i also can not log in

we need to stop trying to speen things up if you do not have 30-45 min to play a game dont play online it simple but whats the point of playing 5 min games at that point why not just make all games 4 pitches and the first to make contact wins
at this point all of the unis and stadiums should just be the ones in the game clearly people cant handle makeing them at all they cause are all filled hate and problems
it dose not matter how nasty pitcher stuff is or starter rp or cp the batter the inning or the number of people on base the computer never goes after the hitter and i dont think yet i have seen the computer throw 3 pitches in a row even close to the strike zone 90% of the pitches throw should be with in a few inches of the strike zone not in the other batters box 3 feet above my head or inch off the ground
it was a bad idea to have for the egg hunt a bunch of people tried multi player games for the first time trying to get eggs and had nothing but matchups against waybetter players in some modes and the stupied quick counts in events it just proves to offline players that online play is just not worth it or fun
that not it we enjoy the start of the season when you get to build a team withplayer on there real baseeball cards that have real stats not juiced 99 that are cool card art and a hof name or some minor leaguer with 0 mlb time but has 125 speed power and contact
the shift and the number of pick off by the cpu
99's with 125's in 20 stats ruin the game they dont make it better and haveing them on day 1 is just going the lazy 2k rout. all players have flaws and i wish the cards that were made showed that and instead of trying to make the gameplay extra hard for no good reason just focus on true stats on players not what mini game i need to play to pitch or throw or hit
sorry i am sure i am the old guy on the other side of this but if you quit for anyreason the ban should start at 24 hours and if you do it more than 3 times it should be a ban for the rest of the season. Also this should stop u from using the ah also so u cant just farm coins . the bs reason of this guy is to good so i quit untill i find some one who sucks worse than me so i can beat up on them is one of the bigest problems in all online games
strike/ball calls
@chuckclc_psn said in Things you can do with your game:
Unfortunately most of us have digital copies. But if it was 2007 these sound great.
thats ok put your whole system in the microwave it will do the same as just the disk
but those free games you get are not truly free because if you let your playstation + expire all those free games are unplayable
the "they dont have the rights to a player " is old and tired excuse they make a [censored] ton of money off of us and there is no reason for them not to have the rights for someone in this day and age and if a certian player is being greedy let us know
if u played in the league you should be in the games mandatory and this bs of who need more money is just greedy from both sides and we the fans are the ones who miss out -
stop trying to defend this practice its a asshat move and people should be giveing some type of small ban say a few hours because if your are doing because you have to leave for a real problem it wont hurt u at all but if your doing it to be a [censored] the advantage you are gaining is that you dont have to play the good player and you are trying to get and easier matchup for yourself
oh no you had to spend a little bit of time to make a ton of stubs poor you
@balsamicarrow88 said in Could this be a thing? I think I’m convinced.:
Why would you take out your starting pitcher that has given up zero runs while up 3-0 in the 4th inning? That is not baseball…yikes dude you might need a refresher course on the game.
you do know that teams do do that they call them openers Tampa bay dose it all the time teams also have games that they call bullpen games so they can give a guy a rest or set up match up cause of off days and they dont need 5 man rotation its not the 1920's anymore guys dont go 9 inning every 3 days
Sometimes getting that 1 run in the middle inning is worth more than throwing 15 more 102 mph sinkers up and in with that guy when i have 5 others in the pen that can do the same thing -
online every day not the best but for events and different mission great card to use
@vipersneak_psn said in Live series conquest map:
@wolfwind_psn said in Live series conquest map:
all conquest need is a smarter more aggressive ai and the ability to play def games when you are attacked
Why would you want that? You like wasting time playing a war game where the ai can beat you at the non baseball part? It’s not a real war game. Just a cool way to match your team up vs the cpu
and yes that is what i want the combo of 2 great games i would love to have to restart a board not because i sim thru it in 30 min (simming should not be option) but because i was not able to win i also think it crazy stupid that i dont get to play the games were the computer attacks me
yes bots could be a thing
but some one pinch hit for a pitcher got a hit (what type dose not matter) that scored a run thats not fishy thats called baseball
i swing late or early on purpose all the time to bloop a hit in some were because of a shift or i am useing a hit and run i am not trying to hit the ball a mile just place it were u are not -
dd myteam all of these type of modes are not and online or offline mode they are a card collection mode with the option to use the cards you have to play a game and to many people have forgot that because someone on you tube told them how to use someone fake jucied up aa player to exploit the game
Anyone having trouble logging on to PSN?
If Quick Counts Aren’t Going To Be 1-1 Every AB
Racist Custom Stadium in Online Rated
CPU Pitchers on Rookie
I HATE the new abbreviated counts in Events!!!! WHY has this been added?!
This game is boring
This game won’t last
"Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs
What is the single (super minor) detail that annoys you the most?
Things you can do with your game
Subscription to play DD online?
Touching on two points in DD
MLB Code of Conduct - When does SDS enforce?
Ridiculous Process of Selling Cards
Could this be a thing? I think I’m convinced.
Does anyone use 96 Griffey Jr?
Live series conquest map
Could this be a thing? I think I’m convinced.
To offline players