Wife's due date was yesterday so we'll see if little man comes today...the sooner the better.

The pitch comes out of the hand like a breaking ball. It's broken. It needs to be fixed.
You don't need to spend of grind your life away to have a competitive team.
That alone makes DD leaps and bounds better than MUT
MUT is an absolutely miserable grind year in year out
Yes. All of the complaints have been completely justified.
I want 4 things:
HOF pitch speeds to be the ceiling
Sinkers to come out of hand naturally
Contact swings to be nerfed to where they should be
PPP to be more difficult to get a perfect pitch location. The current system is too forgiving -
I'm 35 and I can live with the 4 seam heat, but the sinkers are just stupid. They look like offspeed out of the hand. Whatever it is I can't read it. I actually just turned my PCI because it's too distracting for my old eyes. I'm about to go get my eyes checked out lol.
I want to play 30+ guys only lol. We need a senior circuit.
OP, we get it. You're miserable. You don't like the game. Apparently it's not okay for others to like the game so every post here is you trying to suck the happiness from other people. Sweet life
I’m not a big madden fan but I gave it a shot. It sucks I’m back. Anyone saying they like madden I really think is lying to themselves. It’s in a terrible place
Well boys I hit rock bottom last night as I sat in my man cave playing some ranked seasons. Was struggling to catch up to inside sinkers so on one particular pitch I really pressed down on that swing button (normal swing I'm not a demon) and my right elbow tendon felt a sting. My elbow was actually sore to the touch I think I strained a tendon or something.
How pathetic is that? It's very pathetic. Very very pathetic.
I played baseball my entire life through college, threw a baseball probably a million times, never had shoulder/elbow surgery and here we are. My first elbow pain comes from swinging in a video game.
But you know what we fight on. I'm not taking any days off. I'll fight through the pain and get on the 3rd inning program today.
I'm not someone who faces adversity and walks off the court with 6 minutes left.
You need to understand that every game I win is because I'm better than my opponent and flat out superior.
If I lose a game it's because of fluke, the game, or something outside of my control. Nobody is better than me.
Every gamer. Ever. -
Riveting tale, chap.
@cardinals588 said in Fix.This.Game.:
Nothing is wrong with the game. If you cannot play it,play another game.
You can make that argument for pitching and hitting, but the fielding is broken. It's not even up for debate.
Look I want to swing at every first pitch and have the showdown take 2 minutes and get all 120 stars in 20 minutes. How can I achieve this?
Nice man. My wife just knows to ask if it’s a real game aka H2H so she knows if I can help her with whatever she needs or not
I don’t know much in life but when a guy comes along with Gucci Gang in his name, I know he means business and I know I should take what he says seriously.
The top players cry 99.9% of the time they lose a game. It's just how it is.
@raesONE said in Gavin Lux is a starting pitcher:
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Gavin Lux is a starting pitcher:
I'm sure they will fix it
I'm sure they will. Kinda sloppy tho, isn't it?
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
Co-sign to remove check swings.
That increases skill gap
They basically made it if a guy starts, he has to go at least 3 games before you can start him again. 4 if you want to get to full energy.
Looks fine to me
Yea conquest needs a huge quality of life check. The simulating is too slow for my taste.
To all the dads
MLB The Sinker 21
Have to give SDS Credit. They are better than EA.
Servers really as bad as people make it out to be?
Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers
Is SDS practicing ageism?
They thought this would keep us from Madden
Any madden fans came back yet?
Lowest point of my life...
I’m trash so I blame the patch
The worst videogame ever
Showdown tips from a DS player
HOF Ruth Moments... and my wife
I think its funny
Who asked for faster pitch speeds and small pci?
Gavin Lux is a starting pitcher
Proof of broken check swing mechanics
I think they nerfed SP stamina too much
Please default Conquest Simulation choice to "YES"