Apr 24, 2023, 3:35 PM@doobiebross66-72 said in Who is everybody using at catcher?: @TEXAS10PT said in Who is everybody using at catcher?: @doobiebross66-72 said in Who is everybody using at catcher?: Call my crazy but I’m close to having Bench parallel 5 and he’s been great for me. Obviously a little biased but it feels nice to be able to use him and have success with him this year given his swing type held him back in previous years Idk if his swing is different or what but Johnny rakes this year Bench actually has a great swing this year. He can turn on up and in and has lots of power to the alleys. Agree, it’s crazy the pop he has to right-center. Even more satisfying when your opponent thinks it’ll be easy to jam you using Bench, then you turn on something for a no doubter to LF. Can’t wait for his 99/99s? Another thing I have noticed is that the 92 Mays can turn on inside pitches this year also. So a 99 Mays and a 99 Bench will be beyond awesome.
Apr 24, 2023, 3:24 PM@TheGoaler said in My take on Programs that include Showdown.: @TheyKallMePatch_XBL said in My take on Programs that include Showdown.: The showdowns are on veteran and so fast to get through. I don’t see the problem Sure, they're on Veteran, but really Veteran + and higher, with Sliders cranked the way they crank 3K's in one inning Moments. They obviously crank the batter aggressiveness. I did a Charisma one where Machado flailed away! Fielders field like they're on HOF/Legend. We're not stupid, or bad players. If I ever get good at PCI placement, I can be a serious player online, if I wanted to do RS, which I still have a low desire to play. I like online team play instead, in NHL, and the REC room in NBA 2K. That is more fun than playing solo here, imo. https://twitter.com/LetsgoMetsgo/status/1650222443573784579?t=gD7z7Oo2MDltkvsJN4di4g&s=19 This^^^^^^. Yeah they say Veteran but just look at the size of the PCI in feedback after a swing. No way that's the real size of the PCI on Veteran. Took me 8 or 9 tries to finish WBC Showdown and took me 1 try to do Charisma. Some are harder than others and some drafted players are better than others. But if you are going to call it Veteran, don't use HOF Sliders. We are on to you SDS LOL.
Apr 21, 2023, 9:50 PM
@The_Canuckler said in Showdown:
Showdowns are quick easy ways to get program points, they’re literally just on veteran smh
Although you are right in your assessment, I would argue that even though it says Veteran, the size of the PCI in feedback would indicate different. At least in the WBC Showdown it was way smaller than Veteran should have been. Sliders man....Sliders
Apr 21, 2023, 6:39 PM@CDNmoneymaker93 said in So did the content team get the week off?: So um content team coming in hot this week 13 Chrisma cards via program, Duos and chase pack 7+ retro HRD cards via new park and 2 event rewards 9 TN cards Lots of Chippers, Babes and Pedro about to be in the wild Yep that will get me there and I can't wait. New Chipper incoming.
Apr 21, 2023, 6:35 PM@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in Alright let's hear your complaint for today's content: @TEXAS10PT said in Alright let's hear your complaint for today's content: @CDNmoneymaker93_MLBTS said in Alright let's hear your complaint for today's content: Alright let's hear why is everyone crying today? Are you really CDN HustlinOwl in disguise? Thought you had me blocked!!! Somehow still seeing your posts. Well I'll help you out and do it again
Apr 21, 2023, 6:32 PM
@Rabid55Wolverine said in There is no joy in Mudville because Mighty Casey couldn't swing the bat.:
I buy my controller at game stop and now any time I have any issues, I just bring it back, pay 11 bucks and get a brand new one. Ps5 controllers are flat out garbage. If the stick drift doesn't get you, something else will. Get one at gamestop and buy the year protection and never pay for a new controller again. Well full price anyways.
I look at it as a membership fee for my controller. Gone through too many to count since I bought the ps5. NHL does a number on them pushing in the left stick
I actually did that but the return policy is only good for one new controller a year. Now if you pay for the protection policy each time you return a bad controller then yeah you won't have to pay full price. Still a lousy deal that these controllers are so poorly made.
Apr 21, 2023, 6:26 PM
Yikes not Canseco
Who is everybody using at catcher?
My take on Programs that include Showdown.
So did the content team get the week off?
Alright let's hear your complaint for today's content
There is no joy in Mudville because Mighty Casey couldn't swing the bat.
If you're still wondering whether Tatis is joining the chat today...