I can’t hit with short players. If I see someone is under 5’11 I just move on. That’s just me personally…REALLY struggle with short dudes.

You spelled Nicholas Castellanos wrong.
I love him. Just superfractor’d him over the weekend.
@hoboadam_psn said in Ban question:
@yankeefan412_xbl said in Ban question:
So when you say console ban are you prevented from playing ALL games for a year or just The Show?
Really dude? LOL.
Imagine being unable to play Fortnite because he designed a bad stadium...
They can't brick a console for a game specific violation.
Wouldn’t being forced to play Fortnite be more of a punishment than not being allowed to play anything?
So when you say console ban are you prevented from playing ALL games for a year or just The Show?
SDS does this every year : Kershaw/Ryan, Newhauser/Kluber, DeGrom/Cabrera…..I’ve suggested before that they need to come out with a new system where you’re not seeing the same 2 pitchers EVERY SINGLE GAME…Because that’s all you ever see now. I don’t know how you do it but something has to change.
They look pretty comparable…Who do you like better & why?
I played on the PS4 from 2015-2020 & switched to the Series X….Have not noticed any difference between the two. They play the same - For me anyways.
It surprises me reading through this thread just how many people actually spend their time watching other men play video games. I just don’t get it.
Averages had to have dipped significantly then while it was nerfed…People want to hit, They’re not gonna leave it if everyone is batting .150 & they shouldn’t. It’s supposed to be an exciting game not deadball era 1-0 games.
I’m kind of an in betweener…I turn off the two inner ones but leave the outer one on & don’t fade it. Helps me see & track the ball easier while still knowing exactly how big my contact range is.
I don’t use directional but I understand it’s mechanics. You basically have to decide what you’re swing intention is before the pitch. Examples…If you have a right handed power hitter up like Vlad & you want to hit a homer - Aim up & to the left and only swing at balls in the lower and middle part of the zone. If you swing at high pitches you will just pop it up….Next example - Say you have a batter up that causes the defense to auto shift like Griffey - Aim down & to the left - This will push the ball down the line where there are no defenders for an easy double.
@qwesty16_psn said in What is going on with hitting?:
it's b/c of all the crazy pitchers in this game and pinpoint pitching where every pitch can be located perfectly
Probably similar to his 96 last year…Power in the mid 90’s & high contact.
Take a few days off…Like don’t even fire up the game at all. I always seem to go on a run whenever I turn the game off & dont play for a couple days. I think it’s in the algorithm or something because the one thing SDS does not want is you to stop playing. They don’t care if you get mad, frustrated…But stop playing? THAT they don’t want.
Cabrera -
Congratulations on making it!
The 95 has been dominant for me all year (sub 1 era) & with the 99 being slightly more accurate & having outlier - yikes…It’s gonna be lights out.
The Show - $59.99…..Attorney’s fees for litigation to get online play working - $16,750
I’m still using Posada & have no plans of replacing him.
MVP Mookie Bench
99 Larry Walker or 99 bryce Harper
Why is Edward Cabrera still not fixed?
Ban question
Ban question
Degrom over, and over, and over again.
Walker or Harper?…..And why?
Is it really this bad on Xbox?
Contact Back to OP
If you are struggling at hitting
How many use directional hitting? Any tips?
What is going on with hitting?
What y’all think Posada stats gonna look like tomorrow?
WYD when you just can't win?
Whos your 5 starting pitchers?
first time hitting world series!!!
How is 99 Gossage?
Best catcher in the game.