That card is awful. I finally completed his moment to unlock ketel. I will use him against the cpu to hit his home runs with, and then never again.

After the first 5 games, seeing Donaldson and ohtani every time I just did the same thing. Got my 20 wins and moved on. This was probably my least fun event this year. Did get Donaldson to p4 already. That’s a nasty card
Flashback is a card from a previous year of a current player
Legends are no longer in the league
I took Soriano and he has been wonderful. The rest of those guys are mid
I think they coded it out. I was playing with my son on a xp grind field for fun and a shot was hit to RF, I gunned it to first and replay shows he was about by almost 2 steps but they called him safe.
I’ve been using set 2 lineups to prepare for next season.
Cf mantle
LF Sosa (im gonna put Soriano here)
RF Aaron
3B chipper
SS seager
2B Rock
1B Stan
DH papi/frank/judge platoon
C (cap) but if I ever pull Maurer he goes here. I also use slamtana and the new will smith -
I played a guy today with a 12-0 banner who was terrible….. like bad to the point that I’m thinking he might share an account with someone else. But it did give me hope for next week, lol
Playing events with him and doing well so far, I’ll try him in ranked. I don’t think he will do well on HOF though
Manually move the 2nd baseman in, leave first base alone, problem solved
They made sinkers harder to throw higher, I rarely see them in the top 3rd of the plate anymore for strikes. People still throw them, you just take it, and realize they probably aren’t good at pitching and wait for them to throw you a cute inside that stays in the strike zone and hit it over the fence.
Now the sweeping curve seems to be the elite pitch I see more often then not. Slides and drops
Griffey in left
Charisma devers was probably my best hitter in set 1, he just got “officially” replaced by frank thomas. It was a big hurt (ha) to replace him.
I did the opposite. I spent about 150k completing set 1 and getting enough cards for Randy. Then pulled a goldy out of a random pack, so basically broke even
After posting this I won my next 2 games, but that was in the “one loss” bracket. That maybe where I will reside this round.
Guessing because of the no-sell change this mode is for BR goons only? Tipped my toe in today and have played all flawless BR guys in a row. I’m usually good for 6-9 wins per run, but this mode might be out of my skill level now…. Lol
The only thing I agree with on this post is to put captains sooner. Having to get 10 hits with 92 overalls is a chore. I do like being able to bring them to events with you, lets you kill 2 birds with one stone.
Pick the 5th guy in your line up to pitch, that way you get their 5th guy. Also, even though the pci is “bigger” on lower difficulties if you aren’t close to the center it has a higher likelihood of being an out. You are probably also pressing each abat and trying to hit the first pitch out of the ballpark.. U still need to take pitches until the pitchers confidence gets low.
I promise, the problem is probably user error.
U can use incognito cards and future stars. But I don’t think the monster cards qualify
I will it be paying 400k for 1 card. He does rake though. Maybe once I finish a lot of the set 2 I will see what he lands at.
@Hikes83_PSN said in McGwire:
@stryder_28_PSN said in McGwire:
He does well for me against lefties. I platoon him and devers/babe at first. BR is does well too. I don’t think HOF and above are viable for him.
Imagine having to platoon a guy with 125 across the board lol
It’s more so because I rake with the 97 devers, but devers is not good against lefties
Describe how bad This Piazza card is
Jon Donaldson/Ohtani
Flashback players
Soriano or Minnie?
Make the 1st baseman cover 1st on outfield hits?
Post your lineup here
12-0 flawless is so unrealistic. There should be another way to achieve the top cards if you want more than 1
99 Judge
Bunt Defense is broken
Why is the sinker still so janky?
For those with Mantle and Griffey, what’s your OF configuration?
Saying Goodbye to Set 1 Players
How did you do during the flash sale?
B/R. Now
B/R. Now
TA Grind - A Tad bit too long IMO
Conquest Difficulty
TA mini seasons 2
mantle card