Question for anyone thatvdud any of the LS Team Collections PRIOR to getting to 70pts in the 1st Stage of TAs:
After you Collect in the Collections Tab; do you also have to go into that team's TA and collect there to get the 10pts? Or does it auto collect and auto add?
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in Collections:
Question for anyone thatvdud any of the LS Team Collections PRIOR to getting to 70pts in the 1st Stage of TAs:
After you Collect in the Collections Tab; do you also have to go into that team's TA and collect there to get the 10pts? Or does it auto collect and auto add?
It auto collects
To piggyback another question on this, can you still collect the 10 points for Stage 1 collection if that team is already in Stage 2 or 3? Just asking because in light of the live series cards just tanking in price, thought I might go back and complete some more team collections, if it helps with the 10 points
No, it was only for stage 1.
@pbake12 said in Collections:
No, it was only for stage 1.
Yeah, that's what I thought but I was holding out hope that I might be able to collect those 10 points. Guess I'll have to grind a little more.
Thanks for the quick response.
@mrchewing13 said in Collections:
To piggyback another question on this, can you still collect the 10 points for Stage 1 collection if that team is already in Stage 2 or 3? Just asking because in light of the live series cards just tanking in price, thought I might go back and complete some more team collections, if it helps with the 10 points
That's one of the 'bonuses' for me (who is so far behind). Since I waited until now to do the Collections, I can take advantage of that 10pts.
Just gotta decide if I want to do all those Moments first, that way if I still need and Bronze or Silvers, I can maybe get lucky and pull them from the team pack at 10pts. (Course now with packs 50% off, Bronze and Silver cards are close enough to QS value that the payouts from finishing the Collection is worth just buying who you need.