Could someone please teach this person the basics of economics.....

@genopolanco_psn said in Universal DH:
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Universal DH:
@killerpresence4 said in Universal DH:
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Universal DH:
Seriously how hard could it be to implement into DD. With Cruz's new card it makes it even worse that its not in the game. Any chance theres plans later in the year for it? Highly doubt it but dang it would be nice.
It’s not hard to implement, it’s been done intentionally. I predicted it last year that DD wasn’t going to have it. Why you ask??? Because seriously, do we need more offense in this game? Plus it’s kinda cool going yard with a pitcher!!!
It would make sense that a game licensed by major league baseball would adjust the game accordingly. Pitchers dont hit anymore and who cares we need more offense. Hitting engine is broken and inconsistent but still more offense is fun.
They did adjust for simulation modes. DD is it’s own thing. They don’t need to do anything. I would like a DH, but what the MLB does really doesn’t matter in DD.
Then why do they put a runner at second for extra inning or not make u pitch to three batters or until the end of the inning with a RP. Makes no sense...
So there's a glitch in the game that keeps making the game crash when playing RS. I created a two way player P/C. For some reason when I pitch with him it also leaves my guy in at catcher so I'm using my created guy in both positions. When I get a hit with one of them they are both on base at the same time. They will also have two bats when at the plate. This causes the game to freeze. Anyone else have this happen???
Sorry didn't see this was on RTTS thread
Events and RS keeps crashing on me. I'm on a ps5, connection speed still the same on my end. Wondering if anyone else is having issues?
Working on my created guy got him to a 90 ovr. He gets inured at the end of the season. Put on the 60 day dl so I miss the playoffs with him. Re-signed with my team in the off season, but it won't let me play any games in the calender. I hit play next and it just sits there. So all the hours I've put into creating my guy and trying to boost him. Now I'm stuck and can't do anything else and he's stuck at a 90ovr and I have 166 points on the diamond power tasks but now can't go anyfurther... wtf. Anyone experience this?
I can make it happen in franchise mode. It shouldn't be that difficult...
Since Mlb is using the universal DH how come its not in the game?
I just played the 4th game in mini seasons. Won the game, but got the loss. Also having issues with co op crashing after a bullpen change.. sorry if this has already been brought up here, but maybe the more it's posted the faster it gets fixed...
Same thing just happened to me
My friend had that happen to him the other evening as well....
I can't even start the mode. It just clicks when I try to enter then freezes and kicks me out. Been like that since friday...
If Ohtani is going to be the most expensive why is he hard to get in packs?
Universal DH
Created two way player
Anyone else having issues with events and RS?
Anyone else having issues with events and RS?
Universal DH
Universal DH
Anyone else having issues?
And...It's Back: Mini Season Bug
I got Barry Bonds'd
Mini Seasons “ An Unhandled Server Error Has Occurred”