Give me moonshots or give me death
You can’t really say you are an average player if you consistently make World Series. That said, I would much rather be in an offensive game where at least I feel like my pci input is rewarded rather than perfect perfect warning track shots and good good line outs for days. I understand there should be more parity in the types of hits you should receive but it is what it is ...
Yeah man its happened to me before. Actually happened during a WS play in game to me when I was up. The dude dashboards and I take the L. Omega frustrating but that’s gonna happen from time to time
He’s a stud. Best SS in the game in my opinion then just move over prestige didi to 2nd and you got the middle infield on lock
Lol time to delete this post and take a walk
In my opinion, Cal’s cards play well under the stats. Like the opposite effect of adalberto mondesi... Hated his swing and stance just haven’t ever figured him out
This is like investing in real estate in Australia during the bush fires and then getting upset that your house burnt down
I took the L by reading this post.
Awful design. If you don’t get a hit with first player automatically should fail mission
This looks amazing... many of us wanted to know WHY certain outcomes would occur with “good” pci placement. Hopefully this system will help to explain the good okays/good popped etc.... not going to get too excited but wow it looks like you heard many of our gripes! Can’t wait to test her out. Really hope ballpark and wind doesn’t cause too much variance but other than that really liking everything
Thames is the closest thing we got to a juiced up Barry. 100% take that card for both of us
especially if your plan was to play Jo-ram at 1st
Mommy, I got tricked and that’s not allowed to happen to me. I told all my friends if they are going to try and take advantage of me then I’m gonna take my toys and go home!
Mommy it’s too hard and if I can’t do it then it needs to be out of the game even if it’s one of the best ways to complete collections and make a great team NMS. TAKE IT OUT!
It depends on your starters energy... sometimes I’ll go into a game full knowing I’m going to split start two starters with 3/4 energy just because my 1-2 are significantly better than my 3
@Untchable704 said in Started off 22-5 in Ranked Seasons (1st season):
Game is as close to perfection As I’ve ever seen. Just gotta Git Gud
Brainless take coming in hot
Game is a circus especially on AS. Started off 15-1 pre 1.04, made WS and now this season I’m 15-12 and started out like 4-8.
The game is so wildly Inconsistent/unpredictable especially on AS difficulty. One game I’ll beat a prestige 12-0 Banner and tear the cover off the ball, the next game I’ll lose to someone with a mediocre record and can’t swing out of a paper bag.. I always joke with my wife that I must have just forgotten how to Hit pitch and field because to me it all feels wonky
- MLB The Show 16
- MLB the Show 17
- MLB the Show 19
- MLB the Show 20
- MLB the Show 18
The fact that this game is in the same breath as 18 is laughable. It’s not 18 thank god but definitely the second worst iteration in the last 5 years hands down. Could have been the best too if they trusted what they had in the beginning
@KommanderNKeef9 said in Why some believe in scripting or tilting:
@STEFANDROOO said in Why some believe in scripting or tilting:
Watch serenity vid and you’ll see why people believe in “tiliting” “Scripting”
Is there a link? Would like to watch
Here ya go
Watch serenity vid and you’ll see why people believe in “tiliting” “Scripting”
The serenity video is telling... if it’s possible to illustrate everything wrong with this game in 5 minutes or less then it’s truly perfect.. This game is a joke in its current state and borderline unplayable at time especially on AS. Skill gap continues to vanish with each patch and for someone that tries to play competitively it’s getting more and more difficult to care when you got all the best players bashing this game and for good reason. The worst part is we literally can’t get excited no matter how good the gameplay looks for MLB the Show 2021 because we’ve seen they’ll pull the old bait and switch as soon as little billy starts to get upset.
Nobody Playing Event?
Shippet should be Seperate game mode like Shipment 24/7
2 more games dropped while I was winning big
Rollins Reviews
I'm Convinced WS Players Know How To Cheat
Cal ripken Jr HRD reviews
It's FUnny How...
Selling Mike Trout first week of the Game... Deeply Regret
These new moments
Update 1.13 Discussion
Approaching Prestige Level 25...
People can be little brats
Take Showdown out of the game!
World Series game
Started off 22-5 in Ranked Seasons (1st season)
Started off 22-5 in Ranked Seasons (1st season)
What MLB the show 21 has to have
Why some believe in scripting or tilting
Why some believe in scripting or tilting
This is bad