One of my RTTS characters, playing for the Red Sox, pitched alongside Chris Sale (before his pinky / wrist incidents) in AAA then the bigs...
..."representing" the rehab that he was on when I picked "used current rosters"...
Meanwhile, remember exactly what the mode is calling for, and what broken_toy1 above is mentioning:
RTTS is a (the) mode in which all the "human" controls is the player that's attempting to reach/dominate the major leagues. Having no control over the front office and day-to-day management are "features" of this mode, just as individual major leaguers have little to no say over the management and front office of "their" squads.
To pluck an example from another one of my RTTS players, when I intentionally picked being a closer for the aforementioned Red Sox, why would I, as the "GM", trade me to the Nationals for a couple of lame outfielders when I just made AAA?
But because of the nature of the mode, I had to "live with the heartbreak" of "baseball as a business" and now that players' on a quest to show up Chaim Bloom's AI and win a WS somewhere else, or score a massive FA contract from Bloom's AI when I get there...