@PriorFir4383355_XBL said in Thank you SDS!:
Along the theme of the small and simple props being the best, SDS created a new prop that's a simple one item metal bar fence section located ironically in the furniture group. But, it is small enough that between three and five of them can be grouped to make exceptionally realistic barrier railing between aisleways on the field level props. Or group ten of them in a straight line and suddenly you have barrier railing to place at the front of your raised elevation outfield field level stands.
This is the philosophy that SDS needs to expand on. The next item should be the small five by five square seating section set on a tight stairstepped concrete base, plus a curved section with five seats at front and seven at the rear of the fifth row. Add in the same concrete bases devoid of seats and suddenly you have the elements to make aisleways between seats.
We have the straight railings now, and SDS just needs to add an inclined railing section to finish off the basic elements needed to design original and highly realistic looking stadiums of all types.
I agree it's a step in the right direction, and TBH I didn't even notice the railing. I agree with the take about the stair-stepped concrete, it's something that for whatever reason is sorely lacking. I've got a little list of props related things I'd love to see. I also use the white benches to create bleachers, but unfortunately they tend to use alot of memory after utilizing more than a couple groupings
1- Actually front entrance/exterior facades. We can make our own which is great...but it can use a lot of memory.
2- Expanded memory- certain things just take up way too much memory for no reason. One bench uses more than a scoreboard.
3- I'd like to see minor league seats without the press box. We have modern field levels with and without the buildings, so having this shouldn't be an issue.
4- Staircases for plaza and upper deck levels. It's kinda stupid that the corner pieces are the only ones with these.
5- Bleachers. I really think this something that would go a long way. Think like bleacher style seating in the old Milwaukee, Memorial, or Arlington stadiums. The large blocks of bleachers with exit tunnels etc.
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