I never pressed pause the whole game, I finally did in the 6th and my timer was :00. I lost the game up 4-1 in 7th.
I was playing at a created stadium as the away team. Idk if that has something to do with it.
I never pressed pause the whole game, I finally did in the 6th and my timer was :00. I lost the game up 4-1 in 7th.
I was playing at a created stadium as the away team. Idk if that has something to do with it.
@squishiesgirl said in State of Play:
@WorldSeriezChamp said in State of Play:
Directional hitting you hold the analog stick down, time the pitch, press x and its a dinger.
Huh? Down is a ground ball....wow hitting is really screwed up
Down isnt a groundball. I used to think so. But it’s the way you want the ball to spin. So down is back spin.
What’s funny is how poor this gameplay is. Not only that but there’s been zero patches. The game must be perfect? No bugs? No glitches? Horse sht. Look SDS you drown us with content and that’s cool. You all are great at marketing. But you are terrible at developing video games. Before the game was released you all went on twitch and stressed how important this year was on creating the best online gameplay possible. But it’s never been so poor. Zone hitting is nothing but wet noodles. Directional hitting you hold the analog stick down, time the pitch, press x and its a dinger. You reward players that have 0 skill. Figure it out. This game is fraud. Nothing but a platform to cash grab. You all are criminals for providing such a poor product to loyal customers. Get bent.
Match only zone against zone and pure analog/directional against pure analog/directional. This game is garbage.
It’s been months since any sort of patch. Regardless of any patch, there’s been no change in those patches to the hitting or pitching in the game. SDS are you truly happy with where the gameplay is? This is truly terrible. The game could be good. But the difference in gameplay between zone and directional/pure analog is crazy. Using zone on HOF is stupid difficult. I enjoy that don’t get me wrong. I dont want this to be easy. But ill switch over to analog/directional and a monkey could square up and constantly foul balls off. Fix this garbage. If you are going to keep 3 hitting methods you should match up players who use the same hitting method. This is out of hand. Stop all the overload of content and make a playable game instead.
Go ahead try it out during ranked seasons. While constantly seeing and losing to hellen keller players who look terrible during at bats but put up run after run while i struggle to hit , I decided to change my zone hitting to directional. Next two pitches i hit two home runs just for timing the pitch and pressing up. Congratulations y’all made a shi-ty fooking game. No updates? No talk of everyday gameplay life. But tons of content talk. Sds is so fake for pretending to seem like they care about all of the “quality of life”. Any argument of the skill between zone hitting to analog/directional is no longer valid. A monkey can be good at this game. This is trash.
Well if you dont rake with Mantle but you rake with Sheffield I automatically now you are a directional/pure analog player
I understand its been difficult with the Covid going on. But how in the world has SDS not worked out a patch with the hitting by now? How has there not been anything to communicate that something is being worked on? Hall of fame is a joke. When the said they wanted it to be “more” competitive, did that mean to allow people who use directional/pure analog to actually have a chance? I have to watch people throw dirt balls on nasty pitches the whole game and then when I square a ball up its a weak pop fly... But when a directional/pure analoger players only “time” it up they get they get the perfect/perfect home run. It doesnt make sense at all. They dont even have a pci. How could they possibly hit on top of it or below it? Frustration from all the top players and they dont even address it. I’m sorry about it. This is the worst this game has ever been. Figure it out and be more transparent about what’s going on in gameplay rather than saturating all of us with an abundance of content that we can’t even enjoy because the game sucks
Does anyone know how to turn off the bubble that pops up midgame that says the daily missions. For example (9/10 innings logged with Twins Hitters)
@squishiesgirl said in Let me blunt. @SDS:
why is it that people who dont use zone hitting get such an advantage on perfect perfect.
Who are these peopke??
If they use those options there’s no pci which literally means you dont have to track the pitch. So what is perfect perfect? Its only perfect. If you time it right you get a perfect perfect result. Look at the ball come off the bat. The results are different. im also here to explain it amongst the community. Everyone has their own opinions of what is best. Im just trying to get my two cents heard.
This is the worst the game has played. First off I asked the question on livestream to RAMONE. Dude isn’t anything but a liar. I’m pissed off.
Here it is. Speed up hitting. Make zones smaller. Bet. I enjoy that part. Perfect. Makes it way harder to hit. Plus strikeouts is fun. But why is it that people who dont use zone hitting get such an advantage on perfect perfect. Zone hitting is Good, Okay. Good,good. And you know what those end up as? Lazy flyballs to the outfield. Squared up zone hitting is garbage. No reward.
You say the same stuff every year. I dont care what it is but if you ever want a competitive scene make online hitting universal. Make it all pure analog, directional or zone. Select one of those.
I personally prefer zone because that takes skill. But at this point in the game if you use zone your a chump and at a significant disadvantage. Tell me Im wrong and your a liar.
I dont mind catching L’s to someone who is better than me. I enjoy playing someone who is good competition. What i dont enjoy is striking out teams 15 times a game and giving up only solo bombs. And I cant put runs together because good good isnt good enough.
Im going to keep playing because i dont have anything better to do. But you all really lost a seriously dedicated and competitive player tonight man. Started to lose its touch in 17 and all the bells and whistles up overloading content when all the consumers really want is a working game.
It isn’t all terrible. Ive enjoyed some of the little things you all fixed. But at this point I dont trust any of you. If you want to contact me please feel free to message me on PSN. I will give you insight on all of the little things I feel is wrong. Who am I and why do you think you should care what I think?
Im a valued customer who supports you year in and year out. Someone needs to contact me personally.
Thank you
I am currently at 47/50 with the last ticket left in my inventory and it won’t let me exchange it towards the team affinity program. Specifically the Padres in my case. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?
Last night i tried to play my friend and ended up connecting with someone completely random! That’s never happened.
Button accuracy seems to get stuck on red.
Pitching needs to be tweaked for pure analog meter. Its not registering correctly.
Directional/pure analog hitting is OP with this perfect/perfect method. This should be a zone only method.
3a. Fix the online gameplay, directional and pure analog players should always be at a disadvantage. Just timing a swing shouldn’t be rewarded the same as actually tracking with pci and then timing the swing.
This game is unplayable. Bring on all the negativity in the comments I get it. Some of you enjoy feeling like you are a top player because of the 8 homeruns you hit a game because you are able to time a pitch correctly. Im not here for that argument. But a UNIVERSAL hitting method would eliminate any of these concerns.