I wish they would’ve spaced out the stages better or made it where we didn’t have to wait like 3+ months for stage 4

Ppl will always say a version of something from the past is better than the current version. Whether its this video game, the U.S., the NBA, Super bowl commercials, etc. - the list goes on and on. It's just what people do to complain. I think this game is miles beyond MLB20. Pinpoint pitching and the parallel system on their own, set it apart for me. And that old timers program will likely pop up in the next month or so, it's coming
@codywolfgang_xbl said in Why do people play events and BR on All-Star difficulty?:
Needs to be the same difficulty for everything so everything is uniform. Doesn’t matter how many rank points you get we should all be playing the same game. Statistics mean nothing because you don’t know what game mode or difficulty someone has been playing.
You should read 1984 you would like it
Rafeal Furcal, Javy Lopez, both Giles brothers, Barry Zito, Tim Hudson, Orlando Hudson, Julio Franco, Dontrelle Willis, Mark Texiera, Jeff Franceour
@dbarmonstar_psn said in New Legends/Fashback Collection:
@snead4heisman_ said in New Legends/Fashback Collection:
@sevisonjn_psn said in New Legends/Fashback Collection:
I think a Clemente/Aaron/Martinez collection is on the way.
I could see that but I think those cards will all eventually be in inning programs to make it easier for people to obtain for their first years in the game. My guess for this collection would be an elite legend bat like Willie Mays or Jimmie Foxx
They did Wagner in his first year. They have yet to do a pitcher so I do not think it will be Martinez,
True I didnt think about that - I do think it will be a bat mainly because they used a pitcher (Rivera) for the first part of it
@pdoss3_psn said in When you create a theme team for a club..:
I only use cards that are Braves for my theme team. It hurts this year with the good Glavine, Maddux and Justice cards not being Braves.
I usually try to do the same with my Braves team but I cant leave Madx and Glavine off. They are Braves legends thru and thru. Still salty they arent braves cards this year. I wish they'd make some sort of Sheffield Braves card too, he was one of my favorite Braves ever even tho he wasnt there too long. Doesnt have to be a 99 Braves sheffy, just gimme like a veteran card or something
There’s no way they don’t mess with the gameplay sliders whenever they do quick counts on all star. It’s always significantly easier to hit, it’s like playing on veteran. The average runs per event game for me is significantly higher in this event than the last with the East, despite the central having much better pitchers IMO
This collection was so much easier than last year imo. Which makes me think there could be a part 2 Honus/Trout type collection towards the end of the game where you need to collect like 40+ of the 3 major card types and like 15-20 prestige cards, plus any new card collections that get added
Is there a secret to this I don’t know about? Every time I take an extended lead online I get picked off. And then on the mound I’ll throw 100 straight pick off attempts at a guy with a big lead and never get the runner, so I’ll just quit trying and my opponent swipes every bag he goes for. I’m a World Series player, I know how to quick pitch and change up timing to the plate but I don’t understand how I always get picked off the few times I try to get a big lead but can never pickoff my opponents
How long have you guys been preparing for TA4?
I grinded out TAs 1-3 the hard way and don’t miss it at all so I’m hoping to just do exchanges for TA4. Finished TA3 in mid-July and haven’t sold a single card since Whit my eye on completing TA4 as soon as it drops by just doing exchanges with everything I’ve said up in Inventory. Anyone else hoping to pull this off too?
Schwarber's attributes vs RHP will be insane. I think I read where all of his HRs except one this year were against righties. He's had a good BA over the last month so I expect maybe 120/125 vs RHP and like 65/105 vs LHPs with mediocre defense if he is the lightning, which he will be.
I would use those stubs to invest in legend/flashback cards with an emphasis on milestone, sig, awards, prime series. The new legend collection will drop within the next couple of weeks, and when it does all those cards will have massive increases in price
If 99 Maddux isnt a Braves card Im done playing this game
So I'm playing BR yesterday and trying to go 12-0 flawless for the first time ever. I'm 10-0 and I win an incredibly sweaty game against a player with an insane ranked record and I'm feeling amazing about my chances. When I load out of the game it tells me the game wasnt recorded due to a friendly quit (friendly quits do not exist in BR), so I didnt get credit for the win. I checked my game history and it didnt show up. I then re-booted my PS to see if that would work, and nothing. I started another game and all my pitcher's energy was the same as the game before, like the last game I won never happened.
I've never really posted on here about issues with gameplay but having something like that happen when I was so close to going flawless is beyond frustrating.
Yeah I was very thrown off when they did All Star cards for TA3 because of how similar it felt to the Finest series. There are certainly a lot of teams that could have a different player worthy of the finest card than who received the All star card in TA3, but regardless it will feel pretty much the same. I'm not saying I wish they hadnt done the all star series this year, but it definitely will take away from the value and excitement around the finest series which has always been a great card series to look forward to at the end of the year.
I cant imagine someone picking Brett or Kemp over this 99 Pedro, this will be the most lopsided program of the year when they announce the percentages of the bosses selected
I love Shippett it has the best batters eye by far in my opinion and it helps pad stats for parallel-ing players. Even tho it's probably not true, I'm also convinced the gameplay in Shippest is the least laggy.
Plus I consider myself a pretty good player, and I feel like there's more of a chance of a lesser player beating me by winning a slow paced, pitchers duel than in a shootout so I like playing at shippet because it enhances my chances of that happening.
@bloopnablast_34_psn said in Why won’t they make a good catcher!!:
3 catchers I wanna see soon.. Javy Lopez, Thurman Munson, and Mauer.
Javy Lopez would be such a fun card to use
Braves will definitely be Freeman and I'd be surprised if they don't have one or two others. Could easily see Riley and/or Morton getting a finest too. Would love to see a Soler finest but would be shocked if he did
Stage 4
Was the Show 20 that much better?
Why do people play events and BR on All-Star difficulty?
Early 2000's players you love and want to see
New Legends/Fashback Collection
When you create a theme team for a club..
Why the hell are quick counts on in a 3-inning game?!
Trout Collection thoughts
Online leading-off / pick-off
Prepping for TA4
Who all is getting POTM cards?
Market value before/after stream
97 Pujols
BR Complaint
Team Affinity
Signature Pedro
Why shippett?
Why won’t they make a good catcher!!
Finest Predictions