1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs
Why do people call packs a scam ? The odds are clearly stated. The “worth” of cards are easily looked at on the market page. We set the prices based on supply and demand. They say 1 in 50 for a diamond. They never said all diamonds are equal. If they were , then an 85 would be same cost as a 95. Higher the rating on the card, it’s is a logical assumption that it will be rarer to pull.
The fact that these flash sale packs break it down between 89 and under and 90 and over is not some breaking news. All you had to do was look at Market prices to realize that 90 rarity was a lot harder to pull.
In short , try to use your brain please
The 90+ sure don’t have the same odds as 85-89, but I’m not sure if I’d go as far as to say it’s a 1:50 shot at a 90+
I mean, if the flash sale stated that a 90+ was 10x rarer than an 89- minus, could one assume the overall pull rate of a 90+ is 1:500?
@CalisGW said in 1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs:
Why do people call packs a scam ? The odds are clearly stated. The “worth” of cards are easily looked at on the market page. We set the prices based on supply and demand. They say 1 in 50 for a diamond. They never said all diamonds are equal. If they were , then an 85 would be same cost as a 95. Higher the rating on the card, it’s is a logical assumption that it will be rarer to pull.
The fact that these flash sale packs break it down between 89 and under and 90 and over is not some breaking news. All you had to do was look at Market prices to realize that 90 rarity was a lot harder to pull.
In short , try to use your brain please
Do you know KevinGohd from youtube? He is a mlb the show youtuber who last video he opened over 200 packs. Out of all those packs he pulled 6 diamonds the moat expensive was yelich who goes for like 25k i think. Packs are a joke.
They have to be higher odds for 90+. They just don’t put the stat there.
BIAH odds have to be off. What’s it say 1:10 for a diamond? I’ve opened over 60 and pulled 1, either that’s poor luck, or the “odds” are that the odds are higher than 1:10.
@Crimson_Monk said in 1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs:
They have to be higher odds for 90+. They just don’t put the stat there.
BIAH odds have to be off. What’s it say 1:10 for a diamond? I’ve opened over 60 and pulled 1, either that’s poor luck, or the “odds” are that the odds are higher than 1:10.
Odds are what they are. 60 packs is a very very small sample size. Sure, it’s a lot for you but in the overall scheme of things it’s nothing.
Say someone opens 19 packs and 1 diamond. That person most likely will be pissed. Another person opens one pack and hits a diamond. That other person is going think the packs are great. Now add them together and they will be what was expected. It’s all averages.
@The_Icon148 said in 1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs:
@CalisGW said in 1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs:
Why do people call packs a scam ? The odds are clearly stated. The “worth” of cards are easily looked at on the market page. We set the prices based on supply and demand. They say 1 in 50 for a diamond. They never said all diamonds are equal. If they were , then an 85 would be same cost as a 95. Higher the rating on the card, it’s is a logical assumption that it will be rarer to pull.
The fact that these flash sale packs break it down between 89 and under and 90 and over is not some breaking news. All you had to do was look at Market prices to realize that 90 rarity was a lot harder to pull.
In short , try to use your brain please
Do you know KevinGohd from youtube? He is a mlb the show youtuber who last video he opened over 200 packs. Out of all those packs he pulled 6 diamonds the moat expensive was yelich who goes for like 25k i think. Packs are a joke.
How were you in school? Grades wise ? Math in particular. He opened 200 packs and had 6 diamonds. He actually beat the odds and pulled more diamonds than expected. Now if we extrapolate from this flash sale and what the market is pricing any live series card 90 rating and above, we can assume 1 in 10 diamonds (live series ) will be a 90+.
The guy had a 40% chance at getting a 90+ card. Not even good odds.
Now as far as the pricing of cards? SDS does not price the cards, we do. The market is based on supply and demand. Everyone is jumping for joy when a new conquest comes out because it’s free packs, but everything gets driven down because more supply. Prospects packs are a perfect example
Now imagine all the packs being opened from double dailies and programs and showdowns ?
@CalisGW said in 1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs:
@Crimson_Monk said in 1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs:
They have to be higher odds for 90+. They just don’t put the stat there.
BIAH odds have to be off. What’s it say 1:10 for a diamond? I’ve opened over 60 and pulled 1, either that’s poor luck, or the “odds” are that the odds are higher than 1:10.
Odds are what they are. 60 packs is a very very small sample size. Sure, it’s a lot for you but in the overall scheme of things it’s nothing.
Say someone opens 19 packs and 1 diamond. That person most likely will be pissed. Another person opens one pack and hits a diamond. That other person is going think the packs are great. Now add them together and they will be what was expected. It’s all averages.
You opened 60 packs of BIAH ? 60 on the dot? You do know you can see your pack history of every pack you opened. I would suggest you go back and re check your numbers please. With how closely watched micro transactions are nowadays. Do you really think a game company as big as Sony will lie? What would be in it for them?its virtual stuff that is worthless once obtained because it can’t be transferred into any form of real world value . Think things out please.
I for one think the pack odds are in line and not rigged. That being said unless the pack is free then you’re getting dooped. The odds that SDS has given us on pulling a diamond on standard packs is [censored] already. They are transparent with those odds yet people still buy packs. If you’re upset about pack “luck” then it’s just that, LUCK.
@theu715 said in 1:10 90+ odds o pack make me wonder about other packs:
I pulled Trout twice, Cole, Arenado, and Verlander three times this year. I’ve never had as good of pack luck as I’ve had this year. I’ve been done with the LS collection for over a month and didn’t spend a penny over the cost of the game. It’s just luck.
So YOU have all my luck! I started off this year red hot, but the last 4-6 weeks have been brutal. 1 diamond in my last few hundred show packs. Haven’t been counting but it’s gotta be between 300-400 at this point
@CalisGW said in 1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs:
Why do people call packs a scam ? The odds are clearly stated. The “worth” of cards are easily looked at on the market page. We set the prices based on supply and demand. They say 1 in 50 for a diamond. They never said all diamonds are equal. If they were , then an 85 would be same cost as a 95. Higher the rating on the card, it’s is a logical assumption that it will be rarer to pull.
The fact that these flash sale packs break it down between 89 and under and 90 and over is not some breaking news. All you had to do was look at Market prices to realize that 90 rarity was a lot harder to pull.
In short , try to use your brain please
I'm sure you would believe anything they would tell you about odds
@CalisGW said in 1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs:
Why do people call packs a scam ? The odds are clearly stated. The “worth” of cards are easily looked at on the market page. We set the prices based on supply and demand. They say 1 in 50 for a diamond. They never said all diamonds are equal. If they were , then an 85 would be same cost as a 95. Higher the rating on the card, it’s is a logical assumption that it will be rarer to pull.
The fact that these flash sale packs break it down between 89 and under and 90 and over is not some breaking news. All you had to do was look at Market prices to realize that 90 rarity was a lot harder to pull.
In short , try to use your brain please
The odds haven't worked for me. 250+ standards/TA all year with nothing. 30+ ballins/headliners all year with nothing. If the odds were some what true for me, I could have 5-7 diamonds all year. Instead I have none
@CalisGW said in 1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs:
@The_Icon148 said in 1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs:
@CalisGW said in 1:10 90+ odds on this flash pack make me wonder about other packs:
Why do people call packs a scam ? The odds are clearly stated. The “worth” of cards are easily looked at on the market page. We set the prices based on supply and demand. They say 1 in 50 for a diamond. They never said all diamonds are equal. If they were , then an 85 would be same cost as a 95. Higher the rating on the card, it’s is a logical assumption that it will be rarer to pull.
The fact that these flash sale packs break it down between 89 and under and 90 and over is not some breaking news. All you had to do was look at Market prices to realize that 90 rarity was a lot harder to pull.
In short , try to use your brain please
Do you know KevinGohd from youtube? He is a mlb the show youtuber who last video he opened over 200 packs. Out of all those packs he pulled 6 diamonds the moat expensive was yelich who goes for like 25k i think. Packs are a joke.
How were you in school? Grades wise ? Math in particular. He opened 200 packs and had 6 diamonds. He actually beat the odds and pulled more diamonds than expected. Now if we extrapolate from this flash sale and what the market is pricing any live series card 90 rating and above, we can assume 1 in 10 diamonds (live series ) will be a 90+.
The guy had a 40% chance at getting a 90+ card. Not even good odds.
Now as far as the pricing of cards? SDS does not price the cards, we do. The market is based on supply and demand. Everyone is jumping for joy when a new conquest comes out because it’s free packs, but everything gets driven down because more supply. Prospects packs are a perfect example
Now imagine all the packs being opened from double dailies and programs and showdowns ?
Only needed to read your first sentence of your essay to see that you are a complete moron. Did I say anything about he should have pulled more diamonds? Or he should have at least broken even? No. I know the odds are 1:50 idiot but i pointed out his most expensive pull was a 25k or whatever price hes at now yelich and followed it up with packs are a joke. Dumb azz.I. Packs are a joke and a scam period. Get over it snowflake.
The 1:50 is just for any diamond. Including LS 85-whatever Trout is 95. And any of the headliners you may pull. But 90+ are much rarer than 1:50.