Who has the worst swing in the game?
@jrbufford1 said in Who has the worst swing in the game?:
Sheffield stands to close to the plate -
True, but once you get used to him, oh boy does he crush!! My fav hitter this year by far
I hate to say it because I really want to use him, but Rickey Henderson. Piazza as well.
Rickey would really be awesome if I could hit at all with him lol
Barry Larkin. Worst card I've used all year.
Dee Gordon
Buster Posey for me unfortunately
Honestly I've never noticed a gameplay difference in stances or swings. Hitter types I do notice a difference, so since I'm more of a fly ball hitter I'll do better with trout than I do with biggio and better with biggio than I do with gwynn. Obviously those guys all have different attributes so I'm using them more as an example than making a point about those players in particular
Joe “Perfect/Jammed” Carter
Gallos swing is so slow and awkward. It throws off my timing compared to the rest of my lineup.
people out here saying chipper and gallo have the worst swings in the game... how do i downvote?
@seannydrama7 said in Who has the worst swing in the game?:
The answer is objectively and unequivocally DJ LeMahieu, but if anyone has any candidates for Honorable Mention...let’s have ‘em!
I [censored] hate Mickey Mantle’s swing. Idk what it is but it’s so bad I can’t hit well with Mantle when I get to use his cards
Has to be Reggies, swing is so slow you would’ve thought he was swinging a log
For me just in the players I have had to use for anything so far it's that awful Brandon crawford card in the moments for one of the potm cards. Felt like he was swinging underwater. I figured it out but it threw me off so badly with everyone else