Double Flawless

I’ve barely played and have stuck mostly to RTTS when I have logged on. These seasons suck. The grind that gets me is that if I want to unlock cards, I can’t play with the roster I want, and instead have to use terrible cards to achieve the goal to get other cards to progress. It’s a terrible cycle.
So… I stopped playing. Playing other games and having fun.
Let's face it, the game is geared toward those that spend money on the cards/packs and those are primarily online competitive players. It is DESIGNED to run out of offline content, forcing you to play head to head. I'm with you. I'm terrible at online and as long as players like us stay away, the game has major detriments to players like us logging on. I win at most one in 5 or even 10 events games (and I have a great roster), meaning I can't even get event rewards consistently with the time I have.
@Tylerslikewhoa You mean where they give away all those packs that people paid money for now that the packs are virtually useless?
Or maybe that they are finally realizing that players can't be forced to play 40+ hours a week to grind for xp in this game to get these cards.
There have been so many missteps this year that it's hard to even imagine that they will correct it.
Yep! Typical SDS can't count. I'm sure they want the captain on there but forgot him. Great QA they have!
What if the bots were actually SDS trying to make the game seem more active than it is for shareholders...
Why the game allows the bots to exist is beyond me. On top of that the matchmaking is trash. I don't play online competitive anymore because I feel like I kept getting matched against greatly superior opponents and no matter how many times I lost, boom, here's another much better player with a much better team I'm facing. I'm not good at all. I'd love a beginner level where they keep out the players that love to just beat up on us scrubs.
I honestly think that is the main purpose of the bots. Get to WS, and then run the bot to tank your record back down to get easy stats against players like me. The problem is that players like me just quit and stop playing those modes entirely.
@AdeptOfMemory They have to mentally justify the thousands of dollars they spent. If everyone quits, they feel they didn't spend wisely (they didn't).
Yep, I can't play when they want me to play, which is as a fulltime job. So... I can't get any of the better rewards. As such, I'm a filthy casual I guess and have moved on to other games. Maybe I'll give season 2 a shot, but I'm guessing I'll hop on to play RTTS perhaps but that was beyond easy for me on all-star when playing as the game intended. Maybe I'll do one without any equipment or perks or something and see if that provides more fun.
@AdeptOfMemory exactly this. I’m not poor. I can afford whatever I want. However, my time is valuable and all they did was make it so I won’t waste it ever again that way as I could have been doing other things.
I hope most of you enjoy slobbering on SDS. I’m cool. I’ll spend my money elsewhere from now on.
@xxfrystealerxx I did not get anything. It’s effing stupid if it’s random. Not wasting my time again.
@xElRojo44x but they did have day 1 99s… if you spent a couple thousand dollars you could get all the love collection and get babe on day 1.
Lol. They are beyond tone deaf.
@yankblan no kidding. Hey abandon your family and enjoy this 2x weekend! I appreciate the effort but at best I’ll play an hour or two this weekend.
@originalPGOODY lol. My time is valuable. I took a pause out of my day to provide good thoughtful feedback and was rewarded with nothing. It costs sds nothing to throw a pack or two at people for filling it out. Goodwill goes a long way. I’ve learned my lesson. Never doing a survey for them again.
But they are happy throwing another 30-40k pack in the store too.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X I got nothing.
I’m a casual. I can’t win against online opponents at this point and the reward paths all require wins or stubs (BR) with time to get a sniff at something. So I don’t play. I’ve run into too many toxic players and I quickly grew tired of the matchmaking pairing me with players way above my ability level.
And not even a pack as a reward or thank you.
Insert middle finger here.
Tone deaf
That really stinks. Thanks.
Definitely control the draft and I'd also control the trades.
I haven't tried it this year but if you keep on rejecting their renewal contract offer and make crazy offers of your own, they used to not resign you and you could pick your team in the offseason.
New card
Please sds
Addressing offline content issues in season 2
SDS taking BIG W’s today
The Negro Leagues Collection
Bot Opponents?
after all these maintenance days you can’t stop these hackers?!?
This game is dead the casuals have left
There's 3 weeks left in season 1. Why do we still have a daily XP cap?
20 min survey
Companion app survey
This game is dead the casuals have left
This game is dead the casuals have left
20 min survey
20 min survey
This game is dead the casuals have left
20 min survey
Egg hunt map bugged
Minor league franchise
Why can’t I leave my team