Whats wrong with Pure Analog?
I've picked with pure analog ever since I started playing the show a couple of years ago and this year's version of it is so bad. The thing has a mind of it's own. You can get a good release and the ball goes to the middle or the complete opposite direction of where you wanted it. Trying to aim for the target is like a random number generator. Sometimes it goes to it and sometimes it just goes the opposite way of where your analog stick is at. The thing is at a bad spot at the moment.
PS. Fielding is trash and it needs to be fixed ASAP but we all knew that
Just letting go my frustration -
This. It’s crazy. Trying to get pulse down pat but it’s hard.
@rAtbAby407 said in Whats wrong with Pure Analog?:
This. It’s crazy. Trying to get pulse down pat but it’s hard.
I don't like pulse, I feel like if I don't get a good release the ball will go towards the middle
What's wrong with Pure Analog? Not a thing as far as I'm concerned. It's by far the most immersive way to play in terms of controls. The only thing that I don't use it for (yet) is throwing as a fielder, and I'm likely to switch to that soon after playing some vs the CPU to get used to it.
I absolutely love Pure Analog. Thanks for asking!