Just had someone try this in the 9th when I was up by 3. Thankfully it didn’t work.

The Big Sleaze_XBL
Well 23 hours later I’m going to call it. Gotta get my daily done for today. Bravo dude that uses ugly AF Boise State uni’s.
Last night (10 PM PST) I was playing a RS game and up 2-1 in the 6th. I hit a ground ball to second and what I thought happened was the other player didn’t throw to first. After waiting for a minute I tried to advance my runner to second thinking maybe he went AFK. I can select the runner but when I try and send the runner nothing happens. I can hit the “send all” button and I can see it highlight but nothing happens.
I left my Xbox on overnight, and fast forward ten hours game is still in the same state. Is this just a battle of wills of who will dashboard first?
I went in needing 5 runs and my first seven batters got out. Calmed down and took some pitches and was able to put a rally together and pull it off with 2 outs left. He gave me fits in the final and the two other times you face him. Glad I don’t have to do that again
Totally agree. As someone whose only ultimate team experience was madden, this is incredible and a great change of pace. I won’t be able to go back to MUT after this.
Freeze glitch
Freeze Off?
Freeze Off?
2nd Inning Showdown
My first year playing since 2018, and here’s my #1 thought