Well it finished now. Don't know what the problem was but it's good.

@CDNmoneymaker93 I already thought of that. All the hexagons were pink
I completed TA East Conquest and it's not giving me the finish screen, so I can't get the 30,000 TA points. Anyone have a solution?
@makhawks_psn said in Early Game Frustrations:
I’ve had more throwing errors to 2b while trying to turn a DP than the entire 2020 MLB season had. Good job, SDS.
If it's a throwing error wouldn't that be your fault for not getting the meter right on the throw
I need y'all pack luck. Mine is terrible.
What's the best thing you have pulled from a Team Affinity pack? I here stories of people pulling diamonds, some of them being headliners diamonds. The best thing I've pulled from it is a silver.
Also why did Team Affinity packs include free agents? I think it defeats the purpose of putting TEAM in it. Just name it a Standard pack. I don't think they should include free agents.
@ChuckCLC said in Wrestling Discord server WWE/AEW:
Horrible years to be a wrestling fan. I use to at least keep up with it over the years if i didnt watch, but now not even that. Every since the started going to average looking Joes and making them stars it has got real bad.
Yeah it's been bad but because it's lockdown I'm watching it a little and I just wanted to fill this discord server
Trying to help my friend fill out this discord server about wrestling. If you want to join click the link and invite people you know.
@rAtbAby407 said in Whats wrong with Pure Analog?:
This. It’s crazy. Trying to get pulse down pat but it’s hard.
I don't like pulse, I feel like if I don't get a good release the ball will go towards the middle
I've picked with pure analog ever since I started playing the show a couple of years ago and this year's version of it is so bad. The thing has a mind of it's own. You can get a good release and the ball goes to the middle or the complete opposite direction of where you wanted it. Trying to aim for the target is like a random number generator. Sometimes it goes to it and sometimes it just goes the opposite way of where your analog stick is at. The thing is at a bad spot at the moment.
PS. Fielding is trash and it needs to be fixed ASAP but we all knew that
Just letting go my frustration -
@STI1489 said in Universal profiles and records from past games:
they did this on purpose its been like that for a couple of years now. The biggest stat-based sport and we cant see our records I don't understand it loved looking at my progression from year to year.
Then what's the point of putting the record from 3 years ago?
The universal profile online record is a good way to see your record now and in past games. The problem is it doesn't seem to work. I played The Show 19 and 18 but I can't see the record. It says 0-0. Is it like this for anyone else?
There's no reason too.
If you send them a clip they can see what happened and how it happened. Not all glitches and bugs happen to everyone
I haven't played a ranked seasons game yet because I'm still improving my team but my friend has played the event and ranked seasons. He says the pitching in ranked seasons is so much better than the event. I want to see if some of y'all feel a difference. Pitching in the event is bad, I think we can all agree on that one.
@Hikes83 said in Showdown:
People are complaining that it’s hard. They made it so much easier after that last patch. My last two showdowns I’ve gone into the final boss battle down 15-13 and tied 15-15. Piece of cake.
Honestly, I think people just aren’t patient. I sit on fastball and just wait for it. The CPU will always throw a meatball or two during an at-bat
They for sure made the 1st inning showdown easier but I see more people talking about the divison showdowns.
Hopefully you put this in the bug report section of the website also.
When showdown was announced I looked at it as something that was supposed to be difficult or something that was suppose to offer a challenge. I think showdown is doing that right now but that's my opinion.
@saintsfan_1029 said in Pitching pitching pitching:
Biggest problem in the game IMO.
Has to be, no way the game can survive with the pitching continuing to be like this.
@JEEZY-E said in Pitching pitching pitching:
@TufoinProduction said in Pitching pitching pitching:
I can't locate nothing. It's a 50/50 shot of the ball going to where or near the spot I tried to put it even if my pure analog is perfect. I've talked to other people and they have the same problems. Pitching needs a buff before we even touch hitting again.
they obviously can't fix pitching thats why when one of the devs was posed the question of why so many perfect releases end up hanging or missing their spot completely...he said we need to "walk more power hitters"...
Just read it and he said that basically. We need to throw more balls to power hitters and get them to chase which is a good strategy if you get them to chase but if I get a good meter or a good pure analog and it hangs down the middle and I wanted it in the dirt that's not my fault that's the game.
TA East Conquest doesn't complete
TA East Conquest doesn't complete
TA East Conquest doesn't complete
Early Game Frustrations
Questions about Team Affinity packs
Questions about Team Affinity packs
Wrestling Discord server WWE/AEW
Wrestling Discord server WWE/AEW
Whats wrong with Pure Analog?
Whats wrong with Pure Analog?
Universal profiles and records from past games
Universal profiles and records from past games
" Baseball video games need to include Women "
Why is everyone demanding we send clips to SDS?
Pitching in the event vs ranked seasons
[Bug] Disconnecting controller does not allow other player to accept the forfeit
Pitching pitching pitching
Pitching pitching pitching