Explain something to me
Events don’t count toward your online record that shows at the start of the game. He very well could have played 1000 event games and you would never know
The prestige thing was a big fail by SDS. If they were going to allow stats from events to count, then they should have been any mode (ie offline) from the beginning. Now, every event where these can be used you will see tons of boosting and hitting (or pitching) and quitting, this ruining any semblance of competition in the given event.
SDS should immediately make all prestige grinds any mode (I already did my non-pitching ones, so this isn’t currently self serving)
@sumodeads600 said in Explain something to me:
Def Events. I’ve played so many more event games this year than RS and I’ve been able to Prestige a ton of players that way.
I get that but wouldn’t one pretty much have to live online to gain all the stats?
@soonerfaithfull said in Explain something to me:
@sumodeads600 said in Explain something to me:
Def Events. I’ve played so many more event games this year than RS and I’ve been able to Prestige a ton of players that way.
I get that but wouldn’t one pretty much have to live online to gain all the stats?
It helps.
@soonerfaithfull said in Explain something to me:
I get that but wouldn’t one pretty much have to live online to gain all the stats?
Survey Says? DING!
Online play is heavily incentivized. Who knew?
I sure hope they do away with prestige programs next year. All it does is take away from actually playing the game of baseball and just adds to worrying about meaningless stats.
@soonerfaithfull said in Explain something to me:
@sumodeads600 said in Explain something to me:
Def Events. I’ve played so many more event games this year than RS and I’ve been able to Prestige a ton of players that way.
I get that but wouldn’t one pretty much have to live online to gain all the stats?
I played a 100 level Prestige last night. I play way too much MLB the Show and I am only lower diamond level. People must not sleep. I'm guessing they play during eating meals as well as on the pot. I don't get it.
I’m 3 hits away from Walker. 11 hits and 1 RBI from Bichette.
@NCStateHokie said in Explain something to me:
@soonerfaithfull said in Explain something to me:
@sumodeads600 said in Explain something to me:
Def Events. I’ve played so many more event games this year than RS and I’ve been able to Prestige a ton of players that way.
I get that but wouldn’t one pretty much have to live online to gain all the stats?
I played a 100 level Prestige last night. I play way too much MLB the Show and I am only lower diamond level. People must not sleep. I'm guessing they play during eating meals as well as on the pot. I don't get it.
I just hit prestige over the weekend. I am an essential worker and only get to play at night/weekends. I was in the mid gold level not long ago, but once I started playing showdowns, my XP started exploding upward. Showdown really propels you through those levels.
I'm prestige level 60 and I work 5 days a week so as long as you are playing the right modes and doing the collections you can level up quick. I grinded out a ton of showdowns, recently finished the LS creation and play all my conquest or play vs cpu on hall of fame or legend because you get more XP. I also never bunt out of games when I have the lead I take every at bat seriously so I don't lose my edge and get as much XP as possible
@pbake12 said in Explain something to me:
I sure hope they do away with prestige programs next year. All it does is take away from actually playing the game of baseball and just adds to worrying about meaningless stats.
Well people whined about there being less stat based missions last year. So what does sds do? They throw a boat load of stat based missions at us. By the time i got belli and didi prestiged, i was drained and then they dropped better cards. GG sds, GG.