I’ve been on and off the forum for years, the Shnauzer dude is the worst.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a different developer that’s been working on a MLB game already and SDS is just a placeholder until it’s finished. Seems like they don’t have the staff or ability to make the next gen leap. You really need a brand new game top to bottom as the engine The Show runs on is extremely outdated at this point.
@BJDUBBYAH I’m not sure what you’re talking about, I just assumed you were new to baseball because you were comparing starting pitchers and relievers. I personally think the Nico card is better though.
@BJDUBBYAH In the game most of the time starting pitchers have more stamina than a reliever, similar to real life. Lots of time relief pitchers strike out more batters and throw harder but starters can throw more pitches in a single game. That is the case here, Dustin May can throw more pitches than Graveman, that’s why he’s a more valuable card.
@BJDUBBYAH The May card is actually a starting pitcher, not a reliever.
They gave Luisangel Acuña higher clutch, vision, and fielding than a MVP candidates Lightning card lol.
Only the crazies are left at this point lol, such a bad year.
J.P Crawford is 24th in WAR and is still a bronze, that’s the real omission.
I can’t wait for January to roll around so all cards are usable. They’ll be some hard choices to make with all the cards unlocked, should I use my 99 WS Gagne or maybe the 99 rewards path Gagne card. Or how about the 90 overall Gagne they dropped in between those two.
I have a higher BA with Jeter online than vs CPU, they’ve definitely made playing offline way more tedious.
There definitely needs to be competition, it creates innovation and makes the customer experience a top priority. We’ve had the exact same gameplay and graphics for years making the game feel stale, now the content quality has severely dropped and that’s really dampened any positive feelings towards the game as a whole.
With the way SDS has been moving and operating this year I wouldn’t be surprised if in a few years there’s a completely different developer making the licensed yearly baseball game. They’re following the Elon/Twitter mold of running a company into the ground.
Every set you see some version of the same lineup, diversity is terrible this year. Also because cards expire I’m not trying to parallel cards like in past years. In ‘21 it felt like a worthwhile grind to get Kyle Seager from a 96 up to a 98-99, now you’re forced to use whatever content SDS decides to release in the current set.
The showdown this year is terrible. I finish most normal ones on my first attempt and have completed the prior extremes but this one just feels cheap, the timing windows are a little to wonky for me to keep attempting it.
Ok so it’s over 40k per hour then.
Isn’t this like 39k xp a hour?
The odds on Headliner packs should be adjusted. Raise the odds to 1:15 or 1:20 and lower the cost to 5k with the diamond being the headliner. Seems like your more likely to pull a LS diamond than the headliner and at this point in the year most of those are close to quick sell. The way they’re set up now gives almost zero incentive to buy them.
If you’re freaking out that people can get WS or BR rewards after winning 40 games then your frustration is misplaced. It sounds more like a lack of emotional maturity than an actual in game issue.
@dap1234567890 said in Suggestion: Make inning program rewards paths LONGER:
How about NO! All that would do is get the same people complaining to grind through them faster, complain about it needing to be longer, and so on.
You will never be happy regardless of how long they make it! Also, if you need some kind of reward to just play a video game, you are spoiled!
Lol who talks like this?
The inning and event rewards have been super weak this year, all the desirable cards are now in 30k packs.
Yay! I have SEVEN wild card spots!
No 4th of July Conquest Map?
More Shop packs today -- woohoo (SDS U SUCK)
More Shop packs today -- woohoo (SDS U SUCK)
More Shop packs today -- woohoo (SDS U SUCK)
Why do the Season Award Program?
Career Tribute Program a turning point?
The roster update is a joke.
Just to play Devil’s advocate
Conquest is a mess
Another prime example of SDS excellence and class
Another prime example of SDS excellence and class
How is this lineup diversity thing working?
Extreme has taken the wind out of my sails
I finally finished my 3rd Inning Program boss
I finally finished my 3rd Inning Program boss
Headliner packs need to be reworked.
I absolutely hate the fact that they really added...
Suggestion: Make inning program rewards paths LONGER
This event