So again, no one has any recommendation? I get network communication error screen after every game? like that has to be the sign of a bad connection. only have issues with mlb the show
@DemIsE4_XBL i've done this, still having the issue. I was just sitting here not even in a game and lost connection to the server. I firmly believe it is not my internet and just the communication to the game server. which is infuriating because that's out of my control and the reason my record is so bad in ranked. i've tried different dns and everything. nothing fixes it.
I lose connection so much in game. I play other games like call of duty and madden and do not have the same issues. My ping to internet when i do speedtest is 4-10ms depending on traffic and time of day. I have done a million tests, changed sthernets, cat5e, cat6, it doesnt seem to fix it, my ping to severs sometimes (when using my r2 router) is 9-15 to the washington server, which is great. but whats with the drop connections? sometimes I'll still be connected to diamond dynasty after. Like what gives?
Fix online connection issues with players
Fix online connection issues with players
Fix online connection issues with players