@l-Eat-Greens he is definitely in the game. He shows on the Red Sox roster after the roster update a week or so ago. I don’t know what the issue is with your roster but he’s definitely there

The new hair physics are present on the game I’m playing on my series X. Check to make sure you downloaded the correct version.
The original versions of MLB the show back in the day, the off-season was a menu with phases and you couldn’t simulate through a calendar. People didn’t like that and wanted a real calendar with real dates and real deadlines. So with that suggestion of yours, and if I am understanding that suggestion correctly, we would in fact be moving backwards.
I do agree with most of the other suggestions.
I agree. It’s been like that for two years now. It’s just dumb. I have on occasion just had guys have their photos disappear after roster updates and such. It’s weird and super annoying.
If you moved them to and from the minor leagues their picture disappears. If you trade them to another team and later back to yours it disappears. The one that’s most frustrating is the first one. Just them being sent to AAA makes their player image disappear which is dumb but it’s been like that for a couple years now
As long as the save file shows the picture of your stadium in the menu, upload it to the vault and then download it from the vault. I’ve had to do this to a few of my stadiums this year. But it gets the stadium back every time.
My player on third always scores on a poor throw according to Boog. That’s another one.
Or he says “a terrible job getting back in to the infield and it costs them a run.”
I am pretty sure my extra base hit into the gap is what had my guy score.
I was just about to post this same thing. Every single one of my runs has been scored on a bad throw from the outfield. Hearing Boog say that bad throw from the outfield cost them a run is going to get really old really quick
@fubar2k7_PSN said in Wind?:
@SithLordAndrewH_XBL said in Wind?:
@fubar2k7_PSN said in Wind?:
@SithLordAndrewH_XBL said in Wind?:
I have wind in almost all of my games I play in franchise. I am able to turn it on and off in the settings.
Where in the settings is wind? I just turned 50 so maybe I’m just missing it. Lol.
Ok technically it’s under sliders but sliders is in the settings menu so I’m not that far off. Lol
Those sliders only effect the wind that’s listed in the game log so if there is zero wind, which I guarantee it’ll say when you look, then you are effecting zero wind. So you are actually effecting nothing with those sliders.
EDIT: Game log no wind, the slider states shift to right to increase the effect of the wind present in the stadium. No wind is present thus it increases nothing.
Idk what to you all man. It works for me. Idk why but it does. Sucks that you all have this problem but I don’t. I was just trying to help.
@fubar2k7_PSN said in Wind?:
@SithLordAndrewH_XBL said in Wind?:
I have wind in almost all of my games I play in franchise. I am able to turn it on and off in the settings.
Where in the settings is wind? I just turned 50 so maybe I’m just missing it. Lol.
Ok technically it’s under sliders but sliders is in the settings menu so I’m not that far off. Lol
You can’t change it. It’s one of the most unnecessary changes they made to this year’s game. I like the previous version of base runner window much much better.
I have wind in almost all of my games I play in franchise. I am able to turn it on and off in the settings.
He was added in the roster update in April when he was reinstated from his suspension. So try updating your roster.
@fubar2k7_PSN said in Updating Ages?:
@Jbird122184_PSN said in Updating Ages?:
@fubar2k7_PSN said in Updating Ages?:
I’ve been playing since 2006 and it’s always been they age in the off season. If they haven’t aged yet they will when you get there.
Thank you so much. I just would like to actually make it so there birthdays can be be updated. That's how the show used to be and I don't know why they took that out.
You have another game in mind. As I said I’ve been playing since 2006 and this game updates ages in the offseason. As a Dodgers fan I’d always take note that Kershaw was always a year younger in my franchise due to his birthday being March 19th and the game not aging him until the offseason.
Yeah I have been playing since the first MLB the show back in 06 and it has always updated ages in the off-season and has never had the birthday option.
Yes but only at the end of each season between the World Series ending and free agency beginning.
As long as you have any of the updated rosters since he was reinstated then yes he is there.
@DancinDays_PSN said in This game is basically gambling with very little skill involved:
@SithLordAndrewH_XBL said in This game is basically gambling with very little skill involved:
I think hitting is atrocious this year. I have so many perfect perfect fly outs, 3 hopper double plays, and even a few pop outs to infielders/catcher it is incredibly frustrating. I play franchise and it’s just bad. I can’t believe how poor hitting this year is compared to last year.
So whenever you hit the ball, it should go where you want it to? Not to a fielder? Ever watch real baseball? Sometimes the ball is crushed and still an out. Sometimes players get bloop hits or slow roll singles.
That's what makes the game great, IMHO.
Try lightening up a bit, just have some fun.
I watch baseball a lot so yes I know how real baseball works and that it’s not going to be perfect every time.
I’m not expecting every good or perfect contact to result in the ball going where I want and I expect that outs will happen. The frequency at which thing happen is the issue.
I compared the hitting to last years game. This year seems more dead offensively than last year and poor outcomes are happening at a much higher rate.
I enjoy this game to much and play for fun. The exact reason I play franchise is to have fun without having to deal with all of the online try hards. I can have an opinion just like you so don’t tell me to lighten up when you are the extra king me for my opinion.
I think hitting is atrocious this year. I have so many perfect perfect fly outs, 3 hopper double plays, and even a few pop outs to infielders/catcher it is incredibly frustrating. I play franchise and it’s just bad. I can’t believe how poor hitting this year is compared to last year.
@AfterShockGamer_XBL said in Are all 30 teams going to get city connect uniforms ?:
The current plan is 8 per year, so far 22 teams have unveiled one so next year another 8 will. Dont think all 30 unis will be in the game, sadly.
You might want to check your numbers there bud. Your statement is completely inaccurate. In 2021 there were 7. In 2022 there were 7 more. This year 6 are being added with 3 of them being unveiled so far. So if we math for a second here 7+7+3=17 city connects to this point. With the 3 more that are scheduled for the year that would bring us to a grand total of 20. So how you got your numbers makes zero sense to me.
Marcelo Mayer
New hair physics not on Xbox versions
Show 24 Franchise Improvements
Player Picture During Games
Player Picture During Games
Brand new stadium now a template
Commentary Update 8
Commentary Update 8
Commentary Update 8
Base runner Screen
Fernando Tatis Jr
Updating Ages?
Fernando Tatis
This game is basically gambling with very little skill involved
This game is basically gambling with very little skill involved
Are all 30 teams going to get city connect uniforms ?