or 3 hr robs

Does anyone have active mlb discords to invite me to? Pm me if it isnt allowed to post here
@nymets1987_psn said in I have the worst pack luck in the history of the game:
@tsalten_psn said in I have the worst pack luck in the history of the game:
So yeah, I have yet to pull a diamond in 21 (except the guaranteed ones). I bought the digital deluxe, I have finished all conquest maps, am sitting at step 20 in 1st inn, done all moments except Topps and Davis.
Any worse?
You opened packs tonight congrats I can’t even do that
All free ones from conquest haha
So yeah, I have yet to pull a diamond in 21 (except the guaranteed ones). I bought the digital deluxe, I have finished all conquest maps, am sitting at step 20 in 1st inn, done all moments except Topps and Davis.
Any worse?
@hubijerk_psn said in 42 Series:
You have to figure they will be needed for a future big collection as well, like trout last year, and with +5 attributes they should stay relevant for a while. Honestly nothing in the live collection rewards really blows my skirt up, I'm personally in no rush to knock them out, last year mantle and some of the other rewards were game changing... Doesn't appear to be the case so much this year.
They’re needed for the 99 Jackie already. Also get you Doby and Minoso.
I believe they will go up eventually, stats on several of them are quite good, especially with the levelling. Live Series going down could pressure their value tho. Lack of further supply could make them go up. I expect Ripken maybe to be among the rarest of them.
@jiggidyjj_psn said in want 10k stubbs, biah and 5 packs for «free»?:
Great tip! Pulled 2 diamonds from these packs. Thanks dude
Hoping the karma nets me a diamond, I have yet to pull one this year ...
Buy and collect 200 Free agents!!!
May the pack odds be ever in your favour
@gohardgrandpa said in Devs: After Game Cards for Conquest not showing up.:
They won’t respond to this. I just now finished all the conquest maps. That would of been a lot of after game cards
Feel you, I’m 3 maps short
Could be that they added more packs, and the combination got too good - flooding the market?
Or just deactivated it during pre-access to not give us too much of a head start.
I miss it tho as it provided motivation for playing at a higher difficulty.
hope they answer this
I think Salvy and Sixto look really interesting
I’m levelling up my cards
yeah atleast not on first inn map
this sucks
@thegoaler_psn said in Loyalty PS5:
Nope. I only heard them say "you're already blessed to score a PS5, so no more goodies 4 u" 🤪
Haha that’s true
Do we know if we will get the right loyalty bonuses for PS5?
the more the merrier
feel free to join
@ikasnu_psn said in Discord for DD:
No thanks. Lanky and Hobo have the best discords
@ikasnu_psn said in Discord for DD:
No thanks. Lanky and Hobo have the best discords
That’s just because you haven’t joined ours yet!
Mystery Mission in Mini Series
Active discords
I have the worst pack luck in the history of the game
I have the worst pack luck in the history of the game
42 Series
want 10k stubbs, biah and 5 packs for «free»?
want 10k stubbs, biah and 5 packs for «free»?
Devs: After Game Cards for Conquest not showing up.
Devs: After Game Cards for Conquest not showing up.
Devs: After Game Cards for Conquest not showing up.
Best TA cards to prioritize?
Grinding Conquest
no aftergame rewards conquest
no aftergame rewards conquest
Loyalty PS5
Loyalty PS5
Discord for DD
Discord for DD
Discord for DD