Fix online connection issues with players
@DemIsE4_XBL said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@DemIsE4_XBL said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@PScrabro_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@Xfoufoufou_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
Yup some games on HOF 102 is hittable sometimes it's 135 mph .
Seriously, I hope next year they really focus on this because the masses are leaving early this year even with all this content. People really do care about the online experience what's the point of grinding all these cards when the network connection ruins all of it. The fact in the matter is SDS needs to get it right, if not EA MLB is just right around the corner...
If you want a good online experience it begins on your end. Good equipment, sufficient bandwidth, not gaming wirelessly, and good condition of your household wiring.
This is not true at all though... you can have top of the line perfect internet, but if your not the host (away games) and your opponent has lag, you have lag as well. This is why a lot of top players home hunt... so they are guaranteed a smooth connection. This game online is equal to most games 10 years ago... it's really bad in comparison to the few other online games I play. I played well over 200 games of MUT and hours H2H in GT7 this year and never had even a slight issue with lag.
Guarantee that if everyone who played this game did exactly what I said the online environment would be much more pleasant. So yes a good experience begins on the users end not SDS. What SDS should do is do a settings test on both connections prior to loading into matchmaking. If your system is not transmitting healthy connection information back to SDS your not able to matchmake and are kicked back to the main menu. Several games do this and it is not hard to implement.
This would be good. I shouldn't be punished for having a good connection and if my connection isn't good, I would want to know that also.
I also think something showing your connection would be good to. Like:
<50 Green
51-149 Yellow
150+ RedYou can't match with someone of another color. Most games these days have ping indicators. MLB The Show should too. OhChev is literally like 131-9 in RS and he can see the connection issues with the game. Is it only people that played D1 baseball that can see these things?
I did not played D1 baseball and can see it. Connectivity must be improved but SDS can’t go to dedicated servers, it is a bad decision from the financial standpoint.
I’ve asked in the past for a signal indicator, I’ll gladly take it if they implement it. When you get matched up often with DR and PR players you can notice when they are overseas or in the states, I also notice a very bad latency when I play some teams “in the midwest”. The games don’t lag but swinging the bat feels different, like swinging underwater.
I was joking about the D1 thing.
So you get the same thing I do when playing people a long way away. Makes the game miserable doesn't it? I get the underwater swing a lot along with the magically warping fielders.
Yeah, Im east coast and sometimes when I play somebody that has any type of indication of being far the latency is crazy high, when I play friends in the DR and PR which I know are living there it’s very noticeable too.
@BestPalV_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
Something needs to be done here and I'm not only one experiencing these issues. There's so much complaining lately, SDS needs to be held accountable for their actions. Every year it's the same issue. If you ever want mlb the show to be "esports competitive " you need absolutely zero latency/lagg/delay connection issues... I remember the days when COD online lobbies were player hosted lobbies, eventually they changed to dedicated server side only because they listen to the people. SDS you can do this I believe in you guys.
Your comparing this game to COD like they’re in the same class and it isn’t even close. Over 5000 people play COD online on PSN compared to a couple hundred playing MLBTS. I only checked our console but I can’t imagine XBox Live is much different.
I lose connection so much in game. I play other games like call of duty and madden and do not have the same issues. My ping to internet when i do speedtest is 4-10ms depending on traffic and time of day. I have done a million tests, changed sthernets, cat5e, cat6, it doesnt seem to fix it, my ping to severs sometimes (when using my r2 router) is 9-15 to the washington server, which is great. but whats with the drop connections? sometimes I'll still be connected to diamond dynasty after. Like what gives?
@DemIsE4_XBL said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@Xfoufoufou_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
Yup some games on HOF 102 is hittable sometimes it's 135 mph .
Seriously, I hope next year they really focus on this because the masses are leaving early this year even with all this content. People really do care about the online experience what's the point of grinding all these cards when the network connection ruins all of it. The fact in the matter is SDS needs to get it right, if not EA MLB is just right around the corner...
They won't. Too many people like genopolanco and oreo thomas that have no clue how connections work in this game. Game plays fine on their McDonald's wifi close to a server. Plus dedicated servers would cost money and their precious streamers couldn't go 150-10.
Look at anyone who is dominant at this game. They all live near servers and I would bet they rarely get put on any other server.
No I just know that people can wear uniforms from cities they don’t actually live in.
@BestPalV_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
Something needs to be done here and I'm not only one experiencing these issues. There's so much complaining lately, SDS needs to be held accountable for their actions. Every year it's the same issue. If you ever want mlb the show to be "esports competitive " you need absolutely zero latency/lagg/delay connection issues... I remember the days when COD online lobbies were player hosted lobbies, eventually they changed to dedicated server side only because they listen to the people. SDS you can do this I believe in you guys.
@genopolanco_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@DemIsE4_XBL said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
@Xfoufoufou_PSN said in Fix online connection issues with players:
Yup some games on HOF 102 is hittable sometimes it's 135 mph .
Seriously, I hope next year they really focus on this because the masses are leaving early this year even with all this content. People really do care about the online experience what's the point of grinding all these cards when the network connection ruins all of it. The fact in the matter is SDS needs to get it right, if not EA MLB is just right around the corner...
They won't. Too many people like genopolanco and oreo thomas that have no clue how connections work in this game. Game plays fine on their McDonald's wifi close to a server. Plus dedicated servers would cost money and their precious streamers couldn't go 150-10.
Look at anyone who is dominant at this game. They all live near servers and I would bet they rarely get put on any other server.
No I just know that people can wear uniforms from cities they don’t actually live in.
Some do.
The quality of your connection to whoever you’re playing has always determined timing in this game for head to head. They definitely need to do something to equally match people based off of their connection quality. This is why I’ve never championed all star difficulty changing to HOF once you get close to World Series for RS. The switching between difficulties accompanied with inconsistent connections is an absolute nightmare when it comes to timing pitches. Not sure why SDS continues on with this model.
@theMARTDOG23_XBL said in Fix online connection issues with players:
I lose connection so much in game. I play other games like call of duty and madden and do not have the same issues. My ping to internet when i do speedtest is 4-10ms depending on traffic and time of day. I have done a million tests, changed sthernets, cat5e, cat6, it doesnt seem to fix it, my ping to severs sometimes (when using my r2 router) is 9-15 to the washington server, which is great. but whats with the drop connections? sometimes I'll still be connected to diamond dynasty after. Like what gives?
I was having this issue early and ended up resetting the Xbox series X. When you do make sure to pick the Reset and keep my games and apps. I haven't had disconnect issues since doing this. I think it is a caching issue with the Xbox.
@DemIsE4_XBL i've done this, still having the issue. I was just sitting here not even in a game and lost connection to the server. I firmly believe it is not my internet and just the communication to the game server. which is infuriating because that's out of my control and the reason my record is so bad in ranked. i've tried different dns and everything. nothing fixes it.
So again, no one has any recommendation? I get network communication error screen after every game? like that has to be the sign of a bad connection. only have issues with mlb the show