College Football Dynasty is a mess; don't put it on a pedestal. This from someone who LIVED the game from 2002 until about 2011, Athlon annuals to name the rosters and all.
The recruiting pool is copy/paste with no real "generational" prospects.
The recruits are hilariously unrealistic "demographically."
Offseason progression is a mystery. It doesn't tell how much a player progressed, so if you didn't write down the previous OVR, sorry.
Players "progress" randomly, spending points to upgrade ability tiers instead of attributes -- or NOT. Who knows?
An entire coaching focus is dedicated to offseason progression, but it seems to have NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on offseason progression.
I could go on...but I was sorely disappointed in the game. It benefits from I'm-not-Madden privilege, but Dynasty has proven to be an underwhelming, monotonous disappointment.
I'll give 26 a shot, but my expectations have been severely nerfed.