to equal your hitting stats??? Oh that’s right it’s random