its funny, i am like, I need to make world series before weekend classic, I look at ranked and dread even loading into a game. Its sucks. I used to love it back in 19 & 20.

I've made world series every game since MLB 17 & this year i just don't have any desire to play it. Its the exact same BS you deal with every year. Terrible connections, million fouls, bad results.
Plus the rewards are boring. With the only addition being Weekend classic thats only once a month.
I just lost a lot of interest. Playing online has been a chore with how poor performace is. For the 1st time in years i'm actually having a better time playing Diamond quest & the offline grind. We know Sony & SDS wont take any action against the poor connections.
Oh well. maybe MLB 26
@Dolenz_PSN Then why are you commenting here??
@Rabid55Wolverine_PSN All I want to know is what makes people enjoy it. I'm not even debating. I hate conquest bc it's the samethjng every year. Long & boring. Saying you get silver progress & packs doesn't justify no updates to the mode.
@kingdutch_PSN "grow up dude" lol. What a response. Sds forced me to play to finish the Pipeline collection.
@PAinPA_PSN Farming missions is strategy?? Lol. Pressing X on spaces for 6 hours has zero strategy.
@kingdutch_PSN Don't know how to play? It's been in the game for 8 years. I do it in my sleep. That's my complaint. ZERO changes. Getting packs & saves isn't an excuse to have it around anymore.
You're ignorant responses makes sense.
@kingdutch_PSN Yes you do! With diamond quest being a far superior game mode than conquest it's become irrelevant. There hasn't been on person to describe to me what is fun about conquest.
@Rabid55Wolverine_PSN Clicking X on an icon for 6 hours is boring & please tell me what you like about it? Sure in 17-19 it was interesting, but 8 years later with ZERO changes. It's terrible
@trfatboy22_PSN lying is not cool...
@mietha_PSN What???
@Doublevoltage_PSN Bc sitting there for hours pressing x on icons is boring af lol. Who cares about the packs.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN haha. Good one
@kingdutch_PSN Whats great about it? Pressing X on squares is fun?
@Dolenz_PSN said in Diamond Quest:
Yes SDS, take out the modes I don't enjoy. Who cares if other people actually enjoy playing them.
According to them no one finished the USA map lol. Must not just be me.
@sbchamps17_NSW Bc it's boring.
@Teak2112_MLBTS Thats not true at all lol. You can go to the market and buy any card you can earn through those modes. There's no way to get the Pipeline Golds except play conquest.
@Teak2112_MLBTS Disagree. I'd rather play a complete play vs cpu. I can control the difficulty & quit when needed.
@jaychvz_XBL Fine, keep them in. THEY SHOULDNT LOCK REWARDS BEHIND THEM. only way to get Sasaki is by playing Conquest. Conquest is brutal & i have no idea why anyone enjoys it.
@Area_Man__PSN Same! They put this mode out in 16/17 & made zero changes. It's actually embarrassing they said no one plays the USA map, so instead of taking the hint. They release the samething just chopped up & then put exclusive rewards behind it. I guess Sony must have a financial stake in conquest bc there's no reason it exists still.
Ranked Seasons
Ranked Seasons
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest
Diamond Quest