I have no answer for getting past Urquidy let alone any further. Literally played it 4-5 times now, Altuve made a jump throw home from shallow center on a slow roller that got past SS to get me at home. Lol

They’ll ban you from the forum for a month or so, I’m a member of that “being banned” community.
Anyone else having problems catching? I have dropped 3 balls today. A 4th my infielder just randomly scooted forward and the ball dropped behind him.
1 rare 4 base.
And just like that, David Ortiz is benched.
Some have upgraded to diamond and sold, or like OP said exchange for TA.
My monitor doesn’t have speakers, but previously, yes they annoyed me.
And I just mock OP when they start clowning.
I took a couple weeks off, but forced myself to play to grind out for Mays. Kershaw, for all the stubs/cards acquired is terrible. Seems like he nor Verlander are cutting it anymore.
@baracesilk_psn said in Haven’t played in a couple weeks:
I don't know if this is new or not because I never really bunt. However, I keep having an issue with left handed bunters. When I am pitched inside and the ball is still in the strike zone, I will get hit by the ball instead of bunting it. Counts as a strike since I was committed. If it's in the strike zone I shouldn't be getting hit.
Wish we had answers! Think SDS has prob thrown in the towel.
- I’ve literally seen the game move a shift I put on during an AB. Game was tied in an event game. Saw them in, changed pitchers, came back and they were moved back.
And I’ve tested the theory before, changed pitchers mid AB and my fielders didn’t move. Magically in the game above, it cost me a win.
@schwizzle_nizzle said in Haven’t played in a couple weeks:
Probably that bug where the game thinks a ball nearly hitting you is a dropped 3rd strike and the ball is live and you can be forced out. More pathetic programming by SDS. This game is trash.
Hadn’t seen that one yet. Too busy giving up opposite field homeruns continuously.
Everything ok with the game? Playing an event game. Down 3-0 load the bases up with Hank Aaron at the plate. First pitch is inside and bounces off the catches glove out in front of the plate. Set my controller down while the animations play through and tap my phone screen, look back and the other team is celebrating. And replay vault won’t let me see the AB at all. Just says Aaron(2U) on game log. But the pitch nearly hit him.
Pinpoint was good to start out, now it’s just as questionable as any other pitching input. My opinion of course.
I didn’t see a single “YFK” and that’s kinda refreshing tbh.
Wait, nevermind. I think I have figured it out! Thanks.
@dap1234567890 said in RTTS help:
You can. Couple of ways to get to the equipment screen. You can get to it in RTTS or through the icon up in the top left corner in the main screen or from DD screen.
Ok so I go to “equipment” then go down to something like cleats or fielding gear and it’s just defaulting to Franklin. Click edit and it doesn’t do anything.
So I am new to RTTS. Typically play DD, am I not able to equip my player with the stuff I’ve collected in DD? Cleats? Batting gloves etc? Figured I could to make him better, but it’s not allowing me at all.
@thegoaler_psn said in Diamonds gone from Headliner packs?:
These posts are why I call these 'Flatliners' packs.
Especially now, they’re just there to take your stubs. Bought 9(so 18) Friday and got the headliner Pedro.
Anyone seen an increase in these over the past week or just me?
Yaaa he’s on my bench. But wacking .230 w him. Struggling with Hank Aaron so far too. I try not to put much into it, as I struggled with Ortiz out the gate as well but since he’s been a monster.
Has anyone completed the Mexico City Showdown
Cmon man
Ok what’s going on!
Your Finest Pack results
Holy Babe
Question for people that completed the LS Collection EARLY
RUDE Edicate & Sportsmanship with certain On-Line Players
Kershaw ????
Haven’t played in a couple weeks
Things I would like to see changed...
Haven’t played in a couple weeks
Haven’t played in a couple weeks
Is pinpoint THAT much better than meter?
Content creator skill
RTTS help
RTTS help
RTTS help
Diamonds gone from Headliner packs?
Oppo shots?
Anyone else having trouble hitting with Mantle?