Ahh, ok - thanks for that, will check.
I've read where this most recent update is supposed to fix the fact that equipment attributes/bonus were not being applied to ratings; however, I'm still not seeing what I expected. Is it working for others, and I just have a mis-understanding as to how the equipment attributes are supposed to be applied. Here's what I'm seeing...
I have a pair of cleats that give a +14 to speed, and another +10 to steal, and some others. When I "equip" or "de-equip" I'm expecting that my speed and steal rating go up or down (depending on equipping/de-equipping). But, I see no impact. Are they just automatically applied, and equipping is just "cosmetic"? That wouldn't make any sense, because if I had multiple cleats, how would it know. Anyway, curious if the latest patch is working for other people.
That's funny!
Are there any sliders that could "help"? Is there a Reduce Double play frequency and Reduce CPU Strikeouts perhaps?
I get that, but I'm 4th to last on my own team in runs scored, even though I'm #1 in on base percentage. There are other players on my team with 1/4 the # of hits/walks that have scored more runs, and the 3 guys in last are not every day players. I bat 3rd in the line-up. My team is #1 in my division. My team scores a lot of runs as long as my player isn't on base. Something isn't right.
Is it just me or is it really hard to score a run after getting on base? My player leads AAA in hits/batting average (so on base a lot); but has a really difficult time reaching home plate. 9 out of 10 times the batters behind either strike out or hit into a double play.
Here are my player's stats to illustrate the issue:
Batting Avg: .342
Hits: 120 (only a few walks, but I'm still in top 10 in on-base percentage)
RBI's: 51
Runs Scored: 18 (5 of these are from the home runs my player hit, and I'm 4th in league in doubles, about 22, so on 2nd base quite often)
Equipment Attributes Applying Appropriately in RTTS?
Equipment Attributes Applying Appropriately in RTTS?
Well, that's embarrassing...
Scoring Runs (After Getting on Base) Very Difficult
Scoring Runs (After Getting on Base) Very Difficult
Scoring Runs (After Getting on Base) Very Difficult