Question, does anyone actually enjoy moments
I’m surprised a lot of people don’t like restarting a mission over and over until the computer lets you get lucky to accomplish whatever it is you’re trying to do.
Stat missions were better imo. Showdowns was a much, much, much better idea than missions. You win some, you lose some.
Nava, walker, and Ripken were bad grinds, but while you were doing those missions, you could be working on other missions simultaneously. Second, you could extend the game if you needed to do so, pick your own ball park (Fenway for doubles), and pick your opponent (orioles). Lastly and I’ll give sds credit for this...after they heard the backlash of those missions, they changed all future missions to xbh’s...nothing was worse than needing that last double and smashing one over the wall.
I much prefer stat grinds to missions when the stat grinds are set up properly. Showdowns could be good, but I have yet to beat a divisional showdown, so for me it’s worse than Nava.
I like them. For the most part I don't struggle super hard with them, unlike last year where the sliders were far worse. For the 3B CAP moments you had a Josh Donaldson moment, and the PCI was microscopic, and when you did a play vs CPU on the same difficulty vs the same pitcher, the PCI was far larger. This year seems far less rigged in the moments, though sometimes they still can get you.
I don’t like them either mostly because it plays differently then the rest of the other modes. I dislike the multigame moments and multi inning pitching moments. I do like the “reach base” instead of hits so the walks actually help.
Some of them can be fun but I hate moments that have nothing to do with RBIs but they stick a runner on base and you gotta watch the pitcher throw over 5 times every pitch.
I do, but yesterday within minutes of doing some of the Jackie ones, i almost broke a second monitor!
@The_Bad_Seed85 said in Question, does anyone actually enjoy moments:
Does anyone here actually find them fun or just something they have to suffer through to get the rewards?
I enjoy a lot of them but there are some that drive me nuts. I definitely prefer single game moments over multi game moments due to the ease of restarting them. Total base moments have kind of been the bane of my existence. Those require everything to go just right.
@Kovz88 said in Question, does anyone actually enjoy moments:
Some of them can be fun but I hate moments that have nothing to do with RBIs but they stick a runner on base and you gotta watch the pitcher throw over 5 times every pitch.
Yeah, those are annoying, along with runner on base who only advance a single base on what would be a double causing you to stop at first and be robbed of an XBH.
Not that anyone cares, but.. hell no, I think they are stupid, the only thing I hate more than moments is Showdown, which is moments but without mulligans.
I wouldn’t mind moments as much if the pitching was realistic. By that I mean have them try to pitch to you not Completely around you. Clearly player X didn’t get 2 Homeruns/Doubles/Hits/ etc in a real game with 0 balls in the strike zone. I should NOT have to swing 3-0 at a ball nowhere near the zone just to keep an AB going .... that’s not realistic baseball. At a minimum if a pitcher walks me I should get some progress towards the mission.
I enjoy hitting moments.
For the most part pitching moments are fine - except Corbin which I substituted online stats for the moments. Hitting moments are so variable. Granderson and Zimmerman were fun since their cards hit great. Kaline and now Dawson seem hopeless since their hitting is inconsistent.
SDS must think people have unlimited time and patience to repeat Moments and go through the Showdown cycle one more time. Perhaps they are hoping that we buy packs to offset our failures.
I like moments over single-game stat missions from 18, but I’d rather have bigger stat grinds over multi-game moments.
No, I avoid them whenever possible. I hope they get rid of them next year. I’d rather return to stat based missions, with a discount on the grind for completing it online instead of offline, obviously nothing super heavy and ridiculously long like ‘18 though. Those saves were just painful. Get 5 saves with a bronze to earn a silver. Okay, no problem. Get 15 saves with a silver to earn a gold. Right, will do. Get 50 saves with a gold to earn a career arc closer like Hoffman. Like, sigh, okay then. Get 500 saves with Hoffman to earn an immortal! Now I’m just beyond done with saves. Then they’d give you a bonus mission with the immortal. Get 1000 saves to earn 5000 stubs.
@The_Bad_Seed85 said in Question, does anyone actually enjoy moments:
Does anyone here actually find them fun or just something they have to suffer through to get the rewards?
Not really, maybe if they gave the cards meatier bats instead of noodles
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Question, does anyone actually enjoy moments:
I enjoy hitting moments.
Funny I do better with pitching. I got cargo many game moment and 3 hits one left. Rockies xbh 10 total I am fine getting after I compete these missions.
@Weshill627_PSN said in Question, does anyone actually enjoy moments:
I think moments in general aren't a bad Idea. I enjoy them sometimes. It's the way they put them in the game. There are only so many opportunities in a baseball game for something to happen. So you have a lot of repeated moments. For example, get 5 hits in 4 games, 2 xbh, hit a homer. Its boring to do the same thing every week just with different cards.
Moments would be great if only like 2-3 per month.
In a word, yes. Ever since their debut. At least they took out the pitcher batting ones. Some will annoy you, but you get XP for the retries.
Showdown is another story, but the first year they were cool. -
@HomegrownPine1_XBL said in Question, does anyone actually enjoy moments:
@Weshill627_PSN said in Question, does anyone actually enjoy moments:
I think moments in general aren't a bad Idea. I enjoy them sometimes. It's the way they put them in the game. There are only so many opportunities in a baseball game for something to happen. So you have a lot of repeated moments. For example, get 5 hits in 4 games, 2 xbh, hit a homer. Its boring to do the same thing every week just with different cards.
Moments would be great if only like 2-3 per month.
I would agree. My post was from 2020, I hate moments now. After doing them for 4 straight games, it's time for something new.