Last week I lost an event game in a "hilarious" way. Up by 2 in the top of the third with two outs. I'm pitching and POTM Didi batting and FOTF Harmon Killebrew on first for my opponent. My opponent tries a hit and run and misses the pitch. I make a perfect throw down to second and beat the runner by a huge margin. Opponent returns to first about a foot away from Biggio who has the ball. I try and run him down but Biggio runs towards the outfield instead (mind you I was not pushing that way on the stick). Opponent turns Harmon around back to second. Biggio doesn't care to respond to input anymore and just stands there and watches Killebrew run past him while being unable to move. Finally does throw the ball to second way too late with a rainbow underhand throw. Of course the next pitch to Didi is a no doubt home run. Only time I felt justified in dashboarding since the game should have been over if not for inexplicably horrible controls. The home run only tied the game but sometimes the game gives you a clear indication of how things are going to go.

The game had been playing terrible the past few days to the point I reset my PS4 to factory settings to see if that would help. Probably just lag but my opponents seem to hit fine. Oh well, what can you do?
Buying 15 of him at roughly 5000 stubs each a while back sure paid off today! Anyone else making some bank with this collection reward?
I hit one in the event with Al Leiter against Al Leiter. Funny enough, my opponent had already hit a home run with his Al Leiter against mine. Mine was a no doubter though, so I think I came out ahead? (or maybe Al Leiter was the real winner)
I got Kris Bryant twice today on back to back headliner packs. Besides that, getting Dibble out of a standard pack earlier in the year was pretty lucky too!
It seems like this was done to try and slow down people quitting after hitting in the top of the 1st for prestige. Not sure it will help, but we'll see!
Maybe the Blue Jays. will get a new classic stadium instead of a player. Exhibition Stadium!
Showdowns and Events so far. I'm working on getting Prestige for a bunch of my guys with these last Events although I'm not totally sure why since I don't play much Ranked. Guess it's something to do!
I've found if you can grind quick enough (sell in the first weekend), the stubs you get from selling the boss will pay for buying all 3 back later on after a few player programs drop. Rinse and repeat and you get all the bosses for not much investment in stubs. Gotta grind a lot that first weekend though!
His no-doubt animation would be the greatest.
@The_Icon148 said in Think I've gained a full level trying for 2 doubles and a stolen base.:
Does this mission pop up once u get gold jackie? I dont see this mission
Yes, there are more moments unlocked once get you get gold Jackie.
I thought the 2 HR moment was going to be the worst and then I ran into this one. It's like they have one content designer who just loves doubles and won't use XBH. I don't think I've seen Jackie actually hit one into the gap yet, my only doubles have been off the wall. At least the steals seem pretty easy so far but I'm guessing I'll finally get 2 doubles and have the batter keep hitting the ball so I can't get a steal.
People trying to sell before the flash sale. If there is another guaranteed diamond pack you'll probably see the lower tier diamonds crash hard.
I had that happen once also on the 1st inning showdown. Had to forfeit and haven't had it happen again (yet)
12 for me also
Good advice here! The best part about Wagner being the last pitcher is that he will be forced to bat. I ended up with bases loaded in the 9th and 2 outs, but luckily it was Wagner who was batting (he still put up quite a fight). Something to keep in mind if it's close and you want to intentionally walk Bench (I think he bats 8th) to get to Wagner.
Crazy/Hilarious ways you have lost
Lag on offense
Keith Foulke
No Doubt
Luckiest thing to happen to you in this game/packs this year?
New event rewards
TA 3 reveal thread
How do you spend your time on 20?
Inning vouchers
Alright enough is enough!!!
Think I've gained a full level trying for 2 doubles and a stolen base.
Think I've gained a full level trying for 2 doubles and a stolen base.
Showdown Draft error
Most drops
Completed the Gossage Moments! Lineup for Legend game