Can I get my stubs back for the 21 players I locked in to the season 1 collection that were just removed. Thanks!

With his history you should probably be thankful he got a card..
Well, everybody has an opinion and that's certainly one.
Speed does play into the overall rating of a card
Different ratings are weighted differently based on the position a player plays, haven’t you wondered why if you go into franchise mode and change a position their overall rating will change without changing any of their attributes?
Vision is almost irrelevant to anyone that understands the game, contact and clutch are much more important and his is fine. Overall a good early game card that I will probably use.
Tell you what, let’s play a game against each other on hof or legend, you use timing I’ll use zone and we’ll see who hits better lol
@VioletNine9 any ball where a batter swings and misses is a strike doesn’t matter where it’s thrown
A major miss by SDS this year? No division collection rewards. Last year they had an AL east captain (Halladay) randomly that you could get in captain packs. Why is there not a division captain that you get for collecting every team in a division that boosts players from that division. I mean would that not be something great for when doing TA? It would also be great with the power creep at the start of seasons. Huge miss by SDS
@AdeptOfMemory stop this nonsense.. anyone that stays in a freeze off they’re losing is a dbag, doesn’t matter how bad you think the game is
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN look up Barry Bonds in video games lol
ARod who knows might be he wants too much money, but it’s definitely not steroids.
@YOSHI24_XBL it’s relative.. you can’t hit on hall of fame so you think it’s a better experience pitching wise, but players that are used to hall of fame are still averaging 12-15 runs a game on hall of fame..
Because nobody wants to play casual when there’s things to do in the game
@pikedude86_XBL lol there’s been like 7 ranked seasons already? Someone that’s 18-0 could easily be in the 400s, they probably play like 2 ranked games a season lol
The pci is not the bat argument went out the door when they gave us a bat pci lol
Says clutch isn’t high enough then says Aurilia is a top SS option with 89 clutch, you’re just out here trying to find something to be upset about, have fun on “your girls” account lol
Says contact isn’t high enough but Betts is a top option at SS with his 82/86 contact lol
@Shauwn I guess I’m one of the worst players in the game. What’s your main account again? Oh that’s right you won’t say it because it doesn’t exist, then you try to regurgitate things you supposedly hear from top players lol but can’t actually show your own skills instead going to “in the 0.000000000001% chance we get matched up in ranked I might send you message letting you know it’s me”
one of the biggest downfalls this game has ever gone through is the lowered skill gap to let people like you think you’re good lol
Yea lol people weren’t using Ted Williams and Ty Cobb and they thought to themselves people will probably use Raul Ibanez and Ryan Ludwick more lol
Translation - “we don’t want you making as many stubs, our intent was for you to be stub poor so you have to buy stubs”
@GixxerRyder750 lol yes, people have known the BR path for years so they would always redraft if it wasn’t a good 12 win reward. Now in the year of the pack it’s “not how it was intended” lol ok then
Can I get my stubs back?
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