Totally agree. I have never had so much issues with passing. Failed now 5 times. best of the five was scoring to tie up at 15 to have Harper smash it but hit twice off the top of fence and come back into play for a double. Then next hitter Brantley lines out to lf. Very frustrating. But mostly I believe Ripkin, Bench and and Mantle not the best cards and really don't come through for you much in the showdown. Have to have some luck with cards that are drafted.

It is frustrating for sure. I just finished a RS game and don't know if it took or not. Got an Unhandled server exception occurred. I keep getting that same message trying to get back in DD. We shall see. I have been fortunate so far with RS as I sit 7-0 if this game takes. I believe this will get better guys as we know this is a big change this year with cross play and new consoles. I believe this to be the best year yet we just have to get through there spring training (SanDiego Studios). Lets hope we hit the regular season soon. LOL
I can't login to check but I have not received an email from them saying they have. It really sucked when I was trying to buy Degrom and going up one stub to counter and then realizing my stubs count went down and no card.
I just checked and it looks like 200 sell orders have gone through. My time is 2:58:25. I thought I was around 160 when I sent the buy order but does not look that way..
@OreoRockstar said in TA3 Team Moment Issue:
I am at 150 points with TA Phillies, have Schmidt, but the first moment says “locked until you reach 130 points”, and I can’t figure out how to fix the error....anyone else seen anything similar?
Did this ever get fixed for you. I am still having the issue. Did you submit a ticket
I have same issue.
started at 700 went to 737. dropped to 475. Same here. Totally understand.
Same here.
Why have the last 2 showdowns been so difficult?
Live - Server Status
Has anyone else not received their Stubs back from the cancelled Buy Orders issue?
New Chipper Update
TA3 Team Moment Issue
TA3 Team Moment Issue
I am Garbage. from 807 to 694 in amazing fashion .
Mlb the disappeared from my library.