I mean I’m an angels fan and this guy rakes he’s got massive pop, but I do get you the juiced stats are crazy.

Jo is a major W y’all trippen
lets just not talk about the rewards I think SDS wrote this year off and is getting ready for next years game. What player are you guys running at catcher for this event, ive got a bunch of bronze catchers.
@i_Am_McLoViN8 said in New BR Rewards?:
@MikeTrout__ said in New BR Rewards?:
@lucas8181 said in New BR Rewards?:
@MikeTrout__ said in New BR Rewards?:
@Nanthrax_1 said in New BR Rewards?:
3pm EST today. 5 hours..
Machado and Parker
Bet I’m sitting on a 12-0 pack
haha if only. The best you can do is sit at 11-0 and hope for a 12th win.
I heard otherwise is that really true. F
Yeah you gotta sit 11-0. Once you sit on 12-0, it only gives you a choice of what was available at the time of your flawless run.
Bet I’m still gonna wait until there released to see if they pop up in the pack. This game has a tendency of stuff not working properly
@lucas8181 said in New BR Rewards?:
@MikeTrout__ said in New BR Rewards?:
@Nanthrax_1 said in New BR Rewards?:
3pm EST today. 5 hours..
Machado and Parker
Bet I’m sitting on a 12-0 pack
haha if only. The best you can do is sit at 11-0 and hope for a 12th win.
I heard otherwise is that really true. F
@Nanthrax_1 said in New BR Rewards?:
3pm EST today. 5 hours..
Machado and Parker
Bet I’m sitting on a 12-0 pack
Anyone know when the new BR rewards come out?
Did they announce anything?
I don’t see anything on a sale??
Where is the stub sale?
There’s a stub sale?
Do they usually drop a stub sale for Memorial Day? Just wondering because I didn’t see anything about it today
@CCCStunna30 said in Never felt so hopeless pitching before:
I get they are trying to improve hitting but the timing window and pci size was never the issue. It was the results from good pci giving good/okay on dead center pci, good/squared up outs when the other guy gets early/slightly rolled or late/jammed hits in key moments. Pitching is so broken with good results going right down the middle or missing just off the plate. Pitching to the corners is useless because good results are almost always balls. Pitching has always been what has kept me able to compete with high level guys, now in this event dots are no doubt homers, feels like your throwing BP no matter what you do. I haven’t competed yet on hall of fame to see if that is better but all star is a joke now
The timing issue was a huge problem within this game and in this patch it got better. The problem that you’re thinking about is umpire non calls on pitches on the black and blatant check swings not being rung up. A pci increase was needed on HOF and above as well. This game makes it impossible to pitch effectively
Contact there trash dev team through email they might or might not help you
@iSTELLARi said in Live series prices:
Invested about 75 k this past week in LS golds..... ended up selling everything and making about 7k... nothing crazy thought it would have been better. Not bad
Maybe they jump tmr who knows, but I definitely lost stubs
Was expecting Live series prices to go up do to the new event but they never went up sucks for me I invested in 10 gallo’s.
Balanced is the best
I’m stacked up to
@eatyum said in Live series event:
I wouldn't expect prices to go up to much, especially on the higher-end cards. You might see a 1k-3kish jump on the cheapest diamonds perhaps, but nothing that really sustains itself for more than a day or two
What if the rewards are something BIG
Do prices go up even higher or do that flatten out with this next event coming up?
Let's kill the Future Stars concept now.
Let's kill the Future Stars concept now.
Moonshot Event Thread!!
New BR Rewards?
New BR Rewards?
New BR Rewards?
New BR Rewards?
Stub Sale?
Stub Sale?
Stub Sale?
Stub Sale?
Stub sale soon??
Never felt so hopeless pitching before
Where is my tom glavine?!?!
Live series prices
Live series prices
If your CAP is 2nd baseman, what final one did you chose?
Live series event
Live series event
Live series event