Haha In my inventory it shows all three Gunnar but when I just now went to add them to a team it shows the other cards. Weird but hey they're there
Did anyone else get three of the same players? All three of mine are Gunnar Henderson cards
Well, that's the point of a Uecker captain card, his stats would be terrible but the buffs he would provide would make it worth having him on the team. Much like his playing days he wasn't very good but kept the team loose with his humor.
Just thought it would a humourous way to honor the man that's all. -
By the way, you have to watch his HOF induction speech. Pure gold, tremendous loss to baseball
His stats are terrible but the buffs insane and increases with more common players on team
Need a Uecker captain card, terrible stats but incredible buffs
Cosmic baseball? Looks cool at least, if you haven't seen it check it out
Spent too much time on realistic hair that doesn't really look realistic
@daddydingerz_psn said in Jack Leiter’s first start:
Just watched his first start in AA. They only let him go 3 innings, but he still managed to get 7 Ks. I was fortunate to get pretty good seats behind home plate, and oh my, this dude can throw. One of the best curveballs I’ve seen in person (best was Zito). Hope he turns out well, because the Rangers could sure use some pitching.
You lucky [censored] haha I'm jealous, can't wait till he's ready to come up
@ignigokt_psn said in Let me pick my countries flag:
The two choices of flags are certainly head scratchers. Makes you wonder what possibly could have been going on in the head of the person who made that decision.
Maybe they couldn't aquire the rights to all the different flags...
@greyosprey4229_xbl said in Mini seasons suck:
I think it is a neat idea, but it needs to have a cap on team OVR. We're only 9 days from early access and 5 days from regular release and I have 2 teams in my Mini Season that are absolutely loaded. Both teams' avg 96 OVR and their lowest rated cards are 92 Tatis and Kuechel. I'm guessing this will only get worse as more people get better cards, resulting in Mini Seasons turning into playing 7 "god squads" that are mostly made up of the same players. If I wanted to play "god squads", I'd play online. I'll finish out the current season to get what rewards I can and to grind some of the FoTF missions, but after that, I'm probably done with this mode.
I agree, just take the using players created teams out of it and use some creativity.
Have teams consist of all classic players, your Ruth, Mays, etc. A all 80s team, 90s, maybe an all prospect team and then a current team. All base cards but as new cards of those players release have them update on those teams. That way early on teams not all god squads but progressively gets better as the game goes on.
Just a idea. -
It's ok, it's called passion for something you like. I get frustrated sometimes and pop off myself only to think it over and understand that no, they will not make everyone happy, nor will they release a perfect game no one does much anymore since you can patch things.
To me by far the buggiest game they've released. I'm hanging in there though, just too big a baseball nut I guess.
Happened to me in a conquest game, leading 6-0 top of third vs Mariners. Pop up to first, he drifted close to the dugout and froze.
@luvmyxbox_xbl said in Created Stadiums Cant Be Used:
Yup happened to me several times now.
SDS : do you even look at this forum anymore? Or should we post bugs in the DD forum as that seems to be the most active.
Ouch Babe
I use pulse and it's definitely affected it.
Starting pitcher had to be pulled after 12 pitches, reliver tired after 5, brought in another reliver and he pitched the next two innings... Hunh?
Taylor Heard was SP, Matt Bush RP and then John King RP -
I thought you could pick also until I got to the first AL West, being a Ranger fan I obviously couldn't wait to get Seager. Thankfully that's who I got but should've been a choice pack.
Had two unhandled server issues in my first playthrough giving me losses, backed out and haven't played it since. Not wasting time on broken content.
SDS: Excuse me but what the hell is going on here?
Players: Well, we have pre orders not showing up in inventory, tutorial pops ups won't go away, content creators making insane all 99 teams in mini seasons and unhandled..is it unhandled server issues? Yeah unhandled server issues.
SDS: Is that right?
Players: Yeah SDS, we're dealing with a lot of s**t out here!
Cover Players
Cover Players
Bob Uecker captain card
Bob Uecker captain card
Bob Uecker captain card
RIP Bob Uecker
Thoughts on a WWE/MLB crossover?
Content stagnation
Jack Leiter’s first start
Let me pick my countries flag
Mini seasons suck
SDS Dudes, my apologies
I was trying to not buy this game
SDS Please Fix—Games Freeze on Pop-outs to First Base
Created Stadiums Cant Be Used
why is reliever energy zapped after 3 frigging pitches?
why is reliever energy zapped after 3 frigging pitches?
Just a reminder, FOTF No Choice SUCKS
Mini Seasons Broke
SDS mound visit