that the amount of hot pink in your team colors directly correlates to how cheesy and toxic of a player you are. Also, coincidentally, to how small your micropenis is. Heard it straight from a scientist at the science store.

Ranked seasons, all star difficulty. I’ve been selling out on fastballs like it’s legend speed and am getting “late” feedback. I’m swinging at a cutter literally right down the middle of the plate and am completely swinging through it getting “too early” feed back with my pci directly over the ball. It’s driving me crazy I can’t seem to figure out how to adjust to anything this year. Timing never seemed so bad before.
You literally described exactly how my last game went. This happens all too frequently to be just coincidence and getting “beat” by a “better player”
Lol I came across this situation and thought the same thing. But what happens is the runner on base ends up being replaced with the previous batter in your lineup that got out most recently and then you bat with Rizzo
Jesus Christ people will complain about literally anything. I guarantee you’re the only person that feels this way or even thought about this at all.
In all seriousness, I’m switching to pure analog hitting haha. I made World Series with it last year when a new season started I did it just to try it out and It happened to work out okay. Maybe I just am too stoned most of the time to catch up and do two things at once?
@CanucksNoCups said in Stealing online vs anyone remotely good is impossible.:
Its realistic for a super speedy guy to take an extra step leadoff it's what they do. It's not realistic to throw to that base 30 times
No, what’s realistic is the runner wouldn’t be taking that much of a lead after a couple throws. Your argument is absolutely terrible, and I hope you get picked off and thrown over at all game and every game.
Definitely agree with most of this. Not having much fun with this years game...I played alot online last year and definitely had fun playing even with the bad hitting because there was always other things to keep me busy than just playing ranked. Now I find myself just waiting for more offline playable stuff to be added to the game so that I don’t go get frustrated and annoyed with ranked games. It sucks to know that I’ll never be able to use any prestige versions of any cards, but I guess that’s the game we get this year.
I had sooo much fun playing the first week before the patch, I played so much ranked the first few days...the timing felt normal and everyone was getting rewarded for hits....and then everything changed immediately after it. Now I want nothing to do with playing anyone competitively, ESPECIALLY with how many fielding and base running issues there are. It’s just not for me anymore. -
Wow it's impressive that you were able to last that long. I have a 15 inning limit, I will always message the other player at 15 and ask them if they would like to friendly after I give them a last chance to hit and go ahead if they can. If they are home they'll score and walk off or if they are away i'll just quit and give them the W. If not, we friendly and get over it. I just can't play games that long
Runners on, routine fly balls and my outfielders are literally stopping in front of them and allowing them to drop before fielding. I would have chalked it up to being just a random weird animation if it happened once but its happening frequently and am curious if this is a fielding animation problem that others are experiencing. Anyone?
Too many wongs, huh? Sounds like a personal problem.
@McGalamaad said in How do players freeze the game?:
@StrikeYouOut510 said in How do players freeze the game?:
LoL since noon
Lmao it’s true.
Hahahaha since noon! Dude the hilarious part is I guarantee you that he had already quit and moved on. If it froze like that it means at least one of your connections was lost and it just comes down to who’s it could have quit immediately and it would have made absolutely no difference. You sat there and waited for no reason hahahahahahahahaha
Yeah he got you. I’ve never fallen for it but have had it pulled on me multiple times. It’s definitely a tiny wiener move. What I do when I notice someone is trying to run the time out I will just pause as well and wait them out....make them quit or close the app. Works every time.
Bro this is the internet. Anybody can jump on here and say they are literally anyone. So this little game is dumb, whether you are or not.
I was just saying this last night. All star is crazy right now online. I practice offline on hall of game and legend against gerrit Cole and Blake snell and any of the good live pitchers and I do incredible , but then I get into a ranked seasons game On all star and I’m somehow behind fastballs that I’m literally selling out on early to hit. It doesn’t make any sense.
@GixxerRyder750 said in This toxicity needs to stop.:
It's the Toxicity of our city
The hitting may have been great week 1, but the game was not perfect at all. The pitching issues and fielding issues were all there still, so lets stop saying that the game didn't need to be touched at all. But i do agree that they significantly under delivered their product after all of their hype. Perfect perfect hitting being the prime example, as well as "defensive urgency". I have yet to see one defensive play or animation, ESPECIALLY in clutch situations, that seems the slightest bit urgent.
@slipkid69 said in Online gaming HAS to get better.:
Rollie has been a god for me. Not sure how he could be that bad for you. I’m 2-0 with 19 saves an a 0.35 ERA. He hasn’t walked one batter and struck out like 70.
I think you missed The point
Was feeling pretty good about the hitting in online/ranked seasons for a while but the Game seems to have changed again recently? Hitting and gameplay overall has been absolutely atrocious. 90 +Diamond Fielders missing routine plays and getting awful animations. Squaring up dead center fastballs with 110+ exit velo dying before the track. Pitching perfect releases that somehow miss every spot.
What on earth is going on? How is it that online play fluctuates this much?
@MrGamebred said in Unplayable. Again.:
So, are 8675309 people crazy? Or is the gameplay that suspect lately?
Haha honestly these posts won't stop either
Either way, it's February and the gameplay IS bad, but not worth crying over anymore. Take a break, play another game, just get geared up for 20 dude. It's a only a month and half away.
Yeah that’s kinda where I’m at. It’s beyond frustrating and Might just give it up till 20.
It's a scientific fact
I really don’t understand the timing
Why some believe in scripting or tilting
My mind is blown on Showdown, is this possible?
The worst thing about these TA 2 cards...
I really don’t understand the timing
Stealing online vs anyone remotely good is impossible.
Change My Mind: This game is not Fun or Competitive
36 inning game
outfielders letting fly balls drop
What to do with my 2 locked Wongs from the TA pack?
How do players freeze the game?
I got Finessed....
My MLB Career
Hitting on all-star is harder than HOF was last year
This toxicity needs to stop.
Not the one to do this. But this game is just really really bad right now.
Online gaming HAS to get better.
Unplayable. Again.
Unplayable. Again.