I'm never going to make the upper divisions cuz if [censored] gameplay errors on the ganes account. I understand that you need to help the lower level teams progress and even out the games. But my gawdddddddd im so sick of throwing people out and having them be safe when they are out by a mile. Or make contact over and over for everything to be an out while my opponent bunts 9 times with a 65 speed and gets on base and then is safe on a force play at home when he's not even in a slide animation and my catcher has the ball already yet he's safe .... Like how standing on the plate with a force out and he's safe and the guy running to first goes invisible and runs right through the tag down the first base line not only should it be out at home buy it should be a double play for the guy running to first. Why the hell is he even invisible anyway.

6 field of dreams 6 All-Star 6 HRD 3 kitchen sink 1 3 kitchen sink 2 over 200 headliner packs and ridicilous amounts of BIH packs and nothing not a rare round or diamond in sight. Ive pulled one or two diamond jerseys from headliners and thats it in the past three months. Ever since the completion of my LS collection. The way the market is right now and the way ny packs are going I'm never going Mookie. I have my 90+ pack left and got Vlad jr last time after he got his All-Star gane card too so his card was 4,000 stubs like can a guy get a break pleaseeeeeeee SDS. Like i grind all thia and its a huge kick in the nuts when you scrapping peanuts for every reward.
Like I made it to 800 in the division now I'm barely over 500 like no joke man. I appreciate the words of wisdom though
Just played a Ranked game pushing for WS. Its just obvious as hell when the game is gonna make you lose. Made a beautiful diving catch with SR it just hits my glove goes 20 ft the other direction so cf cant get it guy on 2nd. You would think a routine fly ball right to CF but for some reason acuna doesn't catch it even tho im standing under it for awhile. Guy scores from 2nd. Oh keep in mind it was 2-2 before this I hit a 2 run hr and he hit a 2 run hr both of us with schwarber hmmm odd. So now it's 3-2 cuz the guy on 2nd that should of never been there scores. Next inning I get a two run shot 4-3. He comes up guy on hunts with trea should be a dble play try to tag the guy at a second runs right through me like I'm not even there. Throw to first no db the guy that was on 2nd scores cuz theres no dble play an my first basemen wouldn't throw in time. Flys out next inning 4-4 now. I hit my 2 hr with acuna 5-4. Next inning. He hits a hr on a perfect perfect change that was supposed to be way inside but some how is perfect and ends up bottom of the zone meatball 5-5 . next guy gets up he someone gets a hit on a very late slider inside. Next guy i throw a fb high and way out of the strike zone like Judge top of the strike zone high and its with hader so it has that sweep to it the guy Perfect Perfects it. Like please please tell me how the hell is that even possible. For one the ball wasnt even near or even could have been near his pci.
I've had it enough is enough. If I don't get a perfect perfect I don't get a hit period. Meanwhile you got guys getting hrs off over everything but perfects. Play offline on hall of fame and score 5-6-7 runs. Play against a person cant even score one. This [censored] is rigged af idgaf. I'm getting rocked with every pitcher no matter where i put the ball. Fouls off 7 change ups in the dirt. I get up cant foul off one even tho pci is in the sane spot good timing dont get a piece. Pci barley i mean barley misses the ball i dont even make concact. Other person gets up hit after hit after hit on everything but perfect not even close to the ball this [censored] has gone from fun to play to a complete rip off. I was batting atleast 250-300 with everyone in my lineup in ranked now I'm lucky to even have a 100. Offline I'm batting [censored] near 1000 with half the ppl on ny squad.... Rigged [censored] rigged
I know not everyone in the world can afford good internet or your in college and your just having fun with the boys on the show. Or you just don't care your internet sucks. Whether the case so many games have gone to hell for me becuase of this. In the past week I've had 5 freeze off (none player induced). So much lag timing a pitch is [censored] near impossible your either way too early or way to late. Pin point is so off. 95+ accuracy and perfect everything else but due to lag the pitch its not a perfect pitch or it goes no where near where you put it if its perfect. Bad hits for the other guy ball doesn't travel for you when its barreled up but the othet guy gets hrs on very late horrible pci. Events are no fun due to connection being terrible as well. Now I though well hell maybe its my connection factory reset my console but kept all game data this is supposed to clear cache and help with lag and input times and thing like that. Felt ok at first. Then I played a few guys on xbox so I shot them a message asked how there connection was. Had 5 people admit they ae using lte hot spots. Then of course theres cross console lag which every time I play a person on ps its just terrible. Ill preload a throw and he'll stand there for a good 5 seconds before they throw or the ball will be hit right at an infielder and the lag is so bad they dont even react. There needs to be some sort of connection requirement or min if the person's connection is that bad then they should be kicked. Im tired of being penalized and losing games due to things out of my control. Better matchmaking is a must.
Im going you start streaming my games for a few reasons. People say get good and blah blah the the amount of things that happens to me in this game arw uncanny. Now don't get me wrong there are some games im dog [censored] and cant hit but when I'm hitting and with guys with monster power with the ball in the pci I expect results. I had 2 men on in the 8th hut a fast ball dead center of my pci with a power swing practically the size a [censored] skittle with 99 fielder and it was a fly out. Game would of been over I know it. The game gave him so many chances to win and of course he did. He screws up on the base paths and senda both guys both out in pickles. Next guy up [censored] pci hit off the monster Mookie wont pick the ball up in the corner hes just standing on it for a good ten seconds. Guy gets to 3rd next batter hits it off the monster guy scores game over lose againnnnnnnnnnn. Every game people every game. So Im gonna stream the bs that goes on anyone intrested my twitch ttv is bbougee1189. Well be showing off the doodoo show tomorrow.
I havent been on as much the past few weeks but ever since the whole server issue thing this game is so off for me. Pin point is practically unusable. Every pitch is different they want you to go faster slower the locations are everywhere. Says I'm off degrees when I'm not. Its like a guessing game now where the pitch is going to go. Batting is a [censored] shoot. Get the same pitch same location in the box but they want you to swing at different times makes zero sense. Rng seems to be through the roof with the computer. Hits that shouldn't be hits are in play and balls you barrel up are outs just what happened to the game man.
Same I played a few conquest games on all star and I was getting 100% 2 early and 2 degree off and it was like I botched the whole thing total opposite side of the strike zone. But then my ones that were like 60% were closer to the spot. And CPU doesnt hit the whole game then last two outs the manage to score and win three times this has happened to me today
Sick of losing games i shouldnt.
What is going on with packs!!!!!!
Enough is enough in Ranked
Hereeeeeee we go againnnnnnn
Enough is enough in Ranked
Online play has been terrible
Im going to start streaming my games so people believe the trash I get beat on.
What did they do???!!!
What did they do???!!!