Losing Connection when winning
The Show has lost another online player?, I say that's progress.
Its rough I have 11 this year 10 while ahead
I'm sure we've both gotten wins from it as well, but I've had friends quit playing bc of the disconnects this year. It takes your wind right outta your sails. I'd agree its 2020 been way to many post like this this year
Upgrade your internet and this won't happen. I haven't had a network error all year.
This tyler like guy is a troll. 0 games played online plays the CPU every game. Yea for you why would you DC? Your playing offline lmao. They whole fix your internet thing is old most people have super fast internet and they claim this is only game it happens on also they claim other wifi devices still run as they get the DC I've seen that personally I try to turn all other devices off while I play at night still happens. It's not every 1s internet at some point you gotta say it's the servers. Were talking online vs other humans not the offline cpu like you play. If we want advice on how to beat the cpu we will be sure to ask for your input but you have no experience in this matter. Doesnt matter if your lan got a 100% wifi connection and are running great speeds if you play online at some point you'll likely get a DC especially if you play alot of games. So the tyler guy input is to not even be looked at seriously.
@arauz000 said in Losing Connection when winning:
Two games in a row I have been winning in the mid-8th inning and it says lost connection even though my internet connection is fine.
I was up 8-2 in the first game and 2-0 in the 2nd and was charged with the loss in both games both in the mid 8th. This game is frustrating as it is, now it's literally unplayable. My internet connection is very reliable and it's the server, not my actual internet, this is the only game I've played where I lose connection, it's 2020, this should not be an issue.
Last time I ever buy the Show.
EDIT: Here is the link to the games.
Same here Was up big in 2 of those..Im hardwired but wasn't my connection anyway.. Have an orbi with 2 sateliites..ran a connection test and was 60, 17 in speed. Opponents was spot on. Game was super smooth.. 3 times in 2 days but at least 20 for the Show 20 so far. @Victor_SDS Lost me with not purchasing again Respect that, its your money and life. Reality though, best baseball game hands down. More realistic than you think, content and drops till 21, you can build and "end game team" with free cards and some grinding. Grinding people hate but its great practice on some of em. Putting you in situations that will happen, trying out other cards/players in the process. Try that with Madden or 2k where if you want to compete on a elite level be ready to drop $1000 minimum.
yesterday i had my first disconnect ever vs CPU beating the Nats on AllStar...no dc online yet. got a few dc wins online tho
@tylerslikewhoa said in Losing Connection when winning:
Upgrade your internet and this won't happen. I haven't had a network error all year.
Stop blaming players for the online game's massive flaws.
I had a game this weekend that I was wining 4-0, Lost connection and did not get the win. The game did not ever freeze. I did not dashboard or logout of the game. That was the first time it has ever happened been playing online since 2016. My connection is hard wire directly connected. That sucked .
@Ewogimia365 said in Losing Connection when winning:
This tyler like guy is a troll. 0 games played online plays the CPU every game. Yea for you why would you DC? Your playing offline lmao. They whole fix your internet thing is old most people have super fast internet and they claim this is only game it happens on also they claim other wifi devices still run as they get the DC I've seen that personally I try to turn all other devices off while I play at night still happens. It's not every 1s internet at some point you gotta say it's the servers. Were talking online vs other humans not the offline cpu like you play. If we want advice on how to beat the cpu we will be sure to ask for your input but you have no experience in this matter. Doesnt matter if your lan got a 100% wifi connection and are running great speeds if you play online at some point you'll likely get a DC especially if you play alot of games. So the tyler guy input is to not even be looked at seriously.
He's actually not wrong tho. I used to have constant disconnects even just trying to get into DD screen. Updated my internet. 0 disconnects since. If you aren't gonna at least try it to eliminate that as a cause you can't say for certain it is the game.
@tylerslikewhoa said in Losing Connection when winning:
Upgrade your internet and this won't happen. I haven't had a network error all year.
You don't play online
For all the people saying he doesn't play online. You need to be online to even access DD so a disconnect can occur anytime you are in DD (conquest/showdown/menu screen etc.)
I had one this year as well. Never before. I was tied in the game, I just hit a HR, mid flight network connection lost. Figured the guy dashboarded me. Turns out I got the L. Hard wired, never kicked from DD etc. Seemed like a random glitch.
@Kovz88 said in Losing Connection when winning:
@Ewogimia365 said in Losing Connection when winning:
This tyler like guy is a troll. 0 games played online plays the CPU every game. Yea for you why would you DC? Your playing offline lmao. They whole fix your internet thing is old most people have super fast internet and they claim this is only game it happens on also they claim other wifi devices still run as they get the DC I've seen that personally I try to turn all other devices off while I play at night still happens. It's not every 1s internet at some point you gotta say it's the servers. Were talking online vs other humans not the offline cpu like you play. If we want advice on how to beat the cpu we will be sure to ask for your input but you have no experience in this matter. Doesnt matter if your lan got a 100% wifi connection and are running great speeds if you play online at some point you'll likely get a DC especially if you play alot of games. So the tyler guy input is to not even be looked at seriously.
He's actually not wrong tho. I used to have constant disconnects even just trying to get into DD screen. Updated my internet. 0 disconnects since. If you aren't gonna at least try it to eliminate that as a cause you can't say for certain it is the game.
This Ancaster year same thing Difference is I caught someone doing it last night.Intermittent pauses and come back just about same time he lost wireless controller functions. Smooth after 4 seconds 2 quick pauses and on the 2nd caught that "wireless message" Caught him the 3rd time half a second too late.This year and last almost hit WS but 1 game short 3 times Im.not the best , far from worst. Things like that don't help State of.our country though NY and CA feel the lockdown, major cities financially So I don't expect Idaho and Iowa understand the scope of it all. Life's unfair enough, so every other thing systematicly (google origin of word) or sheriff which started to round up runaway slaves Not a black and white thing nut clearly Social Injustice thing from Overdraft and banking . Need a real checking account. ALMOST A BILLION MADE OFF OVERDRAFT FEES , Started the housing crises and like everything else banks get money first 1st like the federal reserve cartel taxes it first Only problem with "where our taxes go?" Is Fed Reserve isnt US but World Bank. Industry? War? Special Interests we only hear about election time? Switzerland and itsbtiesall major industry and war. Just like GM played both side's of WW2 supplying weapons and.tanks both sides. Also Europe being destroyed and rebuilt? How? Money and loans.Banking.Big Pharma? Same names. Not all, alot. Religion and Occultism? Think 12 Tribes like Pagan and Agnostic. DARK ARTS. New Testament..Even Muslims got sucked in. Google Black Box Worship called Symbology all in your face. Kabbalah or Kabal again look at origins..Saying "As Above, So Below. Google that origins. People talk and do not even understand the meaning of the words being used..Done on purpose. Google "Project Mockingbird as well, all legit sources if you look and Cambridge Analytica and that construct another Mocki gbird play clearly. Symbology from Taylor Swift, Lady GaGa vids . Media. 4 companies control . that Used to be 6, not after 98 and year of merger".All print, tv, music , movies , social media and video games. When you control every narative it's easy to encode an agenda. Its why special forces (thank you. Salute!) train so hard and only the best of the best is important missions sometimes dark or Deep state they will tell you when it goes down in those moments, they don't think just react . All that training takes over, no thoughts just "muscle memory ". Then come back with PTSD and all childhood trauma addicted to drugs. Try to smoke some marijuana and VA cuts you off. Soon to be homeless and mentally sick, then wind up in jail or wind up like Floyd. It's bigger than white and black, old divude and conquer Roman Warfare still studied world wide by all military and dictatorships. This the woke generation? Start spreading it, passing it forward. Screen shot it before they take it down. Knowledge is Power clearly, while holding back where we come from and where we go..Vatican has every birth certificate no matter Country of birth age or religion Same paper if you put the #in a stock index it comes up.$10 million each one of us. Why our data is so expensive.28 steps back To Cambridge Analytica and 50 years back to Operation Mockingbird.
Sony is one of the big 4 and not our enemy.They are training ground for things like Mass surveillance and Social Credit score.All brought by a group talking Novus Ordo Seclorum, Ordo De Chao and things of the like. Pass this along. -