5th Inning Voucher.
Still sitting on one of each of the 4th Inning Bosses.
Seen that Torre and Ellisbury are hovering around 56K and Felix is hovering around 50K.
Even if I lock them in; I'll still be about 30-40 Stars away from 300.
5th Inning bosses are going for around 150K.
Probably not work locking in 100K (Torre and Ellisbury) considering if the 5th Inn settle at 80 K, I'll lose 30k.
Let's assume you can get the boss today and sell for 150k, let's also assume they do settle at 80k
150K - 10% tax = 135k. + 17.5k (That is what you get for locking the 4th inning bosses in) = 152.5k
Cost of rebuying the boss 80k + Losing roughly 50k per inning boss factoring in tax. = 180k
So yeah, your math is spot on, you'd lose about 30k
On the other hand, 30k is a pretty good deal to keep those bosses. I’m not a huge fan of Torre so far, but Felix is still useable and Ellsbury has been fantastic for me. Plus it’s more cards to have in case there’s another Honus collection this year. I only have Jacoby myself and am debating as well. Tough choice.
@JellyRoll198 said in 5th Inning Voucher.:
On the other hand, 30k is a pretty good deal to keep those bosses. I’m not a huge fan of Torre so far, but Felix is still useable and Ellsbury has been fantastic for me. Plus it’s more cards to have in case there’s another Honus collection this year. I only have Jacoby myself and am debating as well. Tough choice.
I think it really depends on how many stubs a person has, I have more than enough stubs to get whoever I want, so selling the 4th inning bosses would be pointless for me, so I just did the voucher.
That makes sense. Probably a healthy way to look at it too. I’ll make the call when I get to 225 stars. Thanks for breaking down the math.
I think I'm doing the same thing: Making the call at 225.
However; I can say not that I have Trout, I have no use for Ellsbury and once I get my cap maxed, at Catcher, I'm taking Awards Posey. So I don't know if I'll have a spit for Torre.
After this weekend, the longer you hold on to those three bosses getting to 225, the less value they will have on the market