@freeze-time-007_xbl said in Playing very toxic player...I'm up 8 to 2, game is frozen now:
Turn off your messages at least if you are going to play online.
those messages give me extra motivation to whoop em love getting them
@freeze-time-007_xbl said in Playing very toxic player...I'm up 8 to 2, game is frozen now:
Turn off your messages at least if you are going to play online.
those messages give me extra motivation to whoop em love getting them
Also online rated might look easier to you but it just shows your true skill level IMO. You are not running around with 15 diamonds that can bail you out and relief pitching 100+ k/9 to save you. This shows you actually how good you are how you manage your team to get the W and not All the juiced Dimonds to save you or get lucky. While there is a bit of randomness not nearly as much as DD
Like your 7 8 and 9 hitters are up you need a run can you do it with a guy with 40-40 contact and power?
@vvsharkyvv_xbl said in Why is online rated so much easier than dd:
How to get rating up? I'm 48-17. I wont play cross play because when I do, my defense doesn't work right . I cant cover a ground ball 2 ft to either side where as always was routine outs. Outfielders are slower. It's weird
dont lose.
@vvsharkyvv_xbl said in Why is online rated so much easier than dd:
In DD I suck. I'm like 24-40
In OR, I've played rookie, veteran and all star and im 45-15.
Get that Rating up so you actually play people that know how to play. I started off like 50-2 got the rating up now 100-23 or so. So much more comp as your rating gets better.
i need to see a video of these Warping pitches while batting
@charterbus_psn said in Respect button:
Sure sending a “nice hit” message after every K or “nice pitch” during a HR replay would be hilarious but this isn’t rocket league. Just send them a message. “Most” gets thrown around a lot on this forum of about 45 total people. “Most” people don’t have messages off the same way “most” don’t bunt dance or replay homeruns.
I’ve played like 100 games, received no messages, never got BMed by anyone. One HR replay which was a no doubter by Johnny Cueto in the moonshot event so it’s all g. It’s blown out of proportion.
The servers aren’t as bad as Demise says the same way online gameplay isn’t as toxic as dudes with messages turned OFF say it is. It’s in there heads, they need an excuse for why they can’t win but others can. Blaming others comes first, blaming the devs second, blaming the opponents ethnicity third, internet provider fourth, and somewhere way down in about 14th place is them checking there hitting feedback and seeing the “dead center” swing was actually a 9 and late.
You said it best
@charterbus_psn said in Serious question:
@spc_garza_mlbts said in Serious question:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Serious question:
@spc_garza_mlbts said in Serious question:
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Serious question:
@butta-perrone_xbl said in Serious question:
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Serious question:
How can this game be this [censored] bad?
1st RS game today. Score 4 runs off Mussina in the bottom of 2nd. Top 3rd here comes the bs hits for 1 run. Bottom of 3rd almost dead center pci with Banks against a RH for a routine fly ball to center. Top of 4th, broken bat infield single of course followed by a HR. Up 4-3, freeze in bottom of 4th. Of course this person won't quit. Do they ever? Inching toward more pubg the more and more I play this pathetic game. Don't even need to get into the foul balls, dives, disconnects.
Hasn't SDS been doing this for 15+ years? How is this not a better product by now?
You have been complaining for years. Why do you even play anymore?
You really think I care what you people think? I would expect people that have been making this game for 15+ years to have a clue on how to make it.
Where are these “Warping” Pitches at?
I’ve seen it, just not as much as him. It happens when opponents get on Mc WiFi, especially when you’re not the home team.
while batting? I am sorry i just play everyday and have never seen this while batting
It’s only when teams where certain jerseys and don’t bat .185 against bronze and silver pitchers
.185? lol
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Serious question:
@spc_garza_mlbts said in Serious question:
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Serious question:
@butta-perrone_xbl said in Serious question:
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Serious question:
How can this game be this [censored] bad?
1st RS game today. Score 4 runs off Mussina in the bottom of 2nd. Top 3rd here comes the bs hits for 1 run. Bottom of 3rd almost dead center pci with Banks against a RH for a routine fly ball to center. Top of 4th, broken bat infield single of course followed by a HR. Up 4-3, freeze in bottom of 4th. Of course this person won't quit. Do they ever? Inching toward more pubg the more and more I play this pathetic game. Don't even need to get into the foul balls, dives, disconnects.
Hasn't SDS been doing this for 15+ years? How is this not a better product by now?
You have been complaining for years. Why do you even play anymore?
You really think I care what you people think? I would expect people that have been making this game for 15+ years to have a clue on how to make it.
Where are these “Warping” Pitches at?
I’ve seen it, just not as much as him. It happens when opponents get on Mc WiFi, especially when you’re not the home team.
while batting? I am sorry i just play everyday and have never seen this while batting
@chuckclc_psn said in 2 different games to get into WS:
No collections here yet man. I dont buy stubs so takes me a bit. Still need deGrom and Scherzer.
my squad still 85 Ovr
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Serious question:
@butta-perrone_xbl said in Serious question:
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Serious question:
How can this game be this [censored] bad?
1st RS game today. Score 4 runs off Mussina in the bottom of 2nd. Top 3rd here comes the bs hits for 1 run. Bottom of 3rd almost dead center pci with Banks against a RH for a routine fly ball to center. Top of 4th, broken bat infield single of course followed by a HR. Up 4-3, freeze in bottom of 4th. Of course this person won't quit. Do they ever? Inching toward more pubg the more and more I play this pathetic game. Don't even need to get into the foul balls, dives, disconnects.
Hasn't SDS been doing this for 15+ years? How is this not a better product by now?
You have been complaining for years. Why do you even play anymore?
You really think I care what you people think? I would expect people that have been making this game for 15+ years to have a clue on how to make it.
Where are these “Warping” Pitches at?
Those people are call Center Swingers they dont swing at anything. Thats why i always like having a straight fastball to dot them up with. some of them no matter what dont come off it lol those make for very easy games and that might explain the .500 win percentage. also with them don't get fancy just keep the ball out the middle pitch to contact and paint some corners easy win.
where are these warping pitches at?
@thewooderboy__psn said in Braves Chop:
@ajelder04_psn said in Braves Chop:
They have said it isn’t a problem
https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/fl-xpm-1991-11-29-9102190437-story.htmlDid you really just share an article from…1991…?
@ajelder04_psn said in Braves Chop:
They have said it isn’t a problem
Right lol i did his quick 5 second google search and Post said Most don't mind but some do ect… You will never get 100% agreement but majority rules. That is life some people no matter who you are is going to have an issue.
@richismushbud_psn said in Braves Chop:
@spc_garza_mlbts said in Braves Chop:
@richismushbud_psn said in Braves Chop:
@spc_garza_mlbts said in Braves Chop:
I say let the Native American's have a vote on if they think this is racist…. Instead of White 20’s trying to tell other cultures what is or is not racist.
That would be nice. Actually talking to people rather than allowing know-nothing gatekeepers dictate speech
Right talking about issues who would have thunk lol.
I travel constantly and get to meet every kind of American you can imagine. Most people are trying to do their best and are tired of partisan, extremist policy. Both sides do it. Both are wrong. Both are ruining our country and world
I agree
@richismushbud_psn said in Braves Chop:
@spc_garza_mlbts said in Braves Chop:
I say let the Native American's have a vote on if they think this is racist…. Instead of White 20’s trying to tell other cultures what is or is not racist.
That would be nice. Actually talking to people rather than allowing know-nothing gatekeepers dictate speech
Right talking about issues who would have thunk lol.
I say let the Native American's have a vote on if they think this is racist…. Instead of White 20’s trying to tell other cultures what is or is not racist.
@kovz88_psn said in Braves Chop:
@spc_garza_mlbts said in Braves Chop:
@kovz88_psn said in Braves Chop:
@spc_garza_mlbts said in Braves Chop:
@kovz88_psn said in Braves Chop:
@ajelder04_psn said in Braves Chop:
@kovz88_psn said in Braves Chop:
It would take all of 5 seconds on Google to see all the protests and statements from Native American led groups regarding the chop. People just like to pretend they don't have a problem with it because they don't want to have to change a name or a chant.
What about the silent majority? Like most things the people that have no trouble with something don’t make a big deal out of something. We see that all over society now. The vocal minority that is the only one heard. Look at the “Get woke, go broke” when a company puts politics ahead of making a quality product, the company suffers for it.
The Silent majority doesn't exist. Everyone that claims to be part of it that I know never seems to shut up so the silent part doesn't work and usually noone agreed with them so the majority part doesn't work either. It's a line people like to use when they have nothing to back up their argument so they try to act like they have people backing them up. It's like when people say 'real americans' do this.
It's also funny to me how the same people that cry about 'cancel culture' try saying 'get woke go broke: not realizing that is essentially their version of cancel culture. The difference being that like most things in their life 'get woke go broke' is a failure.
One day you will realize you are wrong and you have been brainwashed.
Says the guy trying to defend the team name 'African Apes'.
People like to you like to call people brainwashed even tho it is you who hits every right wing talking point/excuse and has nothing original to say. I actually research things, listen to people and read articles from people I disagree with to try and get insight into why people think the way they do. People like you just go 'lol woke sheep' whenever someone disagrees with you. It's rather embarrassing to say the leastNever defended it read it again correctly. Again a bunch of assumptions you see thats the problem with that way of thinking Assuming what others intentions are once we go down that road freedom is over.
If someone is making the team name 'African Apes' there is a very high chance that it is meant to be racist or they just think it's funny. Of course there could be the small chance that someone just loves Apes but if they are unaware of how that name could come across with the way the world is right now then they are ignorant and ignorance is not an excuse.
Did you also see i said i reported a team name African slave trader? With one is worst? African Apes or African slave trader? One there is no assumptions one is just Dumb
@kovz88_psn said in Braves Chop:
@spc_garza_mlbts said in Braves Chop:
@kovz88_psn said in Braves Chop:
@ajelder04_psn said in Braves Chop:
@kovz88_psn said in Braves Chop:
It would take all of 5 seconds on Google to see all the protests and statements from Native American led groups regarding the chop. People just like to pretend they don't have a problem with it because they don't want to have to change a name or a chant.
What about the silent majority? Like most things the people that have no trouble with something don’t make a big deal out of something. We see that all over society now. The vocal minority that is the only one heard. Look at the “Get woke, go broke” when a company puts politics ahead of making a quality product, the company suffers for it.
The Silent majority doesn't exist. Everyone that claims to be part of it that I know never seems to shut up so the silent part doesn't work and usually noone agreed with them so the majority part doesn't work either. It's a line people like to use when they have nothing to back up their argument so they try to act like they have people backing them up. It's like when people say 'real americans' do this.
It's also funny to me how the same people that cry about 'cancel culture' try saying 'get woke go broke: not realizing that is essentially their version of cancel culture. The difference being that like most things in their life 'get woke go broke' is a failure.
One day you will realize you are wrong and you have been brainwashed.
Says the guy trying to defend the team name 'African Apes'.
People like to you like to call people brainwashed even tho it is you who hits every right wing talking point/excuse and has nothing original to say. I actually research things, listen to people and read articles from people I disagree with to try and get insight into why people think the way they do. People like you just go 'lol woke sheep' whenever someone disagrees with you. It's rather embarrassing to say the least
Never defended it read it again correctly. Again a bunch of assumptions you see thats the problem with that way of thinking Assuming what others intentions are once we go down that road freedom is over.
@kovz88_psn said in Braves Chop:
@ajelder04_psn said in Braves Chop:
@kovz88_psn said in Braves Chop:
It would take all of 5 seconds on Google to see all the protests and statements from Native American led groups regarding the chop. People just like to pretend they don't have a problem with it because they don't want to have to change a name or a chant.
What about the silent majority? Like most things the people that have no trouble with something don’t make a big deal out of something. We see that all over society now. The vocal minority that is the only one heard. Look at the “Get woke, go broke” when a company puts politics ahead of making a quality product, the company suffers for it.
The Silent majority doesn't exist. Everyone that claims to be part of it that I know never seems to shut up so the silent part doesn't work and usually noone agreed with them so the majority part doesn't work either. It's a line people like to use when they have nothing to back up their argument so they try to act like they have people backing them up. It's like when people say 'real americans' do this.
It's also funny to me how the same people that cry about 'cancel culture' try saying 'get woke go broke: not realizing that is essentially their version of cancel culture. The difference being that like most things in their life 'get woke go broke' is a failure.
One day you will realize you are wrong and you have been brainwashed.