Buddy, Ive posted about this for two years. No reply. They do not care. I personally will not buy until this is fixed.

Done giving them hell. I decided I'll give them nothing come NCAAs release in July
Freeze's offs, bad coop experience, the game crashing, and T-mobile internet users not being able to play online will not be addressed by the devs. They're making their money, why addresses issues that, in their opinion, have little consequence on their bottomline.
@TripleH-4481 said in Saw these two posts on X:
Yep I’m in the 86%. I’m close to the 1st boss but it’s crazy it’s taken this long and season 1 will be over in 2 weeks. In years past I’ve had no issue getting all the bosses. If SDS doesn’t course correct this the combo of not reaching bosses, season 2 shelving season 1 cards, and NCAA football dropping is going to put this game in a very bad way.
The game has become more and more of a crash grab as years go by. I cannot wait for NCAA to drop -- It'll give me something else to do. Maybe I'll come back to TS later and its highly unlikely. Why:
- Barely a dent in the S1 XP path despite a lot of game play
- A large number of cards are hidden behind a pay wall
- Little reward for completing tasks within TA
- By the time certain objectives are hit S1 will be over.
One of the biggest slaps in the face was seeing the 99 Story card being released while I was a few 1,000 XP points away from getting the 89 Story card...which is rewarded after getting a couple of cards in the lower/mid 90s.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall during creative team meetings. "How do we frustrate people more?" has to be a driving question the SDS asks/answers during each meeting.
Trash year for so many reasons. Excited for NCAA/Dynasty Mode.
I genuinely want to be in the room with the SDS creative team and just hear the conversations that go on. How can a group of people with such a loyal fan base find ways to ruin the experience of playing a baseball video game.
Whose grand idea was it to separate drops 1 & 2 into different programs, and what was the selling point? Are yall that desperate for cash?
Another day and nothing but Silence from SDS
Another day and nothing but Silence from SDS.
Another day and still no response from SDS. I guess they're too busy trying to swindle players with packs containing cards that should be free within programs.
SDS is an emerging EA/2k
@Shauwn thank you for a genuine response. I thought it was funky. I did what you recommended: sighed, took a shower and came back to the game. The good news is: all the stats were collected so I still completed the ALE TA which was my true objective.
@VioletNine9 Bwahahahaha I don't have a single 99 card, and I'm confident in my networking knowledge. Go pound sand, kick rocks or find something to do outside. You need some sunlight or a z-bar to relax.
Additionally, this is a thread I created. You've done nothing but derail the initial purpose of the thread. So please be quiet and find a bridge to live under and wait for a billy goat to harass.
Another day and nothing but Silence from SDS.
Still no response from SDS.
@VioletNine9 said in Disconnect Cheat?:
You don’t have any connection issues because of lag comp your opponents game is a mess 100% guaranteed. You do realize by using a crappy connection your affecting the quality of you opponents games.
Your game is extremely laggy trust me and people have been doing this for years to exploit the poor netcode. You’re basically cheating. Poor connections see meatballs your opponents are seeing 200mph curveballs because your connection can’t keep up.
Bwahahahaha BIG assumptions made. A few issues with what you stated with such confidence:
- I have a 5g Hotspot, not 4g.
- I tested my connection before playing: 120 DL speed, 0 latency
- played a handful of coop games with friends/siblings from coast to coast without any issues for anyone.
- played a friend who lives in Seattle (I'm in Chicago) neither one of us experienced an issue.
Try again. Be well.
So, I am able to play using my phone as a Hotspot (SDS is radio silent on Tmobile users not able to connect -- different story), and I have not had any connection issues to the game both when playing offline modes and ranked.
I am playing a person who is simply giving the game away. By the 3rd inning I had 26 runs. It was getting old and so I was hoping to get to the 6th inning mercy rule. I was bunting myself out, swinging at bad pitches, advancing runners to force outs, etc.
In the 4th inning, again it is 26 nothing, I am kicked from the game with a message that reads "you have been disconnected from MLB the Show." I see my XP and Stubs earned from the game and a message that explains that 'the game could still be being played, that stats, etc. will be reviewed...' I am taken to the DD menu (not the main menu).
When I reviewed my W-L record, I was given a loss. Irritating to say the least, especially when you consider the score, etc.
Question: Has anyone else experienced this type of play?
I reviewed my opponents record -- this person is something like 18-15 with a .280+ BA.
I know correlation does not mean causation, and it seems really odd, given what transpired in the game and my opponents record.
Still no response from SDS.
Another day and nothing but Silence from SDS.
Him and a few others look like they were beaten with an ugly stick, and buried under an ugly tree.
Man... I used to praise SDS for their work on MLB TS. Their patching is on par with the disaster that is EA and their hunger for $$$ is just as bad as 2k's.
Cannot play conquest, still cannot play online:
- Because T-Mobile users get a challenge failed message that SDS refuses to acknowledge
- Now the 10 player on bench issue appears when trying to enter any game mode other than Moments.
I Just started a moment and it looks like SDS stole from Midway games playbook by adding Big Head mode. There is a point in the spectrum of disappointment where something transitions from painfully frustrating to a laughable farce. We have reached the latter.
New update and nothing regarding tmobile users and their inability to connect to online play.
This level of radio silence is flat-out-wrong.
T-Mobile Home Internet Glitch. SDS WE NEED YOU!!!
Season 2 hype
Do the devs even read these?
Saw these two posts on X
Its honestly impressive how quickly they drove this game into the ground
S1 Drop 2
Challenge failed
Challenge failed
Challenge failed
Disconnect Cheat?
Disconnect Cheat?
Challenge failed
Challenge failed
Disconnect Cheat?
Disconnect Cheat?
Challenge failed
Challenge failed
What's up with Kyle manzardo ?
Update broke the game!
Challenge failed