Playing Baseball simulator 1.000 on the old NES, hoping I can recreate the outer space park and relive my childhood at 60 fps

@dewrock_psn said in Anyone else having a difficult time hitting for any power?:
@killer-kman-_psn said in Anyone else having a difficult time hitting for any power?:
This game appears to reward perfect perfect timing really well, if you have over 65 power there should be no problem hitting one out of the park. It’s very satisfying to hear that loud crack with perfect perfect, if it’s not a home run it’s definitely extra bases in the gap somewhere.
What loud crack? All I’ve been hearing is a ploop sound.
Same here, idk if its just the guys in my lineup but most of my perfect/perfects are fly outs too
I got all excited for Beltre, still keeping hope for him this year
I've been done for a while but once ta2 dropped it back on the grind. Probably missing out on a ton of xp but its not like you dont get it just from playing anyway.
Degrom would be who I hope for, no other cards than his LS and a solid 98 lightning card would be in the rotation all year
I gave up on online a while ago because of my kid always running in when I was playing. Dont want to be that guy constantly pausing every game for who knows how long. It's nice you can get these done offline even if you do have to deal with showdown shenanigans. Be nicer if you didn't though lol.
@lil_ramram12_psn said in Let’s post the reveals for TA4 here:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Let’s post the reveals for TA4 here:
@vipersneak_psn said in Let’s post the reveals for TA4 here:
Seriously? 15 fake Future Stars cards?
There is no confirmation that's it's 15 FS cards I just made a guess
It could be a 20 and 10 split
The level of hate for FS cards amazes me
I fkn love the future stars cards
Its a bit early for him but a 99 FS Jack Leiter would be universaly welcomed by Rangers fans after what we are going through the few years.
@Blind_Bleeder said in Best ways to complete Conquest maps:
@david_duby_PSN said in Best ways to complete Conquest maps:
Not sure if there is a “hack” to completing the conquests faster. I just feel like they’re so time consuming, like [censored] these maps big!
I learned from @TEXAS10PT_PSN a great way to complete the maps. Take all of the strongholds first. Then sim the rest of the spaces. Only play games for the strongholds. To have enough fans to take the strongholds, either reinforce or steal fans, depending on the size of the map.
Yep this is the way. I always go straight to the closest stronghold asap and take it then start walling everyone else in. Fill in the open spaces and then take a turn or two to amass troops then steamroll stronghold after stronghold. You can just sim all the battles after that, easy as pie!
do the Jackie Robinson conquest map, it loads you up with diamond equipment that gives a huge boost to a new character
I think its a set up for us getting the Big Unit this year, will be the hardest moment of all time
Hit directional, keep up and in and wait for a curve. He handles those pretty well.
Tatis will get one later im sure, you want him to get a 99 like his card last year. I would throw Adolis Garcias name in the hat for this release, he has been playing out of his mind all season but he did get a Topps now card already.
Chapman rookie still hits 102 mph
If it was his live series I get the no beard but this is the postseason card, he really should have it.
That 92 Votto, he always hits either between the outfielders or out of the park. Hes just so slow he needs a Segway to get around the bases.
@pats1124_psn said in Needed Conquest QOL change:
@msk5031_psn said in Needed Conquest QOL change:
I feel Conquest is overdue for a QOL change. Simulating is a real pain and makes the mode slow and aggravating. What if once we conquer the last stronghold a team owns, we gain every area that team owns, with 1 fan per area. This would really made the mode more playable IMO. With moments and showdown introduced Conquest really needs a change to make it more enjoyable. Maybe I'm wrong and in the minority and people love simulating but I don't think I am.
I don’t think this is the answer. I think the answer is that simming should be almost instant. There is no reason for a coin flip/dice roll to take as long as it does. You should hit x and instantly we w/l and fans lost. I have no idea why it takes so [censored] long.
Yep this is the only fix needed
@el-fiama-bianca_xbl said in I'm hoping that everyone follows this unwritten rule about The Show...:
If the ball is hit foul you always dive for it. No matter if it's a ground ball 1 foot from you or a fly ball 150 feet from you
Always, no matter what. Even if my guys bent over knowing the balls going over the wall I still make hit sprint towards it and launch himself head first into the wall.
Hes pretty darn good but the cards stats are made to get the parallel up to really get the most out of him. The arm and switch hitting are a huge upgrade for me.
Garcia and Gallo would be crazy fun cards but us Rangers fans are going to get KG. Hope he's juiced!
@ministro787_psn said in Who's winning the Home Run Derby this year?:
@hustlinowl_psn said in Who's winning the Home Run Derby this year?:
Im going with Gallo!
That makes 2 of us...
3 of us!
How are you managing the waiting? : /
Anyone else having a difficult time hitting for any power?
New Legend - 2nd Inning Player Program
Does anyone keep playing once they get 650K?
More June Lightning Card Speculation
FOD Program - Offline ONLY
Let’s post the reveals for TA4 here
Best ways to complete Conquest maps
Road to the show is absolutely terrible you start at 30 contact/discipline/clutch/visual?that's horrible had to switch to beginner for the first time ever
What's with all these birds?
Tatis HR in Mantle Program
What are some good budget relievers?
Please give Sergio Romo his beard back!!!
Whos your guy?
Needed Conquest QOL change
I'm hoping that everyone follows this unwritten rule about The Show...
Jasson Dominguez
2021 All-Stars
Who's winning the Home Run Derby this year?