Petition to make SDS let us exchange or quicksell collected players, this is stupid
No card should be forever locked in your collection. Come on now. -
@D_e_m_I_s_E said in Super close to giving up on this train wreck:
Can't throw anything but middle or ball. Today, pitchers look like they are throwing 120. Guess I'll try mobile hot spot for a few.
@D_e_m_I_s_E said in Super close to giving up on this train wreck:
Can't throw anything but middle or ball. Today, pitchers look like they are throwing 120. Guess I'll try mobile hot spot for a few.
Ayeee I remember you. You and judgethegoat were the biggest complainers I’ve ever seen in my life back in 17 and 18.
@Baker029 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Cant believe they changed double points in MTO. There is no point to the mode anymore.
They continue to make this game worse and worse man. Was so much better last year.
How is it physically possible to be this high of a level?? Even in quarantine. Just played a guy this high. Jw. Insane.
@maskedgrappler said in Future stars is a joke:
Maybe next month they can put out a 99 future legend card
@iTsMaGic44 said in They made MTO irrelevant with this update:
Not a fan at all, I already see them getting absolutely shredded over this on their twitter post. What a mess. The grind is tedious combined with the all the BS we have to deal with like computer cheese and broken fielding. They should have just left it alone, easily was the best thing going this year
Yep. Idiocy. What are they even doing at this point? Brain Roberts as a third inning boss with all these other insane cards in the game in a joke.
I feel like there should be more content out right now. I know I know, it’s only a week and a half in but I feel like with everyone quarantined there should be more stuff to do. And it’s not like I play the game every hour of the day, I go out and do stuff but I just feel like showdown is the only thing to do right now.
Yo who? Who asked for this thread?? Yeah... nobody
Comeback logic is in the game. It’s been in the game since 17. You hit a bomb, get up by a couple runs, the odds of your opponents hitting a bomb goes up drastically. Get up 3-0 in the event. Next inning with my diamond Kluber on the mound, bloop single, error on my third basemen I can’t control, another bloop single, and a home run on a perfect release pure analog that was supposed to be a cutter way up but went right down the pipe.
I agree. I love HOF. It’s balanced. Not dumb at all.
Bottom third, two down, I’m up 1-0. Routine flyball to right, Gallo decides to not lock on to ball and goes into the gap for a triple. Next guy singles. Tied 1-1. Seriously?? Comeback logic at its finest.
@squishiesgirl said in Where do I report a crime?:
@Dylan150000032 said in Where do I report a crime?:
These pack odds are criminal. You'd think you would get 1 diamond in 220k worth. Guess not.
I know a secret to getting diamonds more frequently
What is this magic you behold?
@yankblan said in Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???:
1st Inning Showdown is only 500, not 1000. You get that back after first miniboss. Can’t speak for TA Showdowns, but 1st Inning is not that tough. Barely missed on first attempt and easily sailed on the second one. Pick one diamond SP, a good CP and rest only boppers. Only take perks that boost contact after 2 strikes and when losing, or behind in the count. Drain the P by taking as many pitches as you can. You should get that 70 pts fairly easy.
Man I have a lot of respect for you because I think the first inning showdown is insanely difficult
I don’t understand why one game in showdown is fast and up to pace and the next it’s like 50 MPH with the same pitcher?
@wakefan3 said in SDS, this is ridiculous.:
Comeback logic is 100% a thing, but lets not act like we don't know that we are going to have the same advantage when we go down early to someone.
Oh yeah I know that.. and I think it’s stupid when it happens the other way too. My opponent shouldn’t get punished when I give up a bomb to him to start the game and I get lucky.
just was wondering this. Some of them are locked in and not sure how to get them.
They didn’t. They never will.
@e_tough said in Monthly awards glitch:
Why is it not letting me do the Corbin moments. It says I haven’t completed stage 1 but I have Zimmerman? I thought they gave ya exchange options so we don’t have to complete all the mission. Again another joke
Having the same problem.
Collected players
Super close to giving up on this train wreck
Update 1.10 Discussion
Level 35 Diamond
Future stars is a joke
They made MTO irrelevant with this update
Controversial but....
Allmustfall is the Type to
SDS, this is ridiculous.
BR Should Be On HOF
Game is a joke
Jackie Robinson Evolution????? Program
Where do I report a crime?
Sooo are porgram points supposed to be harder to get this year???
Pitch timing is different from moment to moment
SDS, this is ridiculous.
How do you get all stadium sounds and announcer calls?
"FiXeD aN iSsUe ThAt WoULd CaUsE oUtFiLldErS tO mIsS cAtCheS wHeN a UsEr rAaChEd ThE cAtCh ReGiOn"
Monthly awards glitch